Tag: Mauthausen Concentration Camp

Lawrence Langer, a renowned scholar of Holocaust testimony, has passed away at the age of 94.
Actor and playwright Tom Bird presented a unique and powerful staged reading titled "Bearing Witness" on Holocaust Memorial Day in April, intertwining narratives of World War II, the Vietnam War, and the Holocaust through a father-and-son story.
The head of Austria's Jewish community criticized prosecutors for not indicting authors of an article in a far-right magazine affiliated with the FPO party that labeled Holocaust survivors at Mauthausen as murderers and criminals.
Tibor Rubin, a Hungarian Jew and Holocaust survivor, endured horrors at Mauthausen concentration camp before immigrating to the U.S. where he enlisted in the Army during the Korean War.
Swastikas and the word "Hitler" were found graffitied at the former Mauthausen concentration camp, now a museum and memorial.
Israeli artist Dani Gal's installation "As from Afar" at the Jewish Museum explores the unexpected late-life friendship between Nazi hunter Simon Wiesenthal and Nazi architect Albert Speer.
"The Eternal Nazi" by Nicholas Kulish and Souad Mekhennet is a compelling account of the hunt for Nazi doctor Aribert Heim, infamous for his sadistic medical experiments at Mauthausen concentration camp.