Tag: Melachim I

In this episode, the discussion revolves around significant events such as the reforming of the Israeli Supreme Court and the advancements in AI, exploring the lessons that can be drawn from these events and how they can enhance our understanding and observance of Rosh HaShana.
This episode delves into the Tanya's differentiation between the levels of Beinoni and Tzadik, exploring how one can discern if someone possesses the soul of a Tzadik.
This episode explores the definition of "Beinonim" according to the Tanya, focusing on its usage in Shas and classical interpretations.
This episode discusses the Tanya's perspective on the importance of performing mitzvot properly and the significance of doing so for the sake of Lishma.
In this episode, the discussion delves into the Tanya's emphasis on performing mitzvot with pure intent, known as lishma, and the growing interest in the inner aspects of Torah, or pnimius, in modern times compared to the past.
This episode discusses whether calling Tanya "Chassidic Philosophy" is accurate and explores the differences between how individuals in the Chassidic and Litvish worlds approach fulfilling mitzvot.
The text discusses the controversy surrounding the inclusion of Tanya's statements in general discussions of issues, particularly within the context of the Vilna Gaon's definition of sugya.
This episode discusses the challenges people face in relating to Tisha b'Av and the Kinnos, exploring the reasons behind this difficulty.