Tag: Mizrahim

"June Zero," a film directed by Jake Paltrow, explores the aftermath of the Eichmann trial, focusing on the issue of disposing of Adolf Eichmann's body after his hanging in Israel.
Isabel Kershner, a correspondent for The New York Times in Jerusalem, discusses the recent political developments in Israel and the deep-seated divisions within Israeli society.
This article traces the culinary history and cultural significance of beets in Jewish cuisine.
Allison, Don, and Noah delve into three major topics in the "BDS and the Rat Bastard Conundrum" edition.
The discussion in "The Jumpin Hegemony Edition" covers several topics: (1) the reasons why Mizrahim tend to avoid affiliating with the political Left due to experiences of oppression, (2) the trend of tourists specifically seeking out sites of conflict and oppression rather than cultural or historic landmarks, questioning whether this is positive or negative, and (3) the Ministry of Education funding a national initiative called 929, which involves reading the Bible collectively and its value as a significant investment.