Tag: Moshav

Francesca Segal's novel "Welcome to Glorious Tuga" is a delightful beach read set on an imaginary island populated by descendants of Brazilian Jews, incorporating elements of Jewish culture like Ladino language, Hebrew phrases, and dybbuk stories.
The article discusses the experiences of Israelis who were displaced from their homes during the 2005 disengagement from Gaza and the recent conflict with Hamas.
In Jerusalem, a market was set up to support farmers near the Gaza Strip who have been heavily impacted by the war.
Canadian-Israeli couple, Gloria and Howard Wener, residents of Sde Nitzan near Gaza, woke up to rockets and air raid warnings on October 7, 2023, amid a conflict between Israel and Hamas.
This article discusses the observance of shemitah, the seventh year in the agricultural cycle when Jewish farmers are expected to let their land lie fallow.