Tag: Nazi Persecution

The Kindertransport, which brought over 10,000 child refugees, primarily Jewish, to Britain in the late 1930s, is often portrayed as a successful state-run rescue mission.
The Jewish Foundation for the Righteous, a nonprofit organization based in New Jersey, is giving its largest ever holiday payment to 93 righteous gentiles who saved Jews during the Holocaust.
The article discusses the actions and decisions of Pope Pius XII during the Holocaust.
"I Have My Mother's Eyes" is a new Canadian chamber opera premiering at the Chutzpah Festival in Vancouver, spotlighting the legacy of Chiune Sugihara, known as "Japan's Schindler," who saved thousands of European Jews during the Holocaust by writing transit visas for them.
Jehovah's Witnesses were persecuted by the Nazis during the Holocaust.
Margaret Lambert, also known as Greta Bergmann, was a talented Jewish high jumper in Germany whose Olympic dreams were dashed due to Nazi persecution in the 1930s.
Austria has reached a significant milestone in coming to terms with its Nazi past as Chancellor Wolfgang Schssel declared legal peace after a federal judge in New York dismissed the last major Holocaust restitution case against Austria.