Tag: Nietzsche

Susan Sontag's novel, The Volcano Lover, is a complex and fragmented work that combines various forms of writing and explores themes of history, collecting, and love.
Jean Amry (formerly Hans Mayer) was a Jewish man from rural Austria who experienced the horrors of the Holocaust and became an outspoken critic of antisemitism and anti-Zionism.
The letters in this issue touch on various topics related to Jewish concerns.
Leo Strauss is a political philosopher who combines a respect for liberal democracy with a concern that it stifles free thinking.
Nietzsche's views on Jews and Judaism have sparked conflicting interpretations, with some seeing him as anti-Semitic and others as philo-Semitic.
This text describes a series of underground philosophy seminars held with a group of Hasidic Jewish participants, including Satmar and Lubavitcher members, exploring philosophical texts ranging from Plato to Nietzsche.