Tag: Plant Based Diet

Micah Siva, a dietitian and recipe writer, has created a plant-forward approach to traditional Jewish cuisine in her book "Nosh: Plant-Forward Recipes Celebrating Modern Jewish Cuisine."
Ben & Esther's Vegan Jewish Deli, located in Seattle, is gaining popularity as a successful plant-based Jewish deli.
This article discusses the author's experience of feeling isolated as the only plant-based eater during Passover and their journey towards hosting plant-based Seders.
In celebration of National Bagels and Lox Day, we asked 10 leading mayoral candidates in New York City about their favorite bagel toppings.
Vegan soldiers in the IDF are facing challenges with food options, especially during Shabbat, as highlighted by a recent incident where a cook prepared warm hummus for a vegan soldier on duty, resulting in the cook being disciplined for violating Shabbat regulations.
Tel Aviv has been recognized as the world's vegan capital, with over 400 vegan and vegan-friendly eateries catering to its 300,000 vegans.