Tag: Portugal

An exploration of the Jewish career of Dr. Fernando Isaac Cardoso, as presented during the Kosher River Cruise along the Douro River in Portugal.
Descendants of hidden Jews in Asia, particularly the Macanese in Macau, China, and the Kristang people in Singapore and Malaysia, are mixed-heritage creole communities who maintain unique languages inherited from their Sephardic Jewish ancestors forced to convert to Catholicism in the 16th century to escape the Inquisition.
Portugal holds a rich Jewish history worth exploring, especially during Passover in Lisbon, a city filled with Jewish heritage.
Harpo Marx, famous for his silence in the Marx Brothers comedy act, once tried to save his German Jewish aunt, Helene Schickler, from Europe during World War II.
The episode discusses Rabbi Yitzchak Abuav de Fonseca, one of the prominent Rabbis of Amsterdam in the 1630s, who was born in Portugal to a notable Rabbinical family.
This episode discusses the hidden century of the Crypto Jews, focusing on those Jews who were forced to convert in Portugal in 1497.
"Hitler's Jewish Refugees: Hope and Anxiety in Portugal" by Marion Kaplan explores the experiences of Jewish refugees in Portugal during World War II.
Spain and Portugal have recently passed laws inviting Sephardi Jews to seek citizenship if they can prove their ancestral ties to those expelled at the end of the 15th century or those who fled the Inquisition.