Tag: President Donald Trump

The U.S. Senate has passed a defense aid package for Israel, Ukraine, and Taiwan, including humanitarian assistance for Palestinians.
In this podcast episode, Dr. Naysan Rafati and journalist Neri Zilber discuss the Iran nuclear deal.
Congress is revisiting the topic of impeaching President Donald Trump, with Republicans feeling pressured and hesitant to support such a move, while Democrats are not actively encouraging betrayal of Trump.
Jonathan Swan, a national political correspondent at Axios, gained fame when his combative interview with President Trump went viral.
President Trump's four years in office have been marked by significant events such as the coronavirus pandemic, economic downturn, impeachment, and controversial decisions affecting American Jews.
The Abraham Accords, signed between Israel, the UAE, and Bahrain, mark a significant development in the Arab-Israeli conflict.
President Trump's admission to journalist Bob Woodward that he downplayed the seriousness of COVID-19 has created a media storm, portraying Trump negatively.
President Donald Trump's recent interview with ABC News host David Muir is a subject of mixed opinions on his performance.
Former Senator Joe Lieberman, who shifted from being a Democrat to an Independent, stated in a radio interview that while the Democratic Party as a whole is not anti-Jewish, there are some individual members, like Rep. Ilhan Omar, who have expressed anti-Semitic views.
Allison Kaplan Sommer, Noah Efron, and Miriam Herschlag from Times of Israel discuss the Likud primaries, the protests by Ethiopian-Israelis against police brutality, and Conan O'Brien's take on Israel.
Lyft's Jewish co-founder donated $1 million to the ACLU to fight against President Trump's immigration ban on 7 majority-Muslim countries.