Tag: Rav Aharon Feldman

The discussion delves into the traditional theodicy in Judaism, questioning the belief that bad events occur as a result of sin.
Rav Aharon Feldman, a prominent figure in Agudas Yisrael of America, offers a theodicy for the Gaza war in a letter suggesting it was a Divine message due to Israel's perceived godlessness.
In the charedi world, there is a belief that yeshiva students play a crucial role in winning the war, either by providing merit or by actually fighting against evil forces.
The American charedi Gedolei Torah's response to the March for Israel rally led to controversy, with no rabbis attending and ranging from weak endorsement to outright opposition.
Rav Aharon Feldman, a highly respected rabbi and member of Agudas Yisraels Moetzes Gedolei HaTorah, released a letter explaining his decision to withdraw support from a pro-Israel rally in Washington.