Tag: Religious Rights

Inmates at Woodbourne Correctional Facility in New York, including individuals of various religious beliefs, have filed a lawsuit against the state's corrections department for denying them the chance to witness the upcoming solar eclipse, which they view as a religious experience.
The recent Alabama Supreme Court ruling equating embryos with children has caused concern among American Jews relying on IVF, fearing loss of control over frozen embryos and restrictions on fertility treatments.
In this episode of the 18Forty Podcast, legal scholar Martha Minow discusses the limitations of teshuva (repentance) and the role of forgiveness in law and human culture.
The highest court in Europe recently upheld several Belgian regional bans on kosher and halal animal slaughter, which cuts off a local source of meat for observant Jews and Muslims.
In the story "Camp Fire" by Natan Sharansky from his book "Fear No Evil", the author describes his experience celebrating Hanukkah in a Soviet prison camp.