Tag: Rocket Attacks

Residents of northern Israel, facing ongoing threats and instability from Hezbollah in Lebanon, visited Washington, D.C. to highlight their displacement and the looming danger on Israel's northern border.
This year, sending kids to camp has become more complicated due to concerns about security, outings, and potential conflicts in Israel.
Due to a severe labor shortage in Israeli agriculture, volunteers from various professions and countries have come to help pick fruits and vegetables grown near the Gaza Strip.
Etgar Keret, a well-known Israeli author, discusses the emotional toll that the recent conflict with Gaza has taken on the Israeli people.
The author recounts their experience on Simchat Torah, a Jewish holiday marking the completion of the annual Torah reading cycle, which coincided with the outbreak of war in Israel.
In the midst of conflict between Israel and Gaza, the author reflects on how trivial daily concerns can overshadow the larger issues at hand.