Tag: Rothschild Family

The YouTube video delves into the history of the Rothschild family, tracing their banking empire from the Frankfurt ghettos to global prominence, while addressing enduring anti-Semitic conspiracy theories that depict them as controlling world events.
Amid the speculation surrounding Kate Middleton's disappearance, a connection has emerged between Prince William's alleged mistress, Rose Hanbury, and the Jewish Cholmondeley family.
The disappearance of Kate Middleton has sparked online theories linking her to Prince William's alleged affair with Rose Hanbury, whose husband David Cholmondeley is connected to the influential Jewish Sassoon family through his grandmother, Sybil Sassoon.
The National Library of Israel has opened its new home in Jerusalem, after years of delays and financial struggles.
The Rothschild family, although not as rich as Bezos and Gates, continues to be a target for antisemites and conspiracy theorists.
Michael Caputo, a former Trump campaign official and current spokesman for the Department of Health and Human Services, made controversial tweets accusing George Soros and the Rothschild family of exploiting the pandemic for control and personal agendas.