Tag: Secular Education

The text discusses the idea that the charedi community is becoming dependent on donations from philanthropists in the US, particularly for their yeshivos and kollels, but argues that this may not be the best approach in the long run.
The Conservative Party has included in their election manifesto a proposal to lift restrictions on entry to faith free schools, allowing them to admit pupils solely based on religion.
Chasidic protesters marched outside Parliament against a proposed Private Members Bill that would require a register of home-schooled children, affecting yeshivot with limited secular education.
The article explores the tension between parents and schools when it comes to education in Jewish Orthodox communities.
Recent data from Israel's Central Bureau of Statistics shows that the employment rate for Charedi men has increased to a record 55.8%, up from 52% in 2015.
A yeshiva in Brooklyn, Tents of Torah, has been found to be not providing the required secular curriculum by the New York City Department of Education.
The recent New York Times investigation into Hasidic yeshivas has sparked a debate about the ethics of covering the Hasidic world, the accountability of private institutions receiving government funds, and the rights of religious minority communities.
The New York Times published an article called "In Hasidic Enclaves, Failing Private Schools Flush with Public Money," which claimed that hasidic Jewish religious schools in New York receive a significant amount of government funding but provide poor secular education, practice corporal punishment, and evade outside oversight.
Eli Spitzer, a columnist and hasidic educator, discusses the New York Times' controversial article on hasidic schools in greater New York.
The Jewish establishment, including the UJA-Federation of New York and the Jewish Education Project, funds and supports Jewish schools in the region, including Hasidic yeshivas in Brooklyn.
Eric Adams, a leading candidate running for mayor of New York City, recently toured a Brooklyn yeshiva that had been under investigation for inadequate secular education standards.
Andrew Yang, a candidate for mayor of New York City, has stated that he would not interfere with yeshiva education if elected.