Tag: South African Jews

David Teeger, a rising star on South Africa's cricket scene, has been removed as the country's Under-19 team captain due to threats over Israel's war in Gaza.
The Jewish community in South Africa is facing challenges as the government demonstrates a bias towards Hamas and strengthens ties with the terrorist organization.
The Jewish community in South Africa is concerned about the government's support for Hamas following the terrorist group's attack on Israel.
Three panelists in South Africa discuss the evolving attitudes towards Israel among South African Jews, with previously unanimous support now being up for debate.
Three panelists, including a lawyer and politician, a retired anthropology lecturer, and a social activist from South Africa, discuss the evolving views of South African Jews towards Israel and Zionism.
Professor Rebeca Raijman of the University of Haifa speaks with host Gilad Halpern about her book "South African Jews in Israel: Assimilation in Multigenerational Perspective" in which she explores the unique features of the large Jewish community in South Africa and their migration to Israel.