Tag: Tanya

This discussion focuses on the approach to Torah Lishma according to the Vilna Gaon, often contrasted with R' Chaim Volozhin's views, particularly in Mishley.
This episode delves into the benefits of in-depth Torah study and how it can help individuals navigate challenges in maintaining commitment to Judaism.
The episode discusses Tanya's perspective on the connection between learning Torah and achieving Dveikus (closeness to God).
This episode delves into the debate between the Tanya and Nefesh HaChaim regarding Torah Lishma, focusing on R Chaim Volozhin's perspective and the importance of Avodas Hashem in the Misnagdic world as understood by figures like the Vilna Gaon.
This episode delves into the Vilna Gaon's interpretation of Tzadikim, Banonim, and Reshaim, comparing it to the teachings of Tanya on the same subject.
As we approach Rosh Hashanah, the Hebrew month of Elul serves as a time of spiritual preparation for the Days of Judgment.
This episode delves into the Tanya's differentiation between the levels of Beinoni and Tzadik, exploring how one can discern if someone possesses the soul of a Tzadik.
This episode explores the definition of "Beinonim" according to the Tanya, focusing on its usage in Shas and classical interpretations.
This episode discusses the Tanya's perspective on the importance of performing mitzvot properly and the significance of doing so for the sake of Lishma.
In this episode, the discussion delves into the Tanya's emphasis on performing mitzvot with pure intent, known as lishma, and the growing interest in the inner aspects of Torah, or pnimius, in modern times compared to the past.
This episode discusses whether calling Tanya "Chassidic Philosophy" is accurate and explores the differences between how individuals in the Chassidic and Litvish worlds approach fulfilling mitzvot.
The text discusses the controversy surrounding the inclusion of Tanya's statements in general discussions of issues, particularly within the context of the Vilna Gaon's definition of sugya.
This podcast episode delves into the theological ideas of the Baal Shem Tov (Besht), particularly focusing on Divine Providence (Hashgacha Pratit) and how it differs from the perspectives of other Jewish scholars like the Vilna Gaon.
Rabbi Adin Even Israel-Steinsaltz, known for his monumental translation of the Babylonian Talmud, passed away, leaving a legacy that reshaped Talmudic scholarship.
The essay discusses the teachings of the Lubavitcher Rebbe on accessing the soul and bringing about redemption in the world.
Rabbi Menachem Mendel Schneerson's role as an editor and publisher in spreading Hasidic teachings through the Chabad publishing house, Kehot, has been overlooked compared to his charismatic leadership and global outreach efforts.