Tag: Tefillah

The new books from OU Press include "The Mesorat HaRav Birkon" edited by Rabbi David Hellman, offering insights into Jewish liturgy and the teachings of Rabbi Joseph B. Soloveitchik; "Person in the Parasha" by Rabbi Dr. Tzvi Hersh Weinreb, examining the human elements in the Torah portion and drawing on personal experiences; and "Coming Closer: Understanding and Experiencing Tefillah" by Rabbi Yisrael Shlomo Goldfinger, which provides a fresh perspective on prayer, exploring the relationship between man and God through an analysis of tefillah sequences and patterns.
Chaim Goldberg reflects on the profound impact and spiritual guidance of Rav Aharon Lichtenstein, despite their limited direct interactions.
The text discusses the profound impact that Rav Aharon Lichtenstein had on the author, Chaim Goldberg, despite not having a close personal relationship with him.
The author recounts their personal struggle with reciting the prayer Unetaneh Tokef after the tragic death of their mother, feeling conflicted by its perception of God as punitive.
The text explores the power and relevance of prayer in Judaism, emphasizing the importance of speaking to God in one's own words to feel His presence in daily life.