Tag: Television Series

"Kafka," a limited series now streaming on ChaiFlicks, offers a fresh and deeply Jewish perspective on writer Franz Kafka, exploring his Jewish identity, relationships, and influences.
Two individuals, an American woman visiting her nieces and a woman who returned home to play a Nova survivor in a television series, bond over shared experiences in Israel.
Curb Your Enthusiasm, the popular HBO comedy created by Larry David, will end after its upcoming 12th season.
The hit Australian series "A Place to Call Home" features a complex character, Sarah Nordmann, who converts to Judaism and faces anti-Semitism in post-Holocaust Australia.
The article discusses how the TV show "Shtisel" presents a surprisingly progressive view of abortion within the Orthodox Jewish community.
In "The Keeva & Us Edition" podcast, Allison Kaplan Sommer, Noah Efron, and Don Futterman discuss various topics, including the intriguing partnership between pork-loving former Soviets and God-fearing ultra-Orthodox Jews in a Netanyahu government, the implementation of official credit ratings for all Israelis and its implications, and the anticipation for the return of the popular show "Shtisel."
Avi Issacharoff, co-creator of the popular TV series "Fauda," discusses the complexities of portraying the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and how a Palestinian terrorist character became a national heartthrob in Israel.
In a humorous take on the Brooklyn food coop culture, a writer reflects on their experiences as a member, including encounters with holier-than-thou attitudes over egg carton stacking and pronunciation.