Tag: Treblinka

Elie Wiesel reflects on the courage and tragedy of the young Jewish fighters in the Warsaw ghetto uprising, highlighting their isolation and the world's indifference to their struggle.
In 1942, over 265,000 Jews in the Warsaw Ghetto were transported to their deaths in Treblinka, while an additional 35,000 were killed inside the ghetto.
"A Play for the End of the World" by Jai Chakrabarti is a novel that tells the story of a fictional survivor of the Warsaw Ghetto orphanage who travels to rural India in 1972 to help a group of refugees stage a play.
In this discussion led by Times of Israel Ops & Blogs Editor Miriam Herschlag, Don Futterman, and Noah Efron, the topics covered include the Israeli government's nine-stage plan to exit the Covid lockdown, concerns about a perceived decline in civility among Israelis, a controversial ad equating animal abuse with Treblinka, and the debate over whether Jewish actress Gal Gadot should be allowed to play Cleopatra in a film.
Vasily Grossman's "An Armenian Sketchbook," now available in English for the first time, showcases the renowned Russian writer's personal reflections during his two-month trip to Armenia in 1961.