Tag: Twentieth Century

Henry Kissinger is noted as a prominent American diplomat with a complex legacy that stirs strong emotions and opinions.
This collection of poems by Linda Pastan, published in Moment Magazine between 1975 and 2015, covers a range of themes and topics.
Mel Brooks, born Melvin Kaminsky in Brooklyn in 1926, is a renowned comedian known for his American Jewish humor.
This text discusses the role of the shtadlan in Jewish history and pays tribute to modern-day shtadlanim of the 20th century who played important roles in advocating for the Jewish community.
In this episode of the Jewish Lives Podcast, Rachel Cohen, author of "Bernard Berenson: A Life in the Picture Trade," discusses the life of Bernard Berenson.
Louis D. Brandeis is hailed as a visionary constitutional philosopher of the twentieth century.
"Rooted Cosmopolitans: Jews and Human Rights in the Twentieth Century" by James Loeffler explores the history of prominent Jews who supported human rights before it became a widely accepted concept, some of whom contributed to modern human rights conventions.
The text features two poems related to the Holocaust: "Jewish Cemetery (Prague)" by Ida Gramcko and "Poetics" by Jacqueline Goldberg.