Tag: Two State Solution

The text criticizes the United Nations for honoring Ebrahim Raisi, known as the Butcher of Tehran, despite his regime's atrocities, including executing thousands and brutally suppressing dissent.
The text emphasizes the moral imperative of fully supporting Israel, rejecting comparisons of Zionism to Nazism and underscoring Israel's treatment of its Arab citizens as fundamentally different from apartheid.
Various letters to the editor discuss different aspects of Jewish communal leadership and events.
The text criticizes New York Times columnist Tom Friedman for his left-leaning opinions on Israel and his perceived ignorance of Jewish values due to his lack of observance.
Hamas has been making significant strides toward its war goals, including creating fear and insecurity among Israelis, sabotaging prospects for lasting peace between Israel and the Palestinians, fostering a surge in antisemitism worldwide, and isolating Israel on the international stage.
The article discusses the two-state solution and argues against its feasibility and support.
In this article, the author expresses support for a two-state solution but opposes giving land to Palestinians if it leads to a genocidal Palestinian entity that promotes violence against Jews.
Many celebrities, including Natalie Portman, Sarah Silverman, Bono, Alex Edelman, and others, have spoken out about the Israel-Gaza War.
In this episode of the Tel Aviv Review, host Gilad Halpern, along with Allison Kaplan Sommer and Noah Efron, cover significant topics including Israel's transition from COVID heroes to zeros, the popular Israeli TV series "Tamar in Tehran" reflecting Israeli perspectives on Persian politics, and journalist Peter Beinart's departure from the Two State Solution for Israel and Palestine.
In this episode of The Tel Aviv Review, the hosts discuss various topics.
Former U.S. Ambassador to Israel Daniel B. Shapiro, Dr. Shira Efron, and Evan Gottesman discuss alternative solutions to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict in a new report, questioning the feasibility of a two-state solution.