Tag: Vilnius

Vilnius is celebrating its 700th anniversary, acknowledging its rich Jewish history as a former cultural powerhouse known as the Jerusalem of the North, with half the city being Jewish in the early 19th century.
Season 4 of Netflix's "Stranger Things" was filmed in Lukiks Prison in Vilnius, Lithuania, a notorious prison where Jews were imprisoned by the Nazis before being murdered.
In recent years, Vilnius has become a safe haven for political exiles from Russia and Belarus, including opposition leaders like Sviatlana Tsikhanouskaya and Alexei Navalny's confidante Leonid Volkov.
In the past, bagels were a popular snack in Vilnius, Lithuania, especially among the Jewish community.
In episode 51 of "Get Your (Scape)goat," the podcast features Deena Gottlieb, a first-year reform rabbinical student, discussing her experiences in Israel and her path to becoming a reform rabbi.
Holocaust survivor Simon Malkes shares his story of being saved by Nazi officer Karl Plagge, whom he calls the "Schindler of Vilnius."