Tag: Virtual Learning

Stacey Goldman, a Jewish educator and philanthropist, has been inspired to bring her teaching online and reach a wider audience after recording her first shiur for the OU Women's Initiative.
The COVID-19 pandemic has significantly impacted Hebrew schools, leading to changes in teaching approaches, smaller classes, and shorter virtual sessions.
In this video by R. Joseph Dweck, he discusses the principles found in the writings of Rambam (also known as Maimonides).
In this conversation between Rabbis Joseph Dweck and Daniel Kada, they discuss Rabbi Jonathan Sacks' book "Not In God's Name."
In this video lecture by R. Dr. Sam Lebens, the topic of discussion is the origins of the universe and whether there was a day without a yesterday.
This text does not contain any information or discussion about "Halakhic Innovation from R. Haim David Halevi - R. Joseph Dweck."