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Tablet Happily Never After 7 Apr 2016
In a reflective analysis of a recent episode of "Broad City," the writer explores the emotional depth and complexities of the characters. The episode feature...
7 Apr 2016
Tablet By Talmudic law, Jewish Men Purchase Brides as They Would a Slave or a Piece of Real Estate 29 Mar 2016
Jewish law views betrothal as a form of acquisition, akin to purchasing a slave or real estate, with the groom acquiring the bride through kiddushin before m...
29 Mar 2016
Unorthodox headphones Wonder Women Ep. 34 24 Mar 2016
In this episode of Wonder Women, Israeli actress Gal Gadot showcases her Wonder Woman-like qualities off-screen. Ladino singer-songwriter Sarah Aroeste discu...
24 Mar 2016
Tablet Ivanka Trump and Double Standards for Jewish Converts 24 Mar 2016
The article explores the evident double standards faced by Ivanka Trump compared to other converts to Judaism, highlighting the leniency and acceptance she r...
24 Mar 2016
Tablet On the Acquisition of Women 22 Mar 2016
The text discusses the beginning of the tractate Kiddushin in the Talmud, which deals with the process of betrothal in Jewish marriage. It explains that betr...
22 Mar 2016
Tablet SuperPAC’s Ad Highlights Trump’s Unacceptable Comments About Women 14 Mar 2016
A new ad by the Our Principles PAC criticizes Donald Trump for his sexist and derogatory comments about women, describing them as unacceptable for a politica...
14 Mar 2016
Promised Podcast headphones The "Death by Facebook?" Edition 10 Mar 2016
The discussion revolves around several important topics starting with the potential influence of Facebook on the increase in stabbings among Palestinian teen...
10 Mar 2016
Tablet The Talmud’s Inhumane View of Women Puts Unhappy Wives in Impossible Positions 8 Mar 2016
The discussion on the Talmud's view of divorce conditions raises concerns about the inhumane treatment of women. The text explores scenarios where husbands i...
8 Mar 2016
Unorthodox headphones Family Matters Ep. 29 18 Feb 2016
In Family Matters Ep. 29 of Unorthodox, the podcast features klezmer aerobics and a unique bris story. The Jewish guest, Daniel Oppenheimer, discusses his bo...
18 Feb 2016
Tablet Never Change, ‘Broad City’ 18 Feb 2016
The author reflects on watching the third season of "Broad City" and fears that the show might have lost its charm and relatability due to fame. However, upo...
18 Feb 2016
Unorthodox headphones Unorthodox, Unorthodox, Make Me a Match Ep. 28 11 Feb 2016
This Valentine's Day episode of Unorthodox features a matchmaking session led by dating coach Nancy Slotnick for Shira Ginsburg, a cantor and singer seeking ...
11 Feb 2016
Unorthodox headphones Unorthodox, Unorthodox, Make Me a Match Ep. 28 11 Feb 2016
In this special Valentine's Day episode of Unorthodox, the podcast plays matchmaker by featuring Jewish guest Jill Kargman, creator of the Bravo comedy Odd M...
11 Feb 2016
Tablet My Last JDate 10 Feb 2016
In this reflective piece titled "My Last JDate," the author recounts her foray into online dating on JDate after 30 years of marriage and two years of loneli...
10 Feb 2016
Tablet Both Sides Now 9 Feb 2016
The text recounts a reunion between two old friends, showcasing their divergent paths in life. The narrator, a successful author living in New York, reflects...
9 Feb 2016
Tablet For Jewish Converts, It’s Never Too Late for a Bar or Bat Mitzvah 27 Jan 2016
Adult bar or bat mitzvah ceremonies are becoming increasingly common among Jewish converts who missed the opportunity to have the ceremony as teenagers due t...
27 Jan 2016
Tablet How Not to Teach About Islam, Harvard Edition 25 Jan 2016
The article critiques Professor Leila Ahmed's Harvard course, "Islam, Gender, Sexualities and Empire," suggesting it may not adequately address human rights ...
25 Jan 2016
Forward Maya Rudolph Traces Her Roots — All the Way Back to Vilna 19 Jan 2016
Actress Maya Rudolph will be featured in a PBS documentary tracing the ancestry of pop culture personalities, focusing on her African American roots and Jewi...
19 Jan 2016
Forward Wheat, Whiskey and Women 15 Jan 2016
The article discusses the link between whiskey production, feminism, and the Talmudic tractate of Sotah in the context of Tu B'Shvat. It highlights how whisk...
15 Jan 2016
Promised Podcast headphones The "Occupation is a Feminist Issue" Edition 14 Jan 2016
In this discussion, the hosts explore the demand for Palestinian Israelis to condemn violence and the ethics of such expectations. They also delve into a tro...
14 Jan 2016
Tablet Bubbe vs. Bubbe 5 Jan 2016
The text explores the contrast between two grandmothers, Zelda and Gwendolyn, highlighting the author's deep connection to Zelda, who raised her and shaped h...
5 Jan 2016
Unorthodox headphones Leading Ladies Ep. 19 10 Dec 2015
In this episode, MSNBC reporter Irin Carmon discusses her book "Notorious RBG: The Life and Times of Ruth Bader Ginsburg," highlighting the Supreme Court Jus...
10 Dec 2015
Tel Aviv Review headphones Fidelity issues: The story of an Israeli traitor 5 Dec 2015
Dr. Hadas Cohen, a post-doctoral fellow, examines how Israeli identity is shaped by deviations from it, focusing on the case of Tali Fahima, labeled a "trait...
5 Dec 2015
Promised Podcast headphones The "Professors, Police & Parliamentarians: Everyone Harasses!" Edition 3 Dec 2015
In this episode, Allison, Don, and Noah discuss various significant topics including the resignation of a member of Knesset due to harassment allegations, th...
3 Dec 2015
Unorthodox headphones The Birds and the Bees Ep. 16 19 Nov 2015
This episode of Unorthodox features Bat Sheva Marcus, a sex counselor, discussing the significance of sexual connection in long-term relationships, and Mallo...
19 Nov 2015
Unorthodox headphones The Birds and the Bees Ep. 16 19 Nov 2015
In "The Birds and the Bees" episode 16, BatSheva Marcus, a sex counselor and president of the Jewish Orthodox Feminist Alliance, discusses common issues face...
19 Nov 2015
Unorthodox headphones Animal Kingdom Ep. 13 29 Oct 2015
This episode of Unorthodox explores bear culture within the gay community through a conversation with Wayne Hoffman, addressing how this subculture offers a ...
29 Oct 2015
Tel Aviv Review headphones Dad, and another one: Gay parenthood in Israel 23 Oct 2015
Dr. Adi Moreno, a sociologist at the University of Manchester, discusses the impact of gay couples starting families on traditional notions of family and con...
23 Oct 2015
Tablet Nothing Like a Mother 21 Oct 2015
The author reflects on their challenging relationship with their Israeli mother, longing for a more conventional and gentle maternal figure. After the mother...
21 Oct 2015
Promised Podcast headphones The "Battle-Tested Testes" Edition 8 Oct 2015
In this episode, Allison, Noah, and guest Miriam Herschlag discuss the ongoing violence and unrest in Israel, questioning how to stop the cycle of stabbings,...
8 Oct 2015
Tablet Thou Shalt Not: Yom Kippur and Sexual Assault 22 Sep 2015
The article discusses the intersection of Yom Kippur, the reading of Leviticus 18's sexual prohibitions, and the prevalent issue of sexual assault in society...
22 Sep 2015
Tablet Rules for Incorporating Diversity and Understanding at Jewish Sleepaway Camp 4 Aug 2015
The article discusses the importance of incorporating diversity and understanding at Jewish sleepaway camps to ensure a positive and inclusive experience for...
4 Aug 2015
Unorthodox headphones Sandler vs. Samberg: Ep 1 30 Jul 2015
In this episode of Sandler vs. Samberg, a discussion led by Mark Oppenheimer and Tablet staffers covers various topics including gay marriage in Israel, the ...
30 Jul 2015
Tablet Learning From Each Other 28 Jul 2015
The article discusses the importance of recognizing and learning from the diverse experiences and perspectives within the Jewish community, as illustrated th...
28 Jul 2015
Tablet Baring Myself in the Mikveh 16 Jul 2015
This text describes the author's experience of undergoing a ritual immersion in a mikveh as part of her conversion to Judaism. It details her initial discomf...
16 Jul 2015
Tablet Own Who You Are: Lessons from the Rachel Dolezal Storm 22 Jun 2015
The text discusses the lessons learned from the Rachel Dolezal controversy, emphasizing the importance of owning one's identity. It highlights the challenges...
22 Jun 2015
Tablet A Letter to My Anonymous Donor 18 Jun 2015
The author of the letter expresses gratitude and a sense of curiosity towards their anonymous sperm donor, who made it possible for them to have a son named ...
18 Jun 2015
Forward HomeLands: 'A Shtetl in Manhattan' 5 May 2015
Letty and Bert Pogrebin, a Jewish couple living on Manhattan's Upper West Side since 1970, share insights into their daily life, household division of chores...
5 May 2015
Tel Aviv Review headphones The birth of the cosmopolitan Jew – The Tel Aviv Review 20 Mar 2015
Prof. Sander Gilman from Emory University discusses his latest study "Aliens vs Predators: Cosmopolitan Jews vs Jewish Nomads," highlighting the concept of t...
20 Mar 2015
Tablet Covering My Black, Jewish Hair 9 Mar 2015
The writer reflects on her complex relationship with her hair as a black woman, influenced by societal norms, family perspectives, and religious practices. G...
9 Mar 2015
Tablet A Battle Heats Up—Over Purim Packages 2 Mar 2015
The tradition of mishloach manot, giving food packages on Purim, has evolved into a competitive and extravagant display of creativity among Jewish families, ...
2 Mar 2015
Tablet The Transgressive Spirit of Purim 2 Mar 2015
The writer reflects on their experiences of dressing up for Purim, exploring the holiday's theme of blurring boundaries and the transgressive nature of the c...
2 Mar 2015
Tablet Rock, Paper, Scissors of PC Victimology 26 Feb 2015
The article reflects on the backlash against Patricia Arquette's Oscars speech advocating for women's equality, highlighting the volatile dynamics of identit...
26 Feb 2015
Forward 6 Valentine's Day Tips From Dr. Ruth 13 Feb 2015
Dr. Ruth Westheimer, the renowned sex therapist, provides six Valentine's Day tips for various scenarios. For singles feeling lonely, she advises making plan...
13 Feb 2015
Tablet Jewish Campus Groups Address Sexual Assault 5 Feb 2015
Jewish campus groups are actively addressing the issue of sexual assault on college campuses by implementing initiatives to support victims and change how un...
5 Feb 2015
Tablet A Marriage That Changed the Course of History 16 Jan 2015
Natalie Zemon Davis, a historian, recounts how her marriage to mathematician Chandler Davis, who was arrested for distributing Communist literature, affected...
16 Jan 2015
Jewish Action Winter Workout 24 Dec 2014
The text provides advice for frum women on how to stay active during winter. It highlights outdoor activities like skiing, suggests wearing appropriate cloth...
24 Dec 2014
Forward Award-Winning Retired MIT Professor Dumped Over Sexual Harassment Claims 10 Dec 2014
MIT has parted ways with retired professor Walter Lewin, known for his award-winning teaching and popular online lectures, following a sexual harassment inve...
10 Dec 2014
Jewish Review of Books Is Beauty Power? 9 Dec 2014
Helena Rubinstein, a pioneering Jewish female entrepreneur, transformed the beauty industry through her sheer entrepreneurial and marketing skills, amassing ...
9 Dec 2014
Promised Podcast headphones The "Pal of the Poll" Edition 3 Dec 2014
Israel is gearing up for new elections following the 2013 elections, with concerns about the cost and focus on style over substance. The Secretary General of...
3 Dec 2014
Tablet The Sky Is Falling! The Sky Is Falling! 3 Dec 2014
Despite historical concerns about diminishing Jewish identity echoed in publications like Look magazine 50 years ago and the recent Pew Research report, the ...
3 Dec 2014