Daily Podcasts Video search
Promised Podcast headphones Much a-Jew about nothing 26 Nov 2014
In a conversation with Allison, Don, and Noah, the discussion revolved around the Jewish State bill potentially causing turmoil within the Israeli coalition ...
26 Nov 2014
Promised Podcast headphones The ‘Jewesses with Guns’ Edition 12 Nov 2014
The text discusses the current situation in Israel, questioning whether the recent violence signifies the start of a new intifada. It also explores lawmaker ...
12 Nov 2014
Tablet Meet the Woman Who Keeps Tootsie Rolls Kosher 10 Nov 2014
Phyllis Koegel, the marketing director of the Orthodox Union's Kosher Division, plays a crucial role in persuading companies worldwide to obtain kosher certi...
10 Nov 2014
Tablet Kafka’s Gay, Hasidic Hebrew Teacher 6 Nov 2014
Georg Mordechai Langer, an overlooked figure in Franz Kafka's life, was a gay Hasidic Hebrew teacher with a deep interest in mysticism and Hebrew literature....
6 Nov 2014
Tel Aviv Review headphones How Israel successfully abolished the trafficking of women 23 Oct 2014
Dr. Nurit Hashimshony-Yaffe, a political scientist, explains in her study how Israel successfully eradicated the trafficking of women. She highlights the cou...
23 Oct 2014
Tel Aviv Review headphones Under women's wings: The architecture of the 'ezrat nashim' 8 Oct 2014
Adva Naama Baram, an architect and photographer, presents an exhibition at the Architects' House Gallery focusing on the architecture of ezrat nashim, the wo...
8 Oct 2014
Promised Podcast headphones The 'doctors, lawyers, and rabbis' edition 7 Oct 2014
In this edition, Allison, Don, and Noah delve into the topics of doctors' public political expressions, the judging of judges by lawyers in Israel, and the r...
7 Oct 2014
Tel Aviv Review headphones Tortured by the State: Race and gender in contemporary Israel 24 Sep 2014
Prof. Smadar Lavie discusses race and gender in contemporary Israel, focusing on the experiences of Mizrahi single mothers. Dr. Eran Dorfman explores the mec...
24 Sep 2014
Jewish Review of Books Sometimes a Bag Is Just a Bag 16 Sep 2014
Daphne Merkin's new collection of essays, "The Fame Lunches: On Wounded Icons, Money, Sex, the Bronts, and the Importance of Handbags," explores themes of me...
16 Sep 2014
Forward The Male-Led Campaign To End Female Stereotyping in Hollywood 24 Jul 2014
Robert Shepyer is leading a Kickstarter campaign for a film called Not Another Pretty Face to challenge the stereotypical portrayal of women in Hollywood. In...
24 Jul 2014
Tablet The First—and Last—Time I Wore Tefillin 10 Jul 2014
The author reflects on their first and last experience wearing tefillin at age 15, feeling conflicted about the traditional Jewish practice as a staunch femi...
10 Jul 2014
Promised Podcast headphones 'Sextremism' in the war on patriarchy is no vice! 26 Jun 2014
The article discusses the political debate in Israel, questioning if the recent solidarity following West Bank kidnappings is overshadowing the need to hold ...
26 Jun 2014
Tablet Changing the Equation for Orthodox Women Studying Math and Science 26 Jun 2014
Malka Schaps, a Haredi theoretical mathematician, made history as Israel's first female Haredi dean at Bar-Ilan University. Raised in the U.S. as Mary Kramer...
26 Jun 2014
Tablet Judy Blume is Publishing a Novel for Adults 25 Jun 2014
Beloved author Judy Blume is set to release a new novel for adults, her first in 16 years since Summer Sisters. The book, still untitled, will focus on famil...
25 Jun 2014
Forward Why Ruth Messinger’s Granddaughter Is Also Her Roommate 5 May 2014
Ruth Messinger and her granddaughter, Francesca Sternfeld, share a home in New York City, finding joy and support in their intergenerational living arrangeme...
5 May 2014
Forward Louisa Solomon of The Shondes Talks Censorship 7 Apr 2014
Louisa Solomon, lead singer of punk-rock band The Shondes, discusses censorship issues after the JCC of Washington, DC, revoked sponsorship of their show due...
7 Apr 2014
Tablet ‘Go Down, Moses’: Engaging With My Complex Musical Heritage at Passover 7 Apr 2014
The author reflects on his journey of engaging with his complex musical heritage at Passover, specifically exploring his experiences with negro spirituals an...
7 Apr 2014
Tablet From One Altar to Another: A Story of Worship, From Orthodoxy to Anorexia 1 Apr 2014
This article delves into the author's journey from embracing Orthodox Judaism to struggling with anorexia as a teenager. The author reflects on their upbring...
1 Apr 2014
Tablet Orthodox Parents of LGBT Children Navigate Their Own Coming Out Process 14 Mar 2014
Eshel, a national organization supporting LGBT Jews and their families in Orthodox communities, recently held its second annual retreat for Orthodox parents ...
14 Mar 2014
Tablet A Mother’s Kaddish: Mourning for My Son, From the Women’s Section 21 Jan 2014
Shelley Richman Cohen recounts her journey of mourning her son Nathaniel, who passed away at 21 due to Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy. She reflects on the meani...
21 Jan 2014
Tablet When It Comes to Becoming a Mother, Sometimes Less Really Is More 19 Dec 2013
In this personal narrative, the author discusses the pressure in Orthodox Jewish communities to have children soon after marriage. Despite initial hesitation...
19 Dec 2013
Jewish Review of Books A Movement Strikes Back 11 Dec 2013
Various Jewish scholars and rabbis engage in a discussion responding to Daniel Gordis' critique of Conservative Judaism. The debate highlights the movement's...
11 Dec 2013
Forward Fracturing the Jewish Mom Stereotype 22 Nov 2013
In a discussion on Jewish motherhood stereotypes, Naomi Zeveloff explores the complexity and diversity of Jewish mothers through various personal stories. LA...
22 Nov 2013
Jewish Review of Books Exogamy Explored 29 Aug 2013
In "Til Faith Do Us Part," Naomi Schaefer Riley explores the trend of interfaith marriages in America, highlighting the challenges and benefits that come wit...
29 Aug 2013
Jewish Review of Books “Why Bother?” A Rejoinder 29 Aug 2013
In his response to Allan Arkush's review of Shaul Magid's book "American Post-Judaism," Arkush questions the motivation behind redesigning Judaism, pointing ...
29 Aug 2013
Jewish Review of Books On Not Bringing Up Baby 29 Aug 2013
Jane Eisner, editor of the Jewish Daily Forward, expresses concern over the declining birthrates among young liberal Jews in America, a trend mirrored in soc...
29 Aug 2013
Forward Chanel, Amanda, Joey and The Return of the Jewish American Princess 9 Aug 2013
The article discusses the resurgence of the Jewish American Princess (JAP) stereotype in the reality TV show "Princesses: Long Island" on Bravo. The show fol...
9 Aug 2013
Tablet New York’s New Firebrand Rabbi 3 May 2013
Rabbi Sharon Kleinbaum of Congregation Beit Simchat Torah, the country's largest gay synagogue, celebrated her 20th anniversary with a Hanukkah event attende...
3 May 2013
Tablet Cutting Family Ties 30 Apr 2013
The author recalls reconnecting with their paternal grandparents after years of estrangement, only to discover their grandfather's death online. Despite atte...
30 Apr 2013
Tablet The New ‘Morethodox’ Rabbi 29 Apr 2013
Avi Weiss, a prominent Orthodox rabbi known for his revolutionary activism, broke away from Yeshiva University in 1999 to establish Yeshivat Chovevei Torah, ...
29 Apr 2013
Tablet The Jewish Women in the DOMA Case 28 Mar 2013
Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg played a significant role in the Supreme Court hearing on the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA), pointing out constitutional issues ...
28 Mar 2013
Tablet Gay Marriage’s Legal Crusader 24 Mar 2013
Roberta Kaplan, a prominent lawyer known for her work in the legal battle for same-sex marriage, is at the forefront of the case challenging the Defense of M...
24 Mar 2013
Tablet When Feminists Were Zionists 8 Mar 2013
Betty Friedan's experience at the International Woman's Year World Conference in Mexico City in 1975 revealed anti-American, anti-Semitic, and anti-Zionist s...
8 Mar 2013
Jewish Review of Books Homage to Mahj 27 Feb 2013
Project Mah Jongg, curated by Melissa Martens, initially displayed at the Museum of Jewish Heritage in New York and has since traveled to various Jewish muse...
27 Feb 2013
Tablet Pants, Pants Revolution: How My First Pair of Jeans Redefined Modesty for Me 2 Jan 2013
In this deeply personal essay, the author narrates her journey from wearing skirts as a symbol of Orthodox modesty to embracing jeans, illustrating a cultura...
2 Jan 2013
Tablet Getting Grandma’s Blessing 20 Jul 2012
A rabbi recounts the challenges faced when announcing her engagement to another rabbi, navigating family reactions, including her grandmother's refusal to ac...
20 Jul 2012
Tablet Sundown: Romney, Bibi to Break Bread, Fast 13 Jul 2012
Mitt Romney was not planning a fundraiser in Jerusalem on Tisha B'Av, as falsely reported, but will be dining with the Netanyahus after the sacred day ends. ...
13 Jul 2012
Tablet Jennifer Weiner’s Shiksa Lit 25 Jun 2012
Jennifer Weiner, a prominent author in the chick lit genre, challenges the criticism and lack of recognition faced by female authors compared to their male c...
25 Jun 2012
Tablet Diagnosis Is Not Death 1 Jun 2012
Susan Gubar, a feminist literary scholar battling ovarian cancer, challenges the idea that a diagnosis is a death sentence, emphasizing the importance of ada...
1 Jun 2012
Forward Haredi Draft Could Cause Gender Issue 20 May 2012
The Israeli government is considering ending the exemption of Haredi (ultra-Orthodox) men from military service, sparking concerns about the impact on female...
20 May 2012
Tablet Memory Palaces 8 Mar 2012
This article discusses three Jewish women who are finalists for the National Book Critic Circle's best autobiography award. Mira Bartók's book "The Memory Pa...
8 Mar 2012
Tablet Home for the Holiday 16 Nov 2011
The author discusses their plans for Thanksgiving, reflecting on their estrangement from their families. They reach out to friends who also have complex fami...
16 Nov 2011
Tablet Fox News Blocks Fred Karger From Debate 10 Aug 2011
Fox News barred Jewish, openly gay Republican presidential candidate Fred Karger from participating in their debate despite him meeting the debate requiremen...
10 Aug 2011
Tablet Sad Sack 7 Jul 2011
Shalom Auslander, in a reflective and humorous piece, contemplates the nature and role of testicles as he turns 41, considering the idea of removing them due...
7 Jul 2011
Forward Naomi Wolf: Trapped by Her Own 'Beauty Myth' 16 Jun 2011
In a critical piece, author Elana Sztokman reflects on Naomi Wolf's trajectory from her groundbreaking feminist work in "The Beauty Myth" to her more recent ...
16 Jun 2011
Tablet Court Jew 18 May 2011
The text discusses the figure of Jeff Van Gundy, a prominent basketball coach and broadcaster, often speculated to be Jewish due to his appearance, demeanor,...
18 May 2011
Tablet Kenyan Branch 31 Mar 2011
In a rural village in Kenya, a small Jewish community led by Yosef Njogu and Avraham Ndungu is striving to maintain their Jewish identity while incorporating...
31 Mar 2011
Tablet A Monumental Kiss 23 Dec 2010
In 2008, a monument in Berlin honoring gay victims of the Nazi regime was created, with architectural similarities to the nearby Holocaust memorial. The monu...
23 Dec 2010
Tablet The Dating Game 29 Oct 2010
In this exploration of matchmaking in the Torah portion, the focus is on the story of Abraham's servant seeking a wife for Isaac. The text highlights the ser...
29 Oct 2010
Tablet Contrition Edition 13 Sep 2010
"On the Bookshelf" expresses contrition for overlooking various Jewish books and seeks atonement by highlighting several notable works published in 2010. Thi...
13 Sep 2010