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Future of Jewish Introducing the Jew Box™ 15 Jun
The text introduces "The Jew Box," an AI tool designed to help people navigate discussions on Jewish and Israeli issues. Through various hypothetical scenari...
15 Jun
Forward Threatening Jews is now acceptable — so long as you call them Zionists 14 Jun
The article discusses how antisemitism is being masked under the guise of anti-Zionism, with Jewish individuals facing threats and harassment. Pro-Palestinia...
14 Jun
Jewish Chronicle Labour is heading for an earthquake victory – but battles with Jewish voters may lie ahead 14 Jun
Labour is projected for a significant victory in the upcoming election, with potential challenges from Jewish voters. While Labour has addressed antisemitism...
14 Jun
Forward For French Jews, a choice between two widely divergent parties, each with a history of antisemitism 14 Jun
The recent European elections in France have posed a crucial question for the Jewish community regarding the impact on their future - as two notably differen...
14 Jun
Not That Kind of Rabbi headphones Jews were once embraced by progressive activists. Did Oct. 7 permanently change that? 14 Jun
Bernie Farber, former chair of the Canadian Anti-Hate Network, discusses the organization's lack of response to the Hamas attacks on October 7, 2023, and his...
14 Jun
Not That Kind of Rabbi headphones Jews were once embraced by progressive activists. Did Oct. 7 permanently change that? 14 Jun
Bernie Farber reflects on his resignation from the Canadian Anti-Hate Network and the broader challenges that face progressive Jews amid rising antisemitism ...
14 Jun
Jewish Chronicle The street-fighters who taught British fascists: don’t f*** with the Jews 14 Jun
Filmmaker David Herman's documentary, "Jews Defending Jews," explores the history of Jewish resistance against fascism and antisemitism in the UK. The film h...
14 Jun
Jewdicious The DEI Cake Is Baked 14 Jun
This article discusses the qualifications of two job candidates, Jane and the author, Dan, for a position at a top Chicago law firm. Jane, despite facing sig...
14 Jun
Forward Vandals painted a red triangle on the home of a Jewish museum director. What does it mean? 13 Jun
Vandals targeted the home of a Jewish museum director in Brooklyn, painting a red inverted triangle on her property, a symbol historically used by Hamas to m...
13 Jun
JTA ‘Unacceptable antisemitism’: Leaders decry vandalism of Brooklyn Museum director’s home 13 Jun
Anti-Israel activists vandalized the home of Brooklyn Museum's Jewish director and other leaders, splashing red paint and accusations like "blood on your han...
13 Jun
Forward Honesty about the flaws of Hollywood's Jewish founders isn't the same as antisemitism 13 Jun
The article discusses the importance of acknowledging both the positive and negative aspects of Jewish history without whitewashing or sugarcoating, emphasiz...
13 Jun
JTA What Jewish life looks like for teens from Iceland to Beijing, where the Jewish communities are small and antisemitism is high 13 Jun
Jewish life for teens in small communities from Iceland to Beijing involves navigating unique challenges such as heightened antisemitism and limited Jewish r...
13 Jun
Future of Jewish The Mysterious Psychology of Self-Hating Jews 13 Jun
The text discusses the intriguing phenomenon of self-hating Jews, noting that even Jews can hold antisemitic views. It delves into the historical context of ...
13 Jun
The Free Press American Education’s Dirty Little Secret. Plus. . . 13 Jun
American public schools are facing scrutiny for incorporating controversial curriculum materials without official oversight or approval, sparking concern amo...
13 Jun
The Free Press Progressives Realize They Have a Jew-Hate Problem 13 Jun
Progressives in New York, from politicians like AOC to cultural figures like the director of the Brooklyn Museum, are beginning to acknowledge the presence o...
13 Jun
The Free Press “I Was Wrong About Anti Semitism”: Sheryl Sandberg on Waking Up 13 Jun
Sheryl Sandberg reflects on her awakening to the rise of antisemitism and anti-Israel sentiments in progressive circles following the rescue of hostages held...
13 Jun
Forward Is it antisemitic to protest Hillel? 12 Jun
The article discusses the question of whether it is antisemitic to protest against Hillel, specifically focusing on a recent demonstration outside the Hillel...
12 Jun
Forward ‘I wouldn’t be here if I didn’t believe people could choose peace’: A Nova survivor on protests of Manhattan exhibit 12 Jun
Survivor Eilat Tibi reflects on the protests by anti-Israel activists at an exhibition honoring the victims of the Nova festival massacre, expressing her dis...
12 Jun
Forward ‘Abhorrent’: NY officials deplore attacks on homes of Jewish Brooklyn Museum leaders 12 Jun
Vandals targeted the homes of five Jewish board members of the Brooklyn Museum, including director Anne Pasternak, with anti-Zionist graffiti and symbols, le...
12 Jun
Future of Jewish The Two Ways to Think About Hamas 12 Jun
The Future of Jewish newsletter delves into the complex nature of Hamas, highlighting not only its genocidal and antisemitic tendencies but also shedding lig...
12 Jun
JTA Success of German far-right party in EU election has many Jews hearing echoes of Nazi past 11 Jun
The success of the far-right Alternative for Germany (AfD) party in the European Parliament election has raised concerns among mainstream Jewish leaders and ...
11 Jun
Future of Jewish The West has failed its Jewish communities. 11 Jun
The essay highlights concerns about rising antisemitism globally, with a focus on Western countries like the United States, the United Kingdom, France, Austr...
11 Jun
JTA French conservative leader embraces Marine Le Pen’s far-right party with history of antisemitism 11 Jun
Eric Ciotti, the president of France's mainstream conservative party, has proposed forming an alliance with Marine Le Pen's far-right National Rally, despite...
11 Jun
JTA Head of elite Manhattan private school steps down following criticism of Oct. 7 response 11 Jun
David Lourie, the head of Collegiate School in Manhattan, has resigned amid criticism of the school's response to antisemitism issues, particularly during th...
11 Jun
Forward Is the 'hot rodent men' trend uh, good for the Jews? 11 Jun
The article discusses the emerging trend of "hot rodent men" in beauty standards, where certain male celebrities are being compared to rodents as a new form ...
11 Jun
Forward ‘Go back to Poland’: Masked UCLA protesters harass Chabad rabbi, threaten his life 11 Jun
During a pro-Palestinian protest at UCLA, Rabbi Dovid Gurevich of Chabad was harassed and threatened by masked demonstrators who demanded he leave, calling h...
11 Jun
JTA Nova music festival exhibition is extended in NY after anti-Israel activists target it for protest 11 Jun
Anti-Israel activists targeted the Nova music festival exhibition in Lower Manhattan for protest, led by the group Within Our Lifetime. The exhibit commemora...
11 Jun
Jewish Chronicle Universities have lost control. Why are they so weak? 11 Jun
Following recent anti-Israel student activities at American universities including Columbia and UCLA, the author highlights a concerning rise in organized an...
11 Jun
Jewish Chronicle Starmer couldn’t have done more, so I’ll vote for him on July 4 11 Jun
Keir Starmer, the leader of the Labour Party, has made efforts to address antisemitism within the party, expressing regret for its presence and aiming to reb...
11 Jun
The Commentary Magazine Podcast headphones The COVID Lies, Four Years Later 11 Jun
James B. Meigs delves into Anthony Fauci's congressional testimony about COVID-19 origins, stirring discussion about disinformation, the role of American fun...
11 Jun
eJewishPhilanthropy Solidarity from Sinai: Strengthening our covenant 11 Jun
The article discusses the concept of social contracts and covenants, drawing parallels between historical events like the American War of Independence and th...
11 Jun
JTA Prosecutors move to dismiss hate crimes charges against woman who hit Israeli Columbia student with a stick 11 Jun
Prosecutors are seeking to drop hate crimes charges against Maxwell Friedman, also known as Malaika, who allegedly assaulted an Israeli student on Columbia U...
11 Jun
JTA LA’s Academy Museum to revise exhibit on Jewish founders after criticism from Jewish Hollywood figures 10 Jun
The Academy Museum of Motion Pictures in Los Angeles faced criticism from Jewish Hollywood figures for its exhibit on Jewish founders in Hollywood, with some...
10 Jun
JTA AOC decries discrimination against Jews, ‘weaponization’ of antisemitism in talk with Jewish leaders 10 Jun
Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez discussed antisemitism with Jewish activists, acknowledging its dangers but also criticizing the weaponization of the term by p...
10 Jun
JTA Anti-Israel hostility is making deeply needed Pride events less safe for Jews like us 10 Jun
The increasing anti-Israel sentiment amidst Pride events is causing safety concerns for LGBTQ+ Jews, with fears of harassment and violence due to the recent ...
10 Jun
Forward AOC: ‘Antisemitism is an assault on our values’ 10 Jun
Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez emphasized in a livestream that antisemitism undermines both American and progressive values, acknowledging that some criticism...
10 Jun
JTA One of the most Jewish elections in the country is in Northern Virginia 10 Jun
In Northern Virginia's 10th District, a Democratic congressional primary between Jewish candidates Eileen Filler-Corn and Dan Helmer underscores the growing ...
10 Jun
Forward Behind a dramatic election in France, the rise of a new Jewish leader — and also antisemitism 10 Jun
In the recent French election for the European Parliament, the far-right Rassemblement National led by Marine Le Pen won, but the surprising resurgence of th...
10 Jun
The Free Press When Jew Hate Doesn’t Count 10 Jun
The text discusses how certain instances of hatred and threats towards Jews are downplayed or excused based on who is making these threats. It highlights exa...
10 Jun
The CJN Daily with Ellin Bessner headphones ‘My legs are tired but my heart is full’: Hear the sounds of Toronto’s historic Walk with Israel 10 Jun
Ellin Bessner reflects on the emotional experience of Toronto's 55th Walk with Israel, noting the impressive turnout of 50,000 supporters amidst high securit...
10 Jun
JTA 42% of Jews have felt unsafe wearing Jewish symbols in public since Oct. 7, study finds 10 Jun
A survey conducted by the American Jewish Committee revealed that since October 7, over 40% of American Jews have felt unsafe wearing Jewish symbols in publi...
10 Jun
Ami ANC R.I.P.? // Are racism and anti-Israelism on the wane in South Africa? 10 Jun
The article discusses the current state of racism and anti-Israel sentiment in South Africa, particularly within the ruling African National Congress (ANC) p...
10 Jun
Future of Jewish News Flash: If you hate most Jews, you are a Nazi. 9 Jun
The essay discusses the issue of equating hatred of Jews with Nazism, focusing on the anti-Semitic nature of hating Zionists and Israel. It highlights the fl...
9 Jun
Emes Ve-Emunah Why the Palestinian Perspective Resonates 9 Jun
The text emphasizes how the Palestinian perspective resonates due to their deep-seated grievances against Israel, viewing it as an apartheid state that colon...
9 Jun
Moment Ayal Feinberg Connects Hate and War 7 Jun
Ayal Feinberg, director of the Center for Holocaust Studies and Human Rights at Gratz College, discusses the connection between hate crimes and Israeli milit...
7 Jun
JTA Most likely to antagonize Jewish students this spring: High school yearbooks 7 Jun
Several incidents have occurred this spring involving high school yearbooks that have upset Jewish students and communities. These include a New Jersey distr...
7 Jun
Forward What's behind the wave of antisemitic violence in Canada? 7 Jun
Antisemitic violence in Canada has been on the rise, with Jewish institutions facing vandalism like shootings and arson. Canadian Jews are feeling pressured ...
7 Jun
Jewish Chronicle Most young people don’t think Israel should exist. This is sad but not surprising 7 Jun
Edward Isaacs, President of the Union of Jewish Students, expresses concern over a recent poll showing that 54% of 18-24-year-olds believe Israel should not ...
7 Jun
Future of Jewish Recipe for Failure: Stop fighting Jew-haters with facts. 7 Jun
The article discusses the complexity of combatting antisemitism with facts alone, highlighting that the phenomenon is deeply rooted in emotions, cultural nar...
7 Jun
Tablet Streaming Kafka 7 Jun
A new television miniseries, titled Kafka, offers a multifaceted portrayal of Franz Kafka, highlighting various aspects of his life and relationships, blendi...
7 Jun