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Jewish Review of Books With Interest 27 Feb 2013
In "Capitalism and the Jews" by Jerry Z. Muller, the complex relationship between capitalism and Jewish identity is explored. The book delves into historical...
27 Feb 2013
Jewish Review of Books Ordinary Memory 27 Feb 2013
Christopher R. Browning's book "Remembering Survival: Inside a Nazi Slave-Labor Camp" examines survivor testimonies from a Polish town's slave labor camps du...
27 Feb 2013
Jewish Review of Books Old-New Debate 27 Feb 2013
The text explores the Old-New Debate surrounding Theodor Herzl, the Founding Father of Israel, and his relationship with Ahad Haam, a Jewish intellectual and...
27 Feb 2013
Jewish Review of Books Cannon Fire Over Sarajevo and Sin in Ansbach: A Passage from Rabbi Jacob Emden’s 18th Century Memoir 27 Feb 2013
The autobiography of Rabbi Jacob Emden, a sage and heresy-hunter in the 18th century, is highlighted in this text. Translated by Rabbi Jacob J. Schacter, the...
27 Feb 2013
Forward Columbia Disaster, a Decade Later 1 Feb 2013
The article reflects on the Columbia space shuttle disaster a decade later, focusing on the personal impact on the family of Israel's first astronaut, Ilan R...
1 Feb 2013
Tablet My Man in Havana 1 Feb 2013
The author reflects on the complex relationship with their uncle in Havana, a communist who stayed behind in Cuba after their family fled in 1962. Despite at...
1 Feb 2013
Tablet Hitler’s Toilet Is in New Jersey: A Yacht’s Commode, in an Auto-Repair Shop 29 Jan 2013
Florence, New Jersey, houses an unusual historical artifact: Adolf Hitler's toilet from his yacht, the Aviso Grille. After the vessel was scrapped post-WWII,...
29 Jan 2013
Tablet Our Abraham, Not Theirs 25 Jan 2013
In "Our Abraham, Not Theirs," Jon Levenson argues against the idea of Abraham as a unifying figure across Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. He points out tha...
25 Jan 2013
Tablet A Mobster in the Family 11 Jan 2013
"Gangster Squad" features Sean Penn as Meyer Mickey Cohen, a Jewish mobster from the mid-20th century known for his criminal activities in Chicago, Las Vegas...
11 Jan 2013
Tablet Stranger Than Pulp Fiction 7 Jan 2013
The article discusses the life and work of Ed Lacy, a successful mystery writer known for his pulp fiction novels featuring big-breasted blondes and violent ...
7 Jan 2013
Tablet A Jewish Christmas Soundtrack 24 Dec 2012
Jewish songwriters have been highly influential in shaping the American Christmas music canon, with hits like "White Christmas" by Irving Berlin and "The Chr...
24 Dec 2012
Tablet Gen. Grant’s Expulsion of the Jews 19 Dec 2012
General Ulysses S. Grant issued an order to expel Jews from areas under his command during the Civil War as he believed it would curb illegal trading, althou...
19 Dec 2012
Forward Learning To Love Chrismukkah 10 Dec 2012
Benjamin Resnick explores the intertwining of Hanukkah and Christmas traditions among American Jews, suggesting that Hanukkah has historical roots in adaptin...
10 Dec 2012
Tablet Poland’s Real Jewish Revival 26 Nov 2012
In Poland, there is a growing interest in Jewish heritage and a revival of Jewish identity, with people rediscovering their hidden Jewish roots and convertin...
26 Nov 2012
Tablet Avraham Lincoln Avinu 9 Nov 2012
"Lincoln," a movie directed by Steven Spielberg and written by Tony Kushner, portrays Abraham Lincoln as the ultimate mensch - a skilled psychologist, interp...
9 Nov 2012
Tablet A New House in the Old Country 19 Oct 2012
Israeli writer Etgar Keret recounts his upcoming journey to Warsaw to visit a narrow home being built for him, symbolizing his family's connection to the cit...
19 Oct 2012
Tablet Bulldozing Soviet Art 15 Oct 2012
Oscar Rabine, a prominent ex-Soviet artist, gained international attention for organizing the Bulldozer exhibition in 1974, where undercover police destroyed...
15 Oct 2012
Forward The New Testament Sounds Odd in Yiddish 14 Oct 2012
The article discusses the unique and sometimes comical effects that occur when translating the Christian New Testament into Yiddish. Examples include the con...
14 Oct 2012
Tablet Eric Hobsbawm’s Jewish Gift 11 Oct 2012
Eric Hobsbawm, a prominent historian, was born in 1917 and was known for his strong commitment to communism, which significantly influenced his views on Juda...
11 Oct 2012
Tablet Melville in Jerusalem 16 Aug 2012
Herman Melville, known for his novel Moby-Dick, faced disappointment and financial struggles in the aftermath of its poor reception. In 1857, Melville travel...
16 Aug 2012
Tablet Shopping for Answers 27 Jul 2012
The article discusses a resurgence of the old Jewish left in New York theater productions, focusing on works by Tony Kushner, Amy Herzog, and Dan Fishback. T...
27 Jul 2012
Jewish Action IF I FORGET THEE, O JERUSALEM 8 Jul 2012
After the destruction of the Beit Hamikdash, Jewish Sages established customs to remember Jerusalem and the Temple to ensure that joy would be incomplete wit...
8 Jul 2012
Tablet A Philosopher of Small Things 11 Jun 2012
Boris Groys, in his book "Introduction to Antiphilosophy," discusses a modern trend in philosophy called antiphilosophy, which focuses on the everyday concer...
11 Jun 2012
Forward Memories From Israel Parade Founder 31 May 2012
Ted Comet, founder of the renowned Celebrate Israel Parade, initially overcame challenges such as the lack of Jewish marching bands by recruiting Catholic sc...
31 May 2012
Tablet Mideast Antiques Roadshow 29 May 2012
The article explores the complexities of the Middle Eastern antiquities trade, highlighting the illicit flow of artifacts into Israel, like the Egyptian coff...
29 May 2012
Tablet The Most Jewish Election 24 Apr 2012
The 2012 election cycle, featuring Mitt Romney and Barack Obama, was outlined as one of the most Jewish elections in American history due to Jewish involveme...
24 Apr 2012
Jewish Review of Books The Lost Textual Treasures of a Hasidic Community 22 Mar 2012
After World War II, efforts were made to recover Jewish books stolen by Nazis, including those belonging to the Stoliner Hasidim community. Recent discoverie...
22 Mar 2012
Tablet Happy (?) 10th of Tevet 5 Jan 2012
The 10th of Tevet commemorates the beginning of the siege of Jerusalem by King Nebuchadnezzar, leading to the eventual destruction of the First Temple and th...
5 Jan 2012
Tablet Solidarity 22 Dec 2011
During the 1970s, American Jewish activists successfully pressured Congress to pass the Jackson-Vanik amendment, linking trade with the Soviet Union to the e...
22 Dec 2011
Tablet Covered 21 Dec 2011
The text highlights nine books published in 2011 recommended for various individuals on your gift list: from Philip Schultz's memoir for parents of kids with...
21 Dec 2011
Tablet Children’s Books 2011 15 Dec 2011
The text provides a list of recommended children's books for different age groups, ranging from picture books for very young readers introducing Yiddish word...
15 Dec 2011
Forward Why Vasily Grossman Still Matters 15 Nov 2011
Vasily Grossman's work, especially his 900-page novel "Life and Fate," remains relevant due to its significance as both literature and a historical account o...
15 Nov 2011
Tablet Working Glass 14 Nov 2011
The Radical Camera: New York’s Photo League, 1936-1951, showcased at the Jewish Museum, explores the complex relationship between photography, art, and socia...
14 Nov 2011
Forward Hidden Treasures of Cairo Genizah 10 Nov 2011
Computer scientists at Tel Aviv University are utilizing artificial intelligence to reconstruct over 1,000 documents from the vast Cairo Genizah collection, ...
10 Nov 2011
Tablet Jump-Shot Jews 10 Nov 2011
In the 1930s, Hank Greenberg made waves in baseball as a Jewish athlete, breaking records and winning the 1935 World Series with the Detroit Tigers, showcasi...
10 Nov 2011
Tablet Imaginary Homeland 28 Oct 2011
Etgar Keret shares his journey of imagining and visiting his mother's homeland of Poland, where she grew up in Warsaw and survived the Holocaust. Despite his...
28 Oct 2011
Tablet The Narrows 27 Oct 2011
Born in 1886 in Russian-ruled Poland, David Ben-Gurion played a crucial role in the establishment of the State of Israel in 1948, facing numerous challenges ...
27 Oct 2011
Forward Did Moses Have a Speech Impediment? 9 Sep 2011
The question of whether Moses had a speech impediment has intrigued scholars and rabbis for centuries, particularly due to his self-description in the Torah ...
9 Sep 2011
Tablet Divine Right 9 Sep 2011
Jeffrey Shandler explores the unique responses of American Hasidic communities to the September 11 attacks, highlighting how these events reinforced rather t...
9 Sep 2011
Tablet But How’d They Get Wolf Blitzer? 1 Sep 2011
The documentary titled "Back Door Channels" provides a unique and unprecedented look into the 1979 Camp David Peace Accord and Treaty between Egypt and Israe...
1 Sep 2011
Tablet Mr. Israel 1 Sep 2011
Rabbi Rafael Halperin, a unique figure in rabbinical lore who balanced a life of spirituality and strength training, passed away at 87. Born in Vienna in 192...
1 Sep 2011
Tablet Friday Night Lights 29 Aug 2011
On September 11, 2001, Esty and Dovi Scheiner carried on with their planned wedding despite the chaos of the terrorist attacks, creating a moment of joy in a...
29 Aug 2011
Tablet Partisan 18 Aug 2011
Jorge Semprn, a charismatic Spanish writer who had a deep affinity for Jewish thought and Israel, had a multifaceted life that included working secretly for ...
18 Aug 2011
Forward Mengele’s Diaries May Be Loaned To Yad Vashem 10 Aug 2011
The diaries of the infamous Nazi Dr. Josef Mengele, purchased by an anonymous modern-Orthodox physician from the U.S. Midwest for $245,000, are being conside...
10 Aug 2011
Tablet Homecoming 13 Jul 2011
"One Foot in America" by Yuri Suhl, a recently reissued immigrant novel, portrays the journey of Sol Kenner, an optimistic and determined immigrant navigatin...
13 Jul 2011
Forward Solving the Mystery of Washington’s Famous Letter 15 Jun 2011
The article discusses the significance and mystery surrounding George Washington's famous letter to the Hebrew Congregation in Newport, Rhode Island, where W...
15 Jun 2011
Tablet Koch Test 1 Jun 2011
Former New York City Mayor Ed Koch, known for his influence in American politics, has a history of endorsing and criticizing presidential candidates based on...
1 Jun 2011
Tablet City Game 5 Apr 2011
The New York Knicks recently made the NBA playoffs after a long absence, coinciding with the 10th anniversary of an incident involving Charlie Ward making co...
5 Apr 2011
Tablet Rooted 29 Mar 2011
Jacqueline Osherow's poetry collection "Whitethorn" explores themes of aging, disappointment, Jewish identity, and spirituality. Osherow skillfully uses the ...
29 Mar 2011
Tablet Today Is the Triangle Fire’s 100th Anniversary 25 Mar 2011
Today marks the 100th anniversary of the tragic Triangle Shirtwaist Fire, a significant event that claimed the lives of 146 workers, mostly young Jewish wome...
25 Mar 2011