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Tablet Lost in the Fire 22 Mar 2011
This article explores the complex legacy of the Triangle Shirtwaist Factory fire in 1911, where 146 workers, mostly young Jewish and Italian girls, perished....
22 Mar 2011
Tablet The Pugilist 9 Mar 2011
The text discusses the relationship between the author and Norman Podhoretz, the editor of Commentary magazine, focusing on Podhoretz's controversial views o...
9 Mar 2011
Tablet The Socialist 8 Mar 2011
The text discusses the author's relationship with Irving Howe and their collaboration on Yiddish literature projects. Howe, a committed socialist, combined h...
8 Mar 2011
Tablet The Novelist 7 Mar 2011
Saul Bellow, a renowned novelist, left a profound message indicating the end of war before his passing in 2005. The relationship between the author and a fri...
7 Mar 2011
Jewish Action Out of Africa 28 Feb 2011
The text discusses the little-known Jewish communities of East Africa, particularly focusing on Ethiopian Jews and Adenite Jews in places like Ethiopia, Djib...
28 Feb 2011
Tablet The Plot for America: Remembering Civil Rights Leader Joachim Prinz 25 Feb 2011
Rabbi Joachim Prinz, a prominent civil rights leader, faced persecution in Nazi Germany before emigrating to the United States. In America, he continued his ...
25 Feb 2011
Tablet Brittle Odessa 24 Feb 2011
The text explores the tragic fate of the Jewish community in Odessa during World War II, detailing the collaboration and brutality of the Romanians and Germa...
24 Feb 2011
Tablet Nation State 23 Feb 2011
The text discusses the role of nationalism in Egypt, particularly in the context of recent political events and the historical development of Egyptian nation...
23 Feb 2011
Tablet The Other League 3 Feb 2011
The article highlights the significant impact of the American Football League (AFL), which despite disappearing over 40 years ago, played a vital role in sha...
3 Feb 2011
Tablet Tale of Two Treats 27 Jan 2011
The article discusses the similarities and differences between rugelach and schnecken, two rolled and filled Jewish pastries. Schnecken, meaning snail in Ger...
27 Jan 2011
Tablet Camp Fire 8 Dec 2010
In the story "Camp Fire" by Natan Sharansky from his book "Fear No Evil", the author describes his experience celebrating Hanukkah in a Soviet prison camp. D...
8 Dec 2010
Forward Quintessential British Actor’s Jewishness Not ‘Gone With the Wind’ 17 Nov 2010
Leslie Howard, renowned for his quintessentially British roles, was in fact of Hungarian Jewish descent. Born Leslie Howard Steiner, Howard's life trajectory...
17 Nov 2010
Tablet Roadside Rage 22 Oct 2010
David Beeri, a former IDF officer, utilized legal loopholes like the Absentees Property Law to claim land in Silwan, an Arab neighborhood in Jerusalem, for J...
22 Oct 2010
Tablet How Many Shofars Does It Take … 7 Oct 2010
The podcast "How Many Shofars Does It Take" humorously explores the possibility of seven shofars destroying the walls of Jericho as described in the Book of ...
7 Oct 2010
Tablet Print War 16 Sep 2010
In the late 19th century, the emergence of the Yiddish press shed light on the lives of average Jews, providing a contrast to the focus on elite intellectual...
16 Sep 2010
Tablet First Blood 1 Sep 2010
The article discusses revelations about key events in the FBI's early counterterrorism efforts and their connection to al-Qaida. It starts with the assassina...
1 Sep 2010
Tablet Mountain Jews 26 Aug 2010
The Mountain Jews, mainly residing in Azerbaijan and Dagestan, trace their history back to Israel, settling in the Caucasus mountains about 2,500 years ago. ...
26 Aug 2010
Tablet Sore 19 Aug 2010
In the late 19th century, the rise of the Yiddish press brought attention to the lives of average Jews, previously overlooked by intellectual writings. A spe...
19 Aug 2010
Tablet Convert’s Tale 10 Aug 2010
Schmitt's study delves into the Opusculum de conversione sua, a 12th-century text purportedly written by a converted Jew named Herman. Initially taken as a g...
10 Aug 2010
Forward Hedy Lamarr, Queen of Hollywood Chutzpah 22 Jul 2010
Hedy Lamarr, a famous Hollywood actress, concealed her Jewish background during her lifetime. New biographies by Stephen Michael Shearer and Ruth Barton reve...
22 Jul 2010
Tablet Question of Faith 8 Jul 2010
In Medellín, Colombia, a community of Sephardic converts to Judaism has established itself, tracing their ancestry to Marrano colonizers fleeing the Inquisit...
8 Jul 2010
Jewish Action Mourning the Churban with the Rav 6 Jul 2010
Rabbi Yosef Dov Soloveitchik's teachings have transformed the observance of Tishah B'Av, with a focus on understanding and mourning the tragedies of Jewish h...
6 Jul 2010
Tablet Fathers and Sons 18 Jun 2010
The text delves into the dynamics between Jewish fathers and sons, contrasting the prevailing stereotype of the Jewish mother with the elusive figure of the ...
18 Jun 2010
Tablet Tune in Tomorrow To See Jewish Soccer 17 Jun 2010
The United States soccer team, featuring three Jewish players, is set to play Slovenia, whose defensive strategy resembles the U.S.'s approach. The suggestio...
17 Jun 2010
Tablet Death Toll 17 Jun 2010
The text explores the topic of suicide among Jews, shedding light on historical accounts of suicides in Jewish communities, particularly in Warsaw during the...
17 Jun 2010
Tablet Nosing Around 21 May 2010
Phrenology, a pseudo-science popular in the past, claimed that personality traits could be determined by the bumps on a person's head. Nasology, a new concep...
21 May 2010
Jewish Action Jewish Life In Eygpt 13 May 2010
The Jewish communities of Egypt, once vibrant and numerous, are now dwindling and on the brink of extinction. Dr. Ari Greenspan and Rabbi Dr. Ari Z. Zivotofs...
13 May 2010
Jewish Action Jewish Life In Egypt 13 May 2010
Despite a once vibrant Jewish presence in Egypt dating back to ancient times, the Jewish communities in Alexandria and Cairo are now dwindling, with fewer th...
13 May 2010
Tablet Kent State, Forty Years Later 4 May 2010
Forty years after the tragic events at Kent State University on May 4, 1970, where four unarmed students were killed by National Guardsmen during Vietnam War...
4 May 2010
Tablet Jerusalem Daze 20 Apr 2010
In "Crossing Mandelbaum Gate," Kai Bird reflects on his childhood spent in the Middle East, mainly in Jerusalem, Beirut, and Saudi Arabia, due to his father'...
20 Apr 2010
Tablet Enforcers 15 Apr 2010
The text explores the role of Sabbath Enforcers, known as Shomrei Shabbos, who historically aimed to protect Shabbat observance, particularly during times wh...
15 Apr 2010
Tablet Great Escape 9 Apr 2010
The text recounts the story of Sonya Oshman's escape from a work camp in Poland in 1943 through a tunnel dug by Jews to evade the Germans, who had invaded No...
9 Apr 2010
Tablet Remembering the Triangle Fire 25 Mar 2010
The Triangle Shirtwaist Fire, a tragic event that claimed the lives of 146 garment workers, mostly Jews and Italians, occurred 99 years ago due to locked doo...
25 Mar 2010
Tablet Politics and Poesy 18 Mar 2010
The late 19th and early 20th centuries saw a shift in Jewish literary circles, particularly in Yiddish poetry, as it gained popularity and began to be featur...
18 Mar 2010
Tablet Up in Arms 10 Mar 2010
In "Up in Arms," the discussion revolves around the history of Jewish terrorism in Israel, spanning from the Mandate period to contemporary times. The text d...
10 Mar 2010
Tablet Divorce Court 18 Feb 2010
In late 19th and early 20th-century Warsaw, the Yiddish press provided a window into the lives of average Jews through sensationalized coverage of divorce co...
18 Feb 2010
Tablet Fine Young Criminal 21 Jan 2010
In the late 19th century, the rise of the Yiddish press shed light on the lives of ordinary Jews, challenging the traditional focus on intellectual elites. A...
21 Jan 2010
Tablet Big Man 17 Dec 2009
Martin "Blimp" Levy, a morbidly obese Jewish wrestler in the mid-20th century, was discovered working in a sideshow and became known for his massive size, un...
17 Dec 2009
Tablet Tablet’s Guide to Hanukkah 10 Dec 2009
Hanukkah, also known as the Festival of Lights, commemorates the rededication of the Second Temple in the 2nd century BCE after the Maccabees' successful upr...
10 Dec 2009
Tablet A New ‘Theory’ of the Armenian Genocide 7 Dec 2009
A new theory surrounding the Armenian genocide suggests that Jews, particularly the Ottoman Empire's Jewish bourgeoisie known as Sabbateans or Dönme, were re...
7 Dec 2009
Tablet A Cold Case 22 Oct 2009
The author reflects on their father's secret struggle with AIDS and the impact it had on their family and personal life. Despite their father's dedication to...
22 Oct 2009
Tablet The Festive Meal 24 Sep 2009
In the past, a century ago, some Jews rebelled against the traditional solemnity of Yom Kippur by organizing public festivals of eating, dancing, and perform...
24 Sep 2009
Tablet The End of the Affair 4 Sep 2009
The Dreyfus Affair, a late 19th-century scandal in France where a Jewish artillery officer, Alfred Dreyfus, was wrongly convicted of treason, exposed widespr...
4 Sep 2009
Tablet Building Bust 20 Aug 2009
In the late 1920s, there was a surge in ambitious building projects for Jewish institutions in America, including grand synagogues and university campuses. H...
20 Aug 2009
Tablet What Happened in Hebron? 19 Aug 2009
The article revisits the tragic events of the Hebron massacre that took place 80 years ago, where Jewish residents were brutally attacked by Arabs, resulting...
19 Aug 2009
Tablet Tisha B’Av FAQ 29 Jul 2009
Tisha B'Av, the ninth day of the Hebrew month of Av, marks a time of mourning for Jewish tragedies such as the destruction of the First and Second Temples. O...
29 Jul 2009
Tablet Sweet Old World 14 Jul 2009
The article discusses the significant presence of Jewish immigrants in the candy trade in the United States during the early 20th century, with many establis...
14 Jul 2009
Tablet Blacks are Cursed, Obama Is Evil 7 Jul 2009
Some Russian-language media in Israel have been making racist remarks about Barack Obama, drawing on biblical references to suggest that black people are cur...
7 Jul 2009
Tablet Their Magic Moment 2 Jul 2009
Rock and roll, with its roots entrenched in vernacular art and the culture of America's marginalized people, emerged as a powerful force in the early 1950s, ...
2 Jul 2009
Tablet Unto the Sons 5 Jun 2009
"The House of Wittgenstein: A Family at War" delves into the story of the Wittgenstein family, once wealthy and prominent in Austria, who discovered their Je...
5 Jun 2009