18forty What Makes Beliefs Rational? 29 Dec 2023
In this essay, the author explores the concept of rationality and its application to beliefs, particularly in relation to Judaism. They discuss the distincti...
29 Dec 2023
Jewish Chronicle Negotiating the moral maze 27 Dec 2023
The late Rabbi Nachum Rabinovich, influential in UK Judaism and a mentor to Rabbi Sacks, believed in a rationalist Judaism blending universal and specific el...
27 Dec 2023
Emes Ve-Emunah Why Did God Do This to Us?! 25 Dec 2023
This text addresses the question of why bad things happen to good people, particularly in the context of tragedies that befall the Jewish people. The author ...
25 Dec 2023
Torah 101 headphones #80: Resurrection: An Introduction 25 Dec 2023
This text emphasizes the Jewish belief in resurrection, rejecting the idea of "you only live once." Resurrection is seen as a central principle of Judaism, i...
25 Dec 2023
Tablet Taking Judaism Personally 22 Dec 2023
A 2021 Pew study highlighted the decline of religiosity within American Jewry, particularly among young adults who view their Judaism as purely ethnic or cul...
22 Dec 2023
New Voices Kislev Dreaming 21 Dec 2023
In Jewish tradition, there are five things in our world that are one-sixtieth of their most extreme forms, including fire, honey, Shabbat, sleep, and dreams....
21 Dec 2023
Jewschool “We Do Not Immortalize a Catastrophe”: On Chanukah, Violence, and History 14 Dec 2023
In this essay, Rabbi Aron Wander explores the historical and moral implications of the Hanukkah story. He discusses the perspective of Rabbi Avraham Chein, w...
14 Dec 2023
Lehrhaus An Ishbitz-Radzyn Reading of the Joseph Narrative: The Light of Reason and the Flaw of Perfection 14 Dec 2023
The Ishbitz-Radzyn reading of the Joseph narrative focuses on Joseph's character traits and flaws, particularly his trait of self-control and reason, which e...
14 Dec 2023
Jewish Chronicle Parashah of the week: Mikketz 14 Dec 2023
The Parashah of Mikketz delves into the significance of dreams in the Torah, portraying them as divine messages needing interpretation. Joseph's ability to i...
14 Dec 2023
Moment How the “Woke” Movement is Undermining its own Goals and Unintentionally Pushing Society to the Right with Susan Neiman and Robert Siegel 14 Dec 2023
In this discussion, Susan Neiman and Robert Siegel explore how the "woke" movement, driven by a desire to address historic crimes and stand with the oppresse...
14 Dec 2023
Jewish Currents The Luminous Dark - How can we understand Hanukkah in a way that rejects colonial conceptions of light and dark? 12 Dec 2023
Hanukkah is typically understood as a holiday about light conquering darkness. However, the binary of light as good and darkness as chaotic and evil is a col...
12 Dec 2023
Jewish Chronicle Parashah of the week: Vayishlach 30 Nov 2023
In this week's Parashah Vayishlach, the internal struggles we face on a daily basis are likened to the story of Jacob wrestling with an angel to receive the ...
30 Nov 2023
Tel Aviv Review headphones Hope. Yes, Hope 6 Nov 2023
Dr. Oded Adomi Leshem, a political psychologist from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, delves into the theme of hope in his recent book "Hope Amid Conflict...
6 Nov 2023
Jewish Chronicle Vayera 3 Nov 2023
The text explores the significance of Isaac's birth in Jewish tradition, highlighting the themes of surprise, joy, and renewal. It emphasizes how Isaac's bir...
3 Nov 2023
Jewish History Uncensored headphones Torah Lishma and Focused Direction in Avodas Hashem 2 Nov 2023
This episode delves into the debate between the Tanya and Nefesh HaChaim regarding Torah Lishma, focusing on R Chaim Volozhin's perspective and the importanc...
2 Nov 2023
Jewish Chronicle Parashah of the week: Ha'azinu 21 Sep 2023
The text explores the connection between Jewish theology and the natural world, emphasizing the importance of studying nature to deepen religious understandi...
21 Sep 2023
Jewish History Uncensored headphones #157 - Confrontation of 1771, Vilna Gaon on Tzadikim,Beinonim & Reshaim 21 Sep 2023
In this episode, the focus is on the legendary confrontation of 1771 involving the Vilna Gaon with R Menachem Mendel of Vitebsk and R Shnuer Zalman of Liozna...
21 Sep 2023
Jewish History Uncensored headphones #144 - AI & Human Accomplishment 22 Jun 2023
This podcast episode delves into the concerns surrounding artificial intelligence (AI) and explores the distinctions between AI and human intelligence. It di...
22 Jun 2023
Tel Aviv Review headphones Judaism and Liberalism: Brothers From Another Mother 27 Mar 2023
Dr. Shivi Greenfield explores the relationship between Judaism and Liberalism in his book "Judaism and Liberalism: A Metaphysical Tale of Two Siblings," sugg...
27 Mar 2023
Jewish History Uncensored headphones #127 - The Challenge of Rationalism - Vilna Gaon’s Response 16 Feb 2023
In this discussion, the focus is on the Vilna Gaon's response to rationalistic thought, questioning whether rational thought should be completely avoided or ...
16 Feb 2023
Jewish History Uncensored headphones #126 - Haskala and Enlightenment - The Vilna Gaon’s Response 9 Feb 2023
In this discussion, the focus is on the Jewish response to the Enlightenment movement, particularly examining the Vilna Gaon's perspective. The Vilna Gaon's ...
9 Feb 2023
Jewish History Uncensored headphones #116 - Kabbala, Chassidus & Spirituality 1 Dec 2022
This episode explores the basic structure of Kabbalah with a focus on the Ari's contributions, as well as the innovations in Kabbalah and Avodas Hashem by th...
1 Dec 2022
Jewish History Uncensored headphones #112 - R Kook on Spinoza & the Besht  3 Nov 2022
In this episode, Rabbi Kook's statement about a potential relationship between Spinoza's pantheistic ideas and the teachings of the Besht is explored. The ep...
3 Nov 2022
Jewish History Uncensored headphones #111 - National Identity, Spinoza & Zionism  27 Oct 2022
This episode delves into the relationship between National Identity and Religion, examining the classical understanding of this connection and its relevance ...
27 Oct 2022
Jewish History Uncensored headphones #109 - Determinism and Tefilah 13 Oct 2022
This text discusses Spinoza's philosophy of determinism and its contrast with the Torah's view, emphasizing the importance of free will in areas such as mora...
13 Oct 2022
Jewish History Uncensored headphones #108 - Determinism & Justice  28 Sep 2022
In this episode, the discussion critiques Spinoza's philosophy of determinism, highlighting flaws in his ideas. The example of Divine Providence in The Battl...
28 Sep 2022
Jewish History Uncensored headphones #105 - National Identity, Einstein & Determinism  8 Sep 2022
This episode discusses the influence of national identity on assimilated Jews like Einstein, exploring how being Jewish impacted Einstein professionally and ...
8 Sep 2022
Jewish History Uncensored headphones #104 - Rationalism, Spinoza & Einstein 1 Sep 2022
The text discusses the concept of rationalism from a Torah perspective, focusing on figures like Spinoza and Einstein. It explores how Spinoza and modern phi...
1 Sep 2022
Jewish History Uncensored headphones #101 - Spinoza & Dibukim  11 Aug 2022
This episode delves into Spinoza's questions about authorship in the Tanach and how they relate to Jewish history, highlighting a fundamental flaw. It also e...
11 Aug 2022
Jewish History Uncensored headphones #97 - Spinoza’s Great Mistake  14 Jul 2022
The episode discusses Spinoza's error in criticizing Tanach for not aligning with Euclidean style logic, asserting that most of Tanach and Chazal's interpret...
14 Jul 2022
Jewish History Uncensored headphones #94 - Spinoza, Shabtai Tzvi, and Atheism  23 Jun 2022
In this discussion, the focus is on Spinoza's Jewish identity and his denial of being Jewish. The episode explores Spinoza's reaction to the Shabtai Tzvi sto...
23 Jun 2022
Jewish History Uncensored headphones #93 - Spinoza in Rijnsburg & Voorburg 16 Jun 2022
This episode discusses Spinoza's life in Rijnsburg and his move to Voorburg, highlighting his relationship with DeVries and his colleagues' reactions to his ...
16 Jun 2022
Jewish History Uncensored headphones #90 - The Challenge of Focus  26 May 2022
This episode explores the challenge of focus in contemporary society, noting the lack of discussion on ultimate human accomplishment. It delves into factors ...
26 May 2022
Jewish History Uncensored headphones #89 - Understanding Human Accomplishment  18 May 2022
This episode delves into the philosophical question of defining humanity and human accomplishment, exploring perspectives from classic philosophers to contem...
18 May 2022
Jewish History Uncensored headphones #88 - The Philosophical Challenge of Understanding Reality  12 May 2022
This episode delves into the context of Cartesian Philosophy and why Enlightenment Philosophers struggled with understanding reality. It raises questions abo...
12 May 2022
Jewish History Uncensored headphones #87 - Descartes and Spinoza  5 May 2022
This episode discusses the influence of Rene Descartes on modern philosophy and how his ideas paved the way for epochal changes in thought. It elaborates on ...
5 May 2022
The Commentary Magazine Podcast headphones The Left's Projection Crisis 29 Apr 2022
The podcast discusses how some liberals and the left have been engaging in behavior they criticize conservatives for, justifying their actions as a response ...
29 Apr 2022
Jewish History Uncensored headphones #81 - Philosophy and Science  23 Mar 2022
This episode discusses Spinoza's motivations for his major life decision, explores the historical understanding of the term philosophy compared to modern tim...
23 Mar 2022
The Commentary Magazine Podcast headphones Believing the Bad Guys 22 Mar 2022
Matthew Continetti discusses his column "Believe Them" on the podcast, along with topics such as Ketanji Brown Jackson's confirmation hearings and Eliot A. C...
22 Mar 2022
Jewish History Uncensored headphones #80 - Lessons of the Spinozian Legacy  16 Mar 2022
This episode explores the enduring impact of Spinoza's philosophy on the Western world, highlighting the differences in how Judaism and Christianity approach...
16 Mar 2022
Jewish History Uncensored headphones #73 - Spinoza’s Youth and Jewish Education in Amsterdam 27 Jan 2022
This episode discusses the Jewish educational system in Amsterdam during Spinoza's time, highlighting a six-grade system for students aged seven to twenty-on...
27 Jan 2022
The Commentary Magazine Podcast headphones What Does It Mean to Be a Woman? 13 Dec 2021
The text discusses the shift in focus in the public health response to the Omicron variant of the pandemic, suggesting it is more about competing visions of ...
13 Dec 2021
Not That Kind of Rabbi headphones Annette Poizner 21 Oct 2021
Annette Poizner, a Social Worker, Therapist, Kabbalist, and Chinese medicine enthusiast, combines elements of pop culture icon Mary Tyler Moore, deep mystica...
21 Oct 2021
Tel Aviv Review headphones What Would Susan Sontag Say? 27 Sep 2021
Susan Sontag, a prominent philosopher and cultural critic, pondered the complex relationship between reality and representation throughout her influential ca...
27 Sep 2021
Jewish History Uncensored headphones #56 - Q&A on Chassidus and Hisnagdus  23 Sep 2021
This podcast discusses various differences between Chassidus and Hisnagdus, such as their perspectives on Emuna, Bitachon, fulfillment of mitzvos, the role o...
23 Sep 2021
Jewish History Uncensored headphones #53 - Understanding the Core of the Vilna Gaon’s Opposition to the Besht  26 Aug 2021
In this discussion, the focus is on understanding the Vilna Gaon's opposition to the Besht, particularly in relation to their approaches to Haalas Nitzotzim....
26 Aug 2021
Jewish History Uncensored headphones 52 - Tzimtzum - The Vilna Gaon’s Approach  19 Aug 2021
In episode 52, the discussion focuses on the Vilna Gaon's interpretation of Tzimtzum. The episode explores whether the Vilna Gaon disagreed with those who in...
19 Aug 2021
Jewish History Uncensored headphones #49- Haalas Nitzotzim  29 Jul 2021
In this episode, the discussion centers around the concept of Haalas Nitzotzim, raising the sparks, a key issue that the Vilna Gaon debated with the Besht. T...
29 Jul 2021
Not That Kind of Rabbi headphones Rev. Drew Jacques 29 Jul 2021
In this episode of "Not That Kind of Rabbi," Rev. Drew Jacques joins Ralph for a discussion on topics like the future of the Church, addressing past wrongs, ...
29 Jul 2021
The Commentary Magazine Podcast headphones Biden, Aliens, Angels, Demons, DeSantis 28 Jun 2021
Matthew Continetti participated in a podcast discussing aliens, angels, demons, and political figures like Biden and DeSantis. The conversation delved deeply...
28 Jun 2021