The Commentary Magazine Podcast headphones Biden, Aliens, Angels, Demons, DeSantis 28 Jun 2021
Matthew Continetti participated in a podcast discussing aliens, angels, demons, and political figures like Biden and DeSantis. The conversation delved deeply...
28 Jun 2021
Not That Kind of Rabbi headphones Rabbi Redux - Lou Schizas: Life is Just Choices-or-Not 17 Jun 2021
Lou Schizas, a capitalist figure, presents a perspective that life is a series of individual choices with little room for external influences. He emphasizes ...
17 Jun 2021
Tablet God’s Daily Schedule 14 May 2021
In this text excerpt from the book "Time and Difference in Rabbinic Judaism," the author explores the concept of God's daily schedule post-creation according...
14 May 2021
Not That Kind of Rabbi headphones Michael Coren 6 May 2021
The podcast episode features Reverend Michael Coren discussing post-COVID scenarios, Israel and Palestine, and whether capitalism is a suitable framework for...
6 May 2021
Jewish Review of Books Samson Raphael Hirsch’s Attack on Liberal Christian Bigotry and American Slavery 1 Apr 2021
In 1840, amid a theological dispute within Protestantism regarding the relationship between the Old and New Testaments and Judaism and Christianity, Chief Ra...
1 Apr 2021
Tel Aviv Review headphones Brothers From Another Mother? 8 Mar 2021
Rabbi Dr. Tal Sessler, the next Dean of the Rabbinical School at the Academy of Jewish Religion in California, is set to release a book called "Leibowitz and...
8 Mar 2021
Jewish History Uncensored headphones #27 - The Holy Letter and the Maggid of Mezritch 25 Feb 2021
Rabbi Arnie Wittenstein discusses the Holy Letter and its role in sparking a controversy, delves into the soul's ascension and its relation to prophecy, and ...
25 Feb 2021
Not That Kind of Rabbi headphones Yakir Englander 11 Feb 2021
Yakir Englander, a former ultra-orthodox individual, is working to connect his traditional upbringing with a more freeing and expansive vision of Judaism. Th...
11 Feb 2021
Tablet Dostoevsky’s Demonologies of Terror 30 Oct 2020
In "Dostoevsky's Demonologies of Terror," the discussion delves into the themes of desire, rebellion, ideological purity, and evil in Dostoevsky's works, par...
30 Oct 2020
The Commentary Magazine Podcast headphones The Magical Hypnotic Power of Donald J. Trump 21 Oct 2020
The text discusses the polarized reactions to Donald J. Trump, highlighting a common but unconscious belief among liberals and Trump supporters that attribut...
21 Oct 2020
Jewish History Uncensored headphones BESHT #6 Beshtian Theology I 24 Sep 2020
This podcast episode delves into the theological ideas of the Baal Shem Tov (Besht), particularly focusing on Divine Providence (Hashgacha Pratit) and how it...
24 Sep 2020
Tablet The Marxist Who Became the World’s Most Influential Talmudic Scholar 21 Sep 2020
Rabbi Adin Even Israel-Steinsaltz, known for his monumental translation of the Babylonian Talmud, passed away, leaving a legacy that reshaped Talmudic schola...
21 Sep 2020
Tablet The Future of Jewish Communal Life 10 Jul 2020
The COVID-19 pandemic has brought significant challenges to Jewish communal life, with a focus on financial support and organizational resilience. However, t...
10 Jul 2020
Tel Aviv Review headphones Martin Buber: A Beautiful Mind? 22 Jun 2020
Paul Mendes-Flohr's biography, "Martin Buber: A Life of Faith and Dissent," delves into the life of the Jewish philosopher Martin Buber, tracing his evolutio...
22 Jun 2020
Not That Kind of Rabbi headphones Forget the yoga pants, wear your sweaters, actually forget the poses and take a deep dive into the real Yoga with Swan Retreat Yogi Shivendra Kumar as we go east, way east. 18 Jun 2020
Yogi Shivendra Kumar leads a retreat in Goa aiming to explore the true essence of Yoga beyond physical postures, focusing on the Vedas, Ayurveda, and the sym...
18 Jun 2020
The Commentary Magazine Podcast headphones A Statement of Purpose 16 Jun 2020
The COMMENTARY podcast discusses the urgent need, as outlined in an editor's letter in the magazine, to halt the resurgence of a political and legal philosop...
16 Jun 2020
Not That Kind of Rabbi headphones Sarah Slean: The magical muse waxes poetic as we build the utopian commune. 11 Jun 2020
Sarah Slean, a musician, poet, and artist known for her spiritual insight, discusses the concept of the Divine and utopian ideals in the context of building ...
11 Jun 2020
The Commentary Magazine Podcast headphones Is This What the ‘Common Good’ Looks Like? 13 May 2020
Some proponents of a nationalist common good philosophy are questioning whether the current state of affairs, with economic activity slow and the government ...
13 May 2020
The Commentary Magazine Podcast headphones A Time to Rebuild. Eventually. 24 Apr 2020
Yuval Levin discusses the challenging decisions Americans face in the near future amidst the COVID-19 pandemic, debating between economic despair and potenti...
24 Apr 2020
Tel Aviv Review headphones Existential Frets: The Rise and Fall of Jean-Paul Sartre in the Arab World 3 Feb 2020
Dr. Yoav Di Capua, a history professor at the University of Texas at Austin, delves into Arab intellectual history in his new book "No Exit: Arab Existential...
3 Feb 2020
Not That Kind of Rabbi headphones Lou Schizas: Life is Just Choices-or-Not 23 Jan 2020
Lou Schizas believes that life boils down to the choices we make, emphasizing personal responsibility and a capitalist outlook on facing life's challenges al...
23 Jan 2020
Not That Kind of Rabbi headphones Laurie Brown: I'm Spiritual but Not Religious 16 Jan 2020
Laurie Brown discusses the common phrase "I'm spiritual but not religious," questioning its meaning which often includes activities like taking walks and med...
16 Jan 2020
Tel Aviv Review headphones Avishai Margalit on Betrayal 25 Nov 2019
Avishai Margalit, a prominent philosopher, delves into the intricacies of betrayal in his book "On Betrayal," examining the connections and distinctions amon...
25 Nov 2019
Tel Aviv Review headphones Avishai Margalit on Betrayal 25 Nov 2019
Avishai Margalit, a prominent philosopher, delves into the themes of betrayal in his book "On Betrayal," examining the nuances between adultery, treason, apo...
25 Nov 2019
Jewish Review of Books Punctuality, Mendelssohn, and Nihilism: Remembering Alexander Altmann 20 Nov 2019
The reminiscence of the Mendelssohn scholar Alexander Altmann reflects on his punctuality and devotion to studying Moses Mendelssohn's works, notably "Jerusa...
20 Nov 2019
Tel Aviv Review headphones The Jewsraelis: Portrait of a People, Portrait of a Nation 11 Nov 2019
In his new book "Israeli Judaism," Shmuel Rosner explores contemporary Israeli perspectives on Judaism as a religion, peoplehood, and tradition. Co-authored ...
11 Nov 2019
Tablet On the Nats winning the World Series and the Sacred Vessels of Light that Broke at the Moment of Creation 7 Nov 2019
The text discusses the Washington Nationals' World Series victory as a revelation for fans, symbolizing a cosmic unveiling of reality. Despite past disappoin...
7 Nov 2019
Adventures in Jewish Studies headphones (False) Messiahs: Messianism in Jewish History & Thought with David Berger, Laura Arnold Leibman & Kenneth Seeskin 5 Nov 2019
The discussion explores the concept of messianism in Jewish history and thought, tracing it from the late 2nd Temple period in Roman-controlled Judea to mode...
5 Nov 2019
Lehrhaus God Is Other People 3 Nov 2019
The Zohar emphasizes encountering the divine in everyday life through relationships with others, contrasting with mystical approaches that seek to transcend ...
3 Nov 2019
Lehrhaus Rabbinic Moral Psychology 31 Oct 2019
The essay explores Rabbinic moral psychology, focusing on the interplay between reason and passion in shaping moral behavior. It discusses the debate on whet...
31 Oct 2019
Torah 101 headphones #23: The Parameters of Divine Providence 30 Oct 2019
This podcast delves into the complexities of divine providence in Jewish theology, highlighting the belief that God oversees every aspect of creation down to...
30 Oct 2019
Torah 101 headphones #22: God Alone is Worthy of Worship 6 Oct 2019
In the discussion on the Thirteen Principles of Faith by Maimonides (Rambam), the concept that God alone is worthy of worship is highlighted as a central ten...
6 Oct 2019
Jewish Review of Books Scholem!: From Berlin to Jerusalem to My House 25 Sep 2019
The text recounts a personal interaction with Gershom Scholem, a prominent Jewish scholar of mysticism, at an event in Jerusalem. Scholem's interest in surna...
25 Sep 2019
Torah 101 headphones #21: Torah and Science: Can they be Reconciled? 16 Sep 2019
The discussion explores the apparent discrepancies between Torah teachings and scientific consensus, particularly regarding the age of the universe, the conc...
16 Sep 2019
Jewish Review of Books The Symbol Catcher 16 Sep 2019
The text discusses the symbolic dimension of baseball cards and idolatry, drawing parallels between the reverence for baseball cards and religious idol worsh...
16 Sep 2019
Jewish Review of Books Mastering the Return 15 Sep 2019
In Tova Reich's novel "Mother India," a Jewish mother from Brooklyn decides to spend her final days in Varanasi, India, instead of risking reincarnation. The...
15 Sep 2019
Jewish Lives headphones KARL MARX 9 Aug 2019
Shlomo Avineri delves into the Jewish background of Karl Marx, a prominent and revolutionary thinker often misunderstood or disregarded in terms of his Jewis...
9 Aug 2019
Lehrhaus Beyond Holocaust Time 8 Aug 2019
In "Beyond Holocaust Time," the author Alan Rosen explores the concept of Jewish resistance during the Holocaust through the lens of Jewish calendars. He rec...
8 Aug 2019
Lehrhaus Inside Joke: The Spiritual Genius of Rav Menachem Froman 1 Aug 2019
Rabbi Menachem Chai Shalom Froman (1945-2013) was a unique figure known for his diverse roles as a poet, peace activist, mystic, community Rabbi, soldier, an...
1 Aug 2019
Torah 101 headphones #20: Creation Ex Nihilo and the Age of the Universe Question 29 Jul 2019
Rambam's Fourth of the Thirteen Principles of Faith delineates God's separation from creation and the concept of Creation Ex Nihilo, diverging from Plato and...
29 Jul 2019
Torah 101 headphones #19: The Incorporeality of God 8 Jul 2019
The text discusses the Third Principle of the Thirteen Principles of Jewish Faith, which asserts that God is incorporeal, meaning He has no physical body and...
8 Jul 2019
Lehrhaus Selflessness and the Self in the Teachings of the Lubavitcher Rebbe 4 Jul 2019
The essay discusses the teachings of the Lubavitcher Rebbe on accessing the soul and bringing about redemption in the world. It emphasizes the importance of ...
4 Jul 2019
Jewish Review of Books The Anti-Imperialism of Idiots 24 Jun 2019
In "The Anti-Imperialism of Idiots," Susie Linfield explores the estrangement between Zionism and the Left, questioning why many left-wingers oppose Jewish n...
24 Jun 2019
Jewish Review of Books The Sounds of Silence 24 Jun 2019
In "The Sounds of Silence," John Gray, a retired philosophy professor, critiques atheist thinking for resembling monotheism in seeking an intelligible order ...
24 Jun 2019
Jewish Action Bringing God into the Classroom 20 Jun 2019
Rebbetzin Leah Kohn developed the Kivun curriculum to address the lack of deep discussion around Jewish philosophical topics in high schools. The two-year pr...
20 Jun 2019
Lehrhaus Leviathan: The Biblical Beast of the Brain 20 Jun 2019
The text delves into the concept of the leviathan, exploring its rich meanings in English literature and its origins in Hebrew biblical texts. It discusses h...
20 Jun 2019
Torah 101 headphones #18: Why Bad Things Happen to Good People: Three Torah Perspectives on this Vexing Problem 17 Jun 2019
This podcast explores the challenging question of why bad things happen to good people, known as theodicy, through three Torah perspectives derived from disc...
17 Jun 2019
Lehrhaus As One Person with One Heart: Misunderstood in Unison 3 Jun 2019
The text explores the concept of unity among the Israelites at Mount Sinai, particularly focusing on Rashis interpretation of them being united "as one perso...
3 Jun 2019
Torah 101 headphones #17: Why Bad Things Happen to Good People: An Introduction to Jewish Theodicy 3 Jun 2019
This text grapples with the challenging question of why bad things happen to good people, a central issue in Jewish theology. Despite the belief in a benevol...
3 Jun 2019
Tablet Free Palestine 28 May 2019
A Jewish writer in Soho reflects on a chance encounter with a woman who called out "Free Palestine!" at him, prompting a self-reflective narrative on Jewish ...
28 May 2019