Torah 101 headphones #17: Why Bad Things Happen to Good People: An Introduction to Jewish Theodicy 3 Jun 2019
This text grapples with the challenging question of why bad things happen to good people, a central issue in Jewish theology. Despite the belief in a benevol...
3 Jun 2019
Tablet Free Palestine 28 May 2019
A Jewish writer in Soho reflects on a chance encounter with a woman who called out "Free Palestine!" at him, prompting a self-reflective narrative on Jewish ...
28 May 2019
Tel Aviv Review headphones Tel Aviv Review Live in New York: Michael Walzer on the Problem of the Left 24 May 2019
Renowned political philosopher Michael Walzer discusses his latest book, "A Foreign Policy for the Left," with the Tel Aviv Review at YIVO in New York. YIVO ...
24 May 2019
Lehrhaus Rebbe Shimon Opened 23 May 2019
On Lag ba-Omer, Jews commemorate the passing and celebrate the life of Rabbi Shimon bar Yohai, focusing on the bright side of death and the fullness of life,...
23 May 2019
Torah 101 headphones #16: How can Humans have Free Will if God is in Total Control? 20 May 2019
The discussion in the text focuses on reconciling the belief in God's omnipotence as the ultimate power with the concept of human free will. It delves into t...
20 May 2019
Tel Aviv Review headphones Islam, on the Verge of Reformation 20 May 2019
Mustafa Akyol argues that Islam is in need of liberalizing reforms, promoting a more moderate and open-minded approach to the religion. Through books like "I...
20 May 2019
Torah 101 headphones #15: The Singularity of God 6 May 2019
The podcast explores the concept of God's singularity as stated in the Second Principle of Jewish Faith, emphasizing that God's oneness is absolute and incom...
6 May 2019
Torah 101 headphones #14: Faith vs. Emunah: Understanding the Difference between Intellectual and Instinctual Belief in God 22 Apr 2019
The podcast discusses the difference between the foundational faith, represented by the Thirteen Principles of Faith, which underpins Judaism, and the everyd...
22 Apr 2019
Torah 101 headphones #13: Does God’s Creation of the Universe Conflict with the Principle of God’s Perfection? 8 Apr 2019
This podcast delves into the philosophical question of why a perfect God, as outlined in the Thirteen Principles of Faith, would create the imperfect univers...
8 Apr 2019
Lehrhaus Born to Return 4 Apr 2019
Rabbinic doctrine suggests that each fetus is taught the entirety of the Torah while in the womb, only to forget it upon birth. This concept bears similarity...
4 Apr 2019
Jewish Review of Books Harold Bloom: Anti-Inkling? 27 Mar 2019
Harold Bloom, known for his devotion to Shakespeare and other literary giants, surprised many by declaring David Lindsay's 1920 fantasy novel, "A Voyage to A...
27 Mar 2019
Jewish Review of Books America’s Jewish Bridegroom 27 Mar 2019
Horace Kallen, a prolific writer known primarily for his concept of cultural pluralism, is the focus of Matthew Kaufman's book "Horace Kallen Confronts Ameri...
27 Mar 2019
Lehrhaus Korban Asham: The Sacrifice for Sacrilege (and other Sins) 18 Mar 2019
In the text "Korban Asham: The Sacrifice for Sacrilege (and other Sins)" by Matt Lubin, the focus is on the Korban Asham (guilt offering) as described in the...
18 Mar 2019
Torah 101 headphones #12: The Thirteen Principles of Jewish Faith: God as Creator and Sustainer 14 Mar 2019
The Rambam's Thirteen Principles of Faith are a widely accepted articulation of Jewish beliefs, found in his commentary on Mishnah. Initially contested, thes...
14 Mar 2019
Jewish Review of Books The 2,000-Year-Old Women 8 Mar 2019
"Two highly praised novels of 2018, Dara Horn's 'Eternal Life' and Sarah Perry's 'Melmoth,' feature Jewish women born in ancient Judea who are still alive to...
8 Mar 2019
Tablet The New Jerusalem Is Crumbling 21 Feb 2019
The text discusses the American concept of creating a new Jerusalem on earth, departing from traditional Judeo-Christian beliefs by seeking to establish a mo...
21 Feb 2019
Tel Aviv Review headphones Us and Them: Is There Any Way Out? 18 Feb 2019
Psychologist Nurit Novis-Deutsch suggests that individuals who possess a multifaceted identity are more likely to be tolerant towards those different from th...
18 Feb 2019
Lehrhaus The Talmud’s Economic Behavior, and the Study of Behavioral Economics 14 Feb 2019
This article delves into the intersection of Talmudic literature on economic behavior and the study of behavioral economics, with a focus on cases from the B...
14 Feb 2019
Lehrhaus The Development of Neo-Hasidism: Echoes and Repercussions Part IV: Arthur Green and Conclusion 11 Feb 2019
Rabbi Arthur Green, a liberal theologian and scholar of Jewish mysticism, has played a significant role in the development of Neo-Hasidism. Influenced by thi...
11 Feb 2019
Lehrhaus Fed By the Waters of Controversy: R. Nahman of Bratslav on the Dynamics of Dispute 4 Feb 2019
Rabbi Nahman of Bratslav, a prominent figure in Hasidic Judaism, faced opposition throughout his life for his unique teachings and spiritual path. Born in 17...
4 Feb 2019
Lehrhaus Fed By the Waters of Controversy: R. Nahman of Bratslav on the Dynamics of Dispute 4 Feb 2019
Rabbi Nahman of Bratslav, a founder of Breslov Hasidism in the late 18th century, faced opposition and disputes due to his unique teachings throughout his li...
4 Feb 2019
Lehrhaus The Lifespan of Hirschian Orthodoxy: On the 130th Yahrtzeit of Rabbi Samson Raphael Hirsch 10 Jan 2019
Rabbi Samson Raphael Hirsch's 130th Yahrtzeit provokes a reflection on the lifespan of his Torah im Derekh Eretz approach and its endurance. Hirsch's unique ...
10 Jan 2019
Lehrhaus The Development of Neo-Hasidism: Echoes and Repercussions Part II: Abraham Joshua Heschel and Zelda Schneurson Mishkovsky 31 Dec 2018
In the article "The Development of Neo-Hasidism: Echoes and Repercussions Part II," Ariel Evan Mayse explores the impact of Rabbi Abraham Joshua Heschel (190...
31 Dec 2018
Lehrhaus When Rambam Met the Izhbitser Rebbe: Response to a Straussian Reading of Hilkhot Teshuvah 27 Dec 2018
In response to Leo Strauss's notion of authors writing on multiple levels, including an esoteric one, scholar Bezalel Safran applies this idea to Maimonides'...
27 Dec 2018
Lehrhaus Maimonidean Providence & Stoicism 24 Dec 2018
The article discusses the practical principles of Stoicism and their relation to Maimonides' exploration of providence and theodicy in the Guide for the Perp...
24 Dec 2018
Jewish Review of Books Workday Jews 20 Dec 2018
Chad Alan Goldberg and Eliyahu Stern present contrasting perspectives on the Jewish experience with modernity. Goldberg's "Modernity and the Jews in Western ...
20 Dec 2018
Lehrhaus The Development of Neo-Hasidism: Echoes and Repercussions Part I: Introduction, Hillel Zeitlin, and Martin Buber 19 Dec 2018
Neo-Hasidism, rooted in the devotional and mystical renewal of Hasidism, seeks to inspire contemporary spiritual renaissance through infusing tradition with ...
19 Dec 2018
Lehrhaus Darkness Will Envelop Me: A Meditation on Hanukkah 10 Dec 2018
In "Darkness Will Envelop Me: A Meditation on Hanukkah," Devora Steinmetz explores the Talmudic story of Adam's fear as he experiences the changing seasons f...
10 Dec 2018
Tablet The Philosophers and the American Left 26 Nov 2018
In discussions on the American left, two books by Richard Rorty and Michael Walzer stand out, offering critical insights. Rorty's "Achieving Our Country" gai...
26 Nov 2018
Lehrhaus Reclaiming the Akeidah from Kierkegaard 22 Oct 2018
The discussion delves into interpretations of the Akeidah, the binding of Isaac, through the lens of Kierkegaard and Kant. Kierkegaard argues for the suspens...
22 Oct 2018
Jewish Review of Books The Book of Radiance 14 Sep 2018
Daniel Matt's translation and commentary on the Zohar, a foundational text of Kabbalah, delves into the profound mystical teachings of Jewish mysticism. The ...
14 Sep 2018
Jewish Review of Books The Secret Metaphysician 14 Sep 2018
Gershom Scholem, a renowned Jewish scholar, brought a unique perspective to Jewish mysticism and scholarship, intertwining tradition with modernist ideas. De...
14 Sep 2018
Jewish Review of Books Mending Walls 14 Sep 2018
Yoram Hazony's book, "The Virtue of Nationalism," delves into the revival of nationalism in response to liberal imperialism embodied by entities like the Eur...
14 Sep 2018
Lehrhaus Leavings of Sin: Rav Aharon Lichtenstein on Teshuvah 6 Sep 2018
"Return and Renewal: Reflections on Teshuva and Spiritual Growth" is a collection of twelve teshuva derashot by Rav Aharon Lichtenstein, previously offered f...
6 Sep 2018
Jewish Action The Rav on the Significance of the Shofar 31 Aug 2018
In his teachings on the significance of the Shofar during the High Holidays, the Rav delved into the essence of the mitzvah, emphasizing the importance of bo...
31 Aug 2018
Lehrhaus Rav Kook’s Space Odyssey 23 Aug 2018
Rav Kook, a renowned Jewish thinker, is reflected upon in relation to the classic film "2001: A Space Odyssey," which traces mankind's evolution from ape to ...
23 Aug 2018
Tablet Nationalism Is Dead. Long Live Nationalism. 15 Aug 2018
Yoram Hazony's book, "The Virtue of Nationalism," defends nationalism as a concept amid its revival in Brexit and Trump's election, challenging the liberal m...
15 Aug 2018
Tablet Rav Kook’s Pre-Zionist Spiritual Diary 14 Aug 2018
Rav Kook, a prominent Jewish thinker, stands out for his use of spiritual diaries alongside traditional genres like commentary and essays. The recent publica...
14 Aug 2018
Tel Aviv Review headphones On Hell and Other People: The Enduring Relevance of Existentialism 13 Aug 2018
Dr. Dror Yinon from Bar-Ilan University discusses a recent series of lectures on Existentialism at the Van Leer Jerusalem Institute, highlighting the endurin...
13 Aug 2018
Tel Aviv Review headphones On Hell and Other People: The Enduring Relevance of Existentialism 13 Aug 2018
Dr. Dror Yinon from Bar-Ilan University explores the ongoing relevance of Existentialism in today's world, particularly in light of populism and post-truth t...
13 Aug 2018
Lehrhaus Notes on the Conversation surrounding Faith Shattered and Restored / Post-Modern Orthodoxy. 6 Aug 2018
The text discusses the impact of Rabbi Shagar's teachings on Postmodern Orthodoxy and Modern Orthodoxy's struggle to engage with contemporary culture. It exp...
6 Aug 2018
Tablet The Big Sacred Voice of a Postmodern Psalmist 3 Aug 2018
Joseph Lease, a poet and professor of writing and literature, discusses his latest book, "The Body Ghost," which showcases his unique and electrifying poetic...
3 Aug 2018
Lehrhaus Mysticism and its Alternatives: Rethinking Maimonides 2 Aug 2018
The text explores the complex relationship between Maimonides and mysticism, challenging the common perception of him as solely a rationalist opposed to myst...
2 Aug 2018
Lehrhaus Hollow Land 20 Jul 2018
The text, "Hollow Land" by Zohar Atkins, is part of a longer work focusing on the theme of mourning and data overload in today's society. The poem explores t...
20 Jul 2018
Lehrhaus Pinhas’ Parts: Of Priests, Peace, and Disturbing the Piece 5 Jul 2018
The article explores the story of Pinhas from a Torah perspective, emphasizing the theme of using violent force for a positive outcome. Pinhas, a priest, act...
5 Jul 2018
Tel Aviv Review headphones The Survival of the Sentient: The Evolution of the Soul 2 Jul 2018
Professor Eva Jablonka from Tel Aviv University explores the concept of conscience and its development within the evolution process in her upcoming book "The...
2 Jul 2018
Lehrhaus The “Essentials” of Orthodox Judaism 25 Jun 2018
Rabbi Benny Lau and Rabbi Aharon Lichtenstein engaged in a debate regarding physical disabilities and the priestly service in the Third Temple. Rabbi Lau sug...
25 Jun 2018
Jewish Review of Books Says Who? 17 Jun 2018
In this reflection, the author discusses his experience working for a Jewish organization and delves into the sociological theories of Peter Berger, particul...
17 Jun 2018
Jewish Review of Books Maimonides in Ma’ale Adumim  16 Jun 2018
Rabbi Nachum Rabinovitch, a modern and highly knowledgeable scholar, has produced an extensive 23-volume commentary called Yad Peshutah on Moses Maimonides' ...
16 Jun 2018
Jewish Review of Books Maimonides, Stonehenge, and Newton’s Obsessions 16 Jun 2018
During the age of the scientific revolution, figures like Sir Isaac Newton held beliefs that God's revelations were found in both Scripture and Nature, worki...
16 Jun 2018