Daily Podcasts Video Research
Tel Aviv Review headphones All her daughters: The story of Jerusalem's legendary headmistress 4 Mar 2015
Prof. Laura Schor explores the life of Annie Landau, a prominent figure in Jerusalem during a tumultuous period, in her book "The Best School in Jerusalem: A...
4 Mar 2015
Tel Aviv Review headphones Israel's Bedouin and the line between tradition and modernity 27 Feb 2015
Dr. Sarab Abu Rabia-Queder, a researcher at Ben-Gurion University, discusses the impact of education on Bedouin women in Israel, highlighting their navigatio...
27 Feb 2015
Tablet Israel’s Rabbinic Court System Is Divorced From Reality 27 Feb 2015
"Gett: The Trial of Viviane Amsalem" portrays the struggle of a woman trying to obtain a Jewish divorce document (get) from her husband in Israel’s rabbinic ...
27 Feb 2015
Tel Aviv Review headphones What did the Crusaders ever learn from us? 19 Feb 2015
Dr. Jonathan Rubin discusses how the Crusaders, beyond initial hostility, learned theological, economic, and scientific lessons from interactions with local ...
19 Feb 2015
Promised Podcast headphones Scenes from the Class Wars, Culture Wars, and Ideology Wars 19 Feb 2015
The podcast "Scenes from the Class Wars, Culture Wars, and Ideology Wars" features Allison, Noah, and guest Ilene Prusher discussing significant topics inclu...
19 Feb 2015
Tel Aviv Review headphones Portrait of the father of a nation 6 Feb 2015
Prof. Anita Shapira discusses her newly published biography on David Ben-Gurion, Israel's first prime minister, with host Gilad Halpern, shedding light on th...
6 Feb 2015
Promised Podcast headphones Poking Obama in the eye? 4 Feb 2015
The podcast touches on three main topics: Prime Minister Netanyahu's controversial decision to address the US Congress close to Israeli elections, causing te...
4 Feb 2015
Tel Aviv Review headphones Requiem for a bygone Jewish-Arab coexistence 30 Jan 2015
Professor Menachem Klein's book, "Lives in Common: Arabs and Jews in Jerusalem, Jaffa and Hebron," delves into the historical Jewish-Arab coexistence in Pale...
30 Jan 2015
Tel Aviv Review headphones Palestinian students and the struggle for nationhood 16 Jan 2015
Dr. Ido Zelkovitz, a Middle East scholar at the University of Haifa, delves into the Palestinian student movement in his new book, viewing it through histori...
16 Jan 2015
Promised Podcast headphones Gimme that ol’ time arrogance 14 Jan 2015
The article delves into various topics within Israeli politics and culture. It critiques Israel's leaders for their perceived arrogance following the Paris t...
14 Jan 2015
Promised Podcast headphones The "losing faith" edition 7 Jan 2015
In this episode, Allison, Don, and Noah discuss the Israeli government's decision to withhold Palestinian tax money, raising questions about Israel's diploma...
7 Jan 2015
Promised Podcast headphones The “give peace a deadline” edition 24 Dec 2014
Allison, Don, and Noah discuss the Palestinian proposal for peace negotiations with a deadline set by the UN Security Council, questioning the potential outc...
24 Dec 2014
Tablet Strangers in Their Own Country 23 Dec 2014
In this thought-provoking piece, the author reflects on the feeling of being a stranger in one's own country, a sentiment experienced by individuals when the...
23 Dec 2014
Promised Podcast headphones The "e pluribus screw 'em" edition 17 Dec 2014
In this episode, Allison, Don, and Noah discuss the Labor Party's attempts to unite center-left parties in Israel, focusing on the Livni-Herzog rotation and ...
17 Dec 2014
Promised Podcast headphones Woman of valor, who will elect? 10 Dec 2014
Allison, Don, and Noah discuss the campaign to have ultra-Orthodox women run in upcoming elections, potentially signaling shifts within the community. They a...
10 Dec 2014
Tablet An Interview with Israel’s Most Wanted Man, Rabbi Yehuda Glick 10 Dec 2014
Yehuda Glick, a prominent figure advocating for Jewish prayer rights at the Temple Mount in Jerusalem, was shot four times by a Palestinian assailant in an a...
10 Dec 2014
Jewish Review of Books Shifting Sands 9 Dec 2014
Shlomo Sand, a well-known anti-Israel Israeli intellectual and history professor, challenges traditional Jewish narratives in his book "How I Stopped Being a...
9 Dec 2014
Jewish Review of Books Letters, Winter 2015 9 Dec 2014
The Winter 2015 edition of Letters featured various perspectives on Israel, ethics in warfare, and Jewish historical figures. Discussions included refuting t...
9 Dec 2014
Jewish Review of Books And How Do You Like Israel? 9 Dec 2014
The text discusses the evolving international perception of Israel post-1967, attributing the shift to various factors such as the revolutionary left's suppo...
9 Dec 2014
Tel Aviv Review headphones Political science: Early Israeli-German scientific exchanges 4 Dec 2014
Prof. Ute Deichmann discusses the early Israeli-German scientific exchanges and their role in paving the way for normalization of diplomatic relations betwee...
4 Dec 2014
Tablet Abbas’ Dangerous War 18 Nov 2014
The article discusses the recent surge of violence in Israel, questioning if it marks the beginning of a third Intifada, potentially orchestrated by Palestin...
18 Nov 2014
Promised Podcast headphones The ‘Jewesses with Guns’ Edition 12 Nov 2014
The text discusses the current situation in Israel, questioning whether the recent violence signifies the start of a new intifada. It also explores lawmaker ...
12 Nov 2014
Tel Aviv Review headphones Sir Moses Montefiore: a world Jewish leader before such even existed 6 Nov 2014
The podcast discusses various topics, including the perception of the Nakba in Israeli society, the history of Pop-Rock music in Israel and globally, and the...
6 Nov 2014
Promised Podcast headphones The “What’s Red and Blue got to do with Blue and White?” Edition 5 Nov 2014
In a discussion led by Allison, Don, and Noah, three significant topics are covered: Prime Minister Netanyahu displays open support for American Republicans,...
5 Nov 2014
Promised Podcast headphones The 'Whither Jerusalem?' Edition 29 Oct 2014
The discussion on 'Whither Jerusalem?' addresses the recent violence in Jerusalem and the debate on the potential start of the Third Intifada, proposing the ...
29 Oct 2014
Promised Podcast headphones A tale of two lefties 21 Oct 2014
In a discussion between Allison, Don, and Noah, several topics are touched upon, including the contrasting views of Israeli MKs Zahava Gal-On and Hilik Bar o...
21 Oct 2014
Forward Christian Evangelicals Push Aliyah — and Jews Are Concerned 19 Oct 2014
The International Fellowship of Christians and Jews, a major evangelical Christian group supporting Israel, plans to launch its own aliyah operation to facil...
19 Oct 2014
Tel Aviv Review headphones Rise and decline of civilizations: Lessons for the Jewish People 17 Oct 2014
Dr. Salomon Wald, a senior fellow at the Jewish People Policy Institute, discusses the unique position of the Jewish civilization in relation to the rise and...
17 Oct 2014
Promised Podcast headphones The 'calamari is kosher, right?' edition 15 Oct 2014
In this podcast episode, Allison, Don, and Noah discuss the idea of potentially dividing Israel into smaller, more culturally and ideologically homogenous lo...
15 Oct 2014
Tablet The Humble Pita Bread Gets a Culinary Makeover 14 Oct 2014
Pita bread in Israel is undergoing a culinary makeover, with gourmet pita establishments offering upscale fillings like lamb kebab and chicken steak. Celebri...
14 Oct 2014
Promised Podcast headphones The 'doctors, lawyers, and rabbis' edition 7 Oct 2014
In this edition, Allison, Don, and Noah delve into the topics of doctors' public political expressions, the judging of judges by lawyers in Israel, and the r...
7 Oct 2014
Tablet Brookings Responds to Tablet Piece on Qatar Funding 2 Oct 2014
Brookings Institution, in response to accusations by Lee Smith about Martin Indyk and Qatar funding, clarified that the $14.8 million from Qatar was a pledge...
2 Oct 2014
Promised Podcast headphones Fear and loathing at the UN 30 Sep 2014
Allison, Don, and Noah engage in discussions about various topics including recent speeches by PA President Abbas and Israeli PM Netanyahu at the UN, the rul...
30 Sep 2014
Promised Podcast headphones The death and life of the Left 24 Sep 2014
The article discusses the decline of the Israeli Left, questioning whether its focus on international issues led to its demise instead of addressing domestic...
24 Sep 2014
Forward This Beekeeper Means Business 23 Sep 2014
Ishai Zeldner's journey with bees began on a kibbutz in Israel over 40 years ago, leading him to establish Z Specialty Foods in California, specializing in g...
23 Sep 2014
Promised Podcast headphones You say goodbye, and I say hello 18 Sep 2014
Allison, Don, and Noah discuss the Unit 8200 'refuseniks' exposing Israeli intelligence practices, questioning if they were justified and why there is opposi...
18 Sep 2014
Tablet How Peace Negotiator Martin Indyk Cashed a Big, Fat $14.8 Million Check From Qatar 17 Sep 2014
Martin Indyk, a peace negotiator involved in Israeli-Palestinian relations, received a substantial $14.8 million from Qatar while working at the Brookings In...
17 Sep 2014
Jewish Review of Books Shaking Up Israel’s Kosher Certification System 16 Sep 2014
The text discusses the case of Ilana Raskin challenging the Jerusalem religious council's attempt to restrict entertainment like belly dancing in venues with...
16 Sep 2014
Jewish Review of Books The Ethics of Protective Edge 16 Sep 2014
The text discusses the ethical considerations surrounding Israel's military operations, particularly focusing on Operation Protective Edge against Hamas. It ...
16 Sep 2014
Promised Podcast headphones Acts of conscience, acts of love 11 Sep 2014
In a podcast episode, host Noah Efron interviews IDF reservist Gilad Halpern, a conscientious objector who spent time in military jail for objecting to his c...
11 Sep 2014
Tel Aviv Review headphones A eulogy to a different kind of Zionism 4 Sep 2014
Prof. Ofer Shiff discusses the legacy of Abba Hillel Silver, an American-Jewish leader who advocated for a diaspora-based form of Zionism but ultimately lost...
4 Sep 2014
Tablet The Right Hand Washes the Left 3 Sep 2014
The strained relationship between Israel's secular Labor Zionists and the ultra-Orthodox minority has roots dating back to the founding of the state, with th...
3 Sep 2014
Tel Aviv Review headphones A time of harmonious coexistence: The Jews and Muslims of Tinghir 29 Aug 2014
Prof. Menachem Hofnung presents a study on Israel's treatment of Arab informants, shedding light on a complex issue. Additionally, a documentary film, "Tingh...
29 Aug 2014
Promised Podcast headphones The 'war’s end' edition 28 Aug 2014
In the discussion, Allison, Don, and Noah explore the significance of the recent ceasefire in Israel and how it can be utilized to build a better future amid...
28 Aug 2014
Tablet An Insider’s Guide to the Most Important Story on Earth 26 Aug 2014
The article "An Insiders Guide to the Most Important Story on Earth" critiques the international media's disproportionate focus on Israel and Gaza compared t...
26 Aug 2014
Promised Podcast headphones what now? 21 Aug 2014
Allison, Don, and Noah discuss the potential impact of war on perceptions, examining whether conflict in Gaza influences hawkish viewpoints. They also delve ...
21 Aug 2014
Tablet In Israel, Cooperative Restaurants Put Politics on the Menu 20 Aug 2014
In response to economic discontent and social injustice in Israel, cooperative restaurants like Bar-Kayma in Tel Aviv have emerged as a model for a fair and ...
20 Aug 2014
Forward Better The Enemy You Know — Gaza’s Other Terror Groups 15 Aug 2014
The article discusses the presence of various terrorist groups in Gaza, including Hamas, Palestinian Islamic Jihad, the Popular Resistance Committees, and ji...
15 Aug 2014
Promised Podcast headphones The 'one-and-a-half state' solution 14 Aug 2014
In a discussion on the "one-and-a-half state" solution, the topic of Israel's peace prospects under Netanyahu's leadership and the role of gender in war and ...
14 Aug 2014
Tablet Meet the Kurds, a Historically Oppressed People Who Will Get Their Own State 14 Aug 2014
The article discusses the Kurdish people's historical oppression, their swift territorial gains in Iraq amidst ISIS advances in 2014, and the potential for a...
14 Aug 2014