Daily Podcasts Video Research
Jewish Review of Books The Ethics of Protective Edge 16 Sep 2014
The text discusses the ethical considerations surrounding Israel's military operations, particularly focusing on Operation Protective Edge against Hamas. It ...
16 Sep 2014
Jewish Review of Books Shaking Up Israel’s Kosher Certification System 16 Sep 2014
The text discusses the case of Ilana Raskin challenging the Jerusalem religious council's attempt to restrict entertainment like belly dancing in venues with...
16 Sep 2014
Promised Podcast headphones Acts of conscience, acts of love 11 Sep 2014
In a podcast episode, host Noah Efron interviews IDF reservist Gilad Halpern, a conscientious objector who spent time in military jail for objecting to his c...
11 Sep 2014
Tel Aviv Review headphones A eulogy to a different kind of Zionism 4 Sep 2014
Prof. Ofer Shiff discusses the legacy of Abba Hillel Silver, an American-Jewish leader who advocated for a diaspora-based form of Zionism but ultimately lost...
4 Sep 2014
Tablet The Right Hand Washes the Left 3 Sep 2014
The strained relationship between Israel's secular Labor Zionists and the ultra-Orthodox minority has roots dating back to the founding of the state, with th...
3 Sep 2014
Tel Aviv Review headphones A time of harmonious coexistence: The Jews and Muslims of Tinghir 29 Aug 2014
Prof. Menachem Hofnung presents a study on Israel's treatment of Arab informants, shedding light on a complex issue. Additionally, a documentary film, "Tingh...
29 Aug 2014
Promised Podcast headphones The 'war’s end' edition 28 Aug 2014
In the discussion, Allison, Don, and Noah explore the significance of the recent ceasefire in Israel and how it can be utilized to build a better future amid...
28 Aug 2014
Tablet An Insider’s Guide to the Most Important Story on Earth 26 Aug 2014
The article "An Insiders Guide to the Most Important Story on Earth" critiques the international media's disproportionate focus on Israel and Gaza compared t...
26 Aug 2014
Promised Podcast headphones what now? 21 Aug 2014
Allison, Don, and Noah discuss the potential impact of war on perceptions, examining whether conflict in Gaza influences hawkish viewpoints. They also delve ...
21 Aug 2014
Tablet In Israel, Cooperative Restaurants Put Politics on the Menu 20 Aug 2014
In response to economic discontent and social injustice in Israel, cooperative restaurants like Bar-Kayma in Tel Aviv have emerged as a model for a fair and ...
20 Aug 2014
Forward Better The Enemy You Know — Gaza’s Other Terror Groups 15 Aug 2014
The article discusses the presence of various terrorist groups in Gaza, including Hamas, Palestinian Islamic Jihad, the Popular Resistance Committees, and ji...
15 Aug 2014
Promised Podcast headphones The 'one-and-a-half state' solution 14 Aug 2014
In a discussion on the "one-and-a-half state" solution, the topic of Israel's peace prospects under Netanyahu's leadership and the role of gender in war and ...
14 Aug 2014
Tablet Meet the Kurds, a Historically Oppressed People Who Will Get Their Own State 14 Aug 2014
The article discusses the Kurdish people's historical oppression, their swift territorial gains in Iraq amidst ISIS advances in 2014, and the potential for a...
14 Aug 2014
Promised Podcast headphones 'What's the blockade about?' edition 7 Aug 2014
Ilene, Don, and Noah discuss the purpose and impact of Israel's blockade on Gaza, questioning its effectiveness and consequences. They also consider European...
7 Aug 2014
Forward Gaza Tunnels: How They Work, What Israel Knew 27 Jul 2014
The article discusses Israels awareness of the threat posed by Hamas tunnels in Gaza, highlighting that the IDF and government were cognizant of the tunnels'...
27 Jul 2014
Promised Podcast headphones The 'Better Times' Edition 17 Jul 2014
The text discusses various experiences and reflections of individuals living in Israel. It includes segments such as dancing the Ethiopian shoulder shake on ...
17 Jul 2014
Forward Why Killing Kids on Gaza Beach Is Bad Hasbara 17 Jul 2014
The article discusses the challenges Israel faces in its public relations efforts due to incidents like the killing of four children playing soccer on a Gaza...
17 Jul 2014
Tablet Why Obama, Kerry, Abbas, Hamas, BDS, and Hezbollah Will All Go Poof! 10 Jul 2014
The text discusses the historical challenges faced by the Jewish community, particularly in Israel, in dealing with various political powers such as the Otto...
10 Jul 2014
Tablet A Familiar Name Fights Presbyterian Divestment 3 Jul 2014
Gustav Niebuhr, a professor and grand-nephew of Reinhold Niebuhr, a renowned Protestant theologian, is actively opposing the Presbyterian Church (USA)'s deci...
3 Jul 2014
Promised Podcast headphones 'Sextremism' in the war on patriarchy is no vice! 26 Jun 2014
The article discusses the political debate in Israel, questioning if the recent solidarity following West Bank kidnappings is overshadowing the need to hold ...
26 Jun 2014
Promised Podcast headphones Losing Patience, Losing Power, & Losing Dignity 19 Jun 2014
In this episode of the Promised Podcast, the hosts address the complexity of the recent West Bank teen kidnappings. They steer away from the topic due to its...
19 Jun 2014
Tablet Obama Thinks Iran Can Rescue American Interests in the Middle East: He’s Wrong 18 Jun 2014
The text discusses President Obama's evolving Middle East strategy, highlighting a shift towards building a partnership with Iran despite opposition from tra...
18 Jun 2014
Jewish Review of Books Letters, Summer 2014 15 Jun 2014
In the Summer 2014 issue of Letters, different authors address key points in recent articles. Saul Newman clarifies the relationship between his grandfather,...
15 Jun 2014
Jewish Review of Books Peace, Plan B 15 Jun 2014
The failure of Secretary of State John Kerry's peace efforts between Israelis and Palestinians was hindered by issues such as Netanyahu's demand for recognit...
15 Jun 2014
Jewish Review of Books Haim Gouri at 90 15 Jun 2014
Haim Gouri, a prominent Israeli poet, celebrated his 90th birthday last year, with a gala event in Tel Aviv, his birth city, despite living in Jerusalem. Gou...
15 Jun 2014
Tablet Where To Eat in Tel Aviv This Summer 13 Jun 2014
Tel Aviv is a culinary hotspot with top restaurants to explore this summer, according to Israeli food blog Matkonations' guide. Highlights include Basta for ...
13 Jun 2014
Promised Podcast headphones Oy, the dissonance! 12 Jun 2014
Allison, Don, and Noah discuss the complexities surrounding Israel's newly elected President, Rubi Rivlin, who is seen as a mensch but opposes a two-state so...
12 Jun 2014
Promised Podcast headphones Hamas, Darwin & Google 5 Jun 2014
This article discusses various topics including the reconciliation between Hamas and Fatah in the Palestinian Authority, the concept of the right to be forgo...
5 Jun 2014
Promised Podcast headphones Dining Out on Sacred Cow 29 May 2014
In a discussion on the TLV1 show "Dining Out on Sacred Cow," Allison, Don, Noah, and guest Ayelet Waldman explore the balance between Jewish and Democratic v...
29 May 2014
Promised Podcast headphones For Richer or Poorer, for Better or Verse 22 May 2014
In a discussion including topics such as a member of the Israeli Parliament criticizing the lack of respect for Torah amidst celebrations for Maccabi Tel Avi...
22 May 2014
Promised Podcast headphones The conflict? There’s an app for that now 15 May 2014
Allison, Don, and Noah discuss the iNakba iPhone app that highlights Palestinian dispossession, Netanyahu's plan to legally define the Talmud in Israeli law,...
15 May 2014
Forward How Martin Indyk Went From AIPAC Man To Blaming Israel for Talk's Failure 14 May 2014
Martin Indyk, a former U.S. special envoy with a long-standing pro-Israel track record, has come under scrutiny for blaming Israeli settlement activities in ...
14 May 2014
Tablet What You Learn From IDF Krav Maga Masters 6 May 2014
The article profiles Ran Nakash and Itay Danenberg, Israeli Krav Maga masters, as they conduct Krav Maga seminars in New York City. Krav Maga, the self-defen...
6 May 2014
Promised Podcast headphones Shutting Down, Mouthing Off & Paying Up 24 Apr 2014
Allison, Don, and Noah discuss Mahmoud Abbas considering dismantling the Palestinian Authority or aligning with Hamas, the newly appointed head of the Counci...
24 Apr 2014
Promised Podcast headphones Peace, Prosperity and Philanthropy 17 Apr 2014
In a discussion about peace, prosperity, and philanthropy, there is a focus on the reliance of the army on donations for supplies, the struggles of the peace...
17 Apr 2014
Promised Podcast headphones We Need the Bread, Man! 10 Apr 2014
Don, Noah, and Miriam Herschlag from the Times of Israel discuss the issue of nearly a million Israelis going hungry, the changing nature of Israeli leadersh...
10 Apr 2014
Forward Jerusalem Post Buys Maariv for $1.15 Million 7 Apr 2014
The Jerusalem District Court has approved the sale of the Hebrew newspaper Maariv to The Jerusalem Post owner, Eli Azur, for $1.15 million. Azur also acquire...
7 Apr 2014
Promised Podcast headphones Strange Bedfellows 20 Mar 2014
In a discussion, Don, Eilon, and Noah explore the endorsement of Labor Party leader Yitzhak Herzog for Prime Minister by the head of the ultraorthodox Shas p...
20 Mar 2014
Promised Podcast headphones Peace, Love & Understanding 13 Mar 2014
The text delves into various topics including former Ambassador Michael Oren's unilateral withdrawal plan, MK Adi Kol's declaration of love for Yair Lapid ca...
13 Mar 2014
Tablet As the Google Bus Sparks Class War in San Francisco, Tel Aviv Has a Plan: Vacate and Build 6 Mar 2014
Tel Aviv, known as the hub of the Start-Up Nation, is facing gentrification challenges similar to those in San Francisco as tech companies and employees move...
6 Mar 2014
Jewish Review of Books Original Sins 5 Mar 2014
The book "Original Sins" by journalist John Judis is a critical examination of President Harry Truman's Middle Eastern policy and the history of Zionism. Jud...
5 Mar 2014
Jewish Review of Books Politics and Prophecy 5 Mar 2014
Ari Shavit's book "My Promised Land: The Triumph and Tragedy of Israel" delves into his family history, experiences, and views on Israel, exploring the count...
5 Mar 2014
Jewish Review of Books Nation and Narrative 5 Mar 2014
Yossi Klein Halevi's book "Like Dreamers" tells the story of seven paratroopers who helped liberate Jerusalem in 1967 and follows their lives through the 197...
5 Mar 2014
Tablet ‘Omar’ and ‘Bethlehem’ Tell the Same Story—But Only One Was Nominated for an Oscar 5 Mar 2014
"Omar" and "Bethlehem" were both nominees for the best foreign film Oscar, focusing on the complex relationship between Palestinian informers and Israeli han...
5 Mar 2014
Tablet Lunch With Baruch Goldstein, One Year Before the Hebron Massacre 21 Feb 2014
One year before the Hebron massacre where Baruch Goldstein killed 29 Muslim worshippers, the author had a casual encounter with him during a weekend visit to...
21 Feb 2014
Forward Haredi Draft Refusers May Go to Jail Smiling 20 Feb 2014
The Israeli government is pushing ahead with plans to draft ultra-Orthodox men into the army, potentially leading to jail time for draft refusers, a move tha...
20 Feb 2014
Promised Podcast headphones Press, Profs & Passports 20 Feb 2014
In the discussed episode titled "Press, Profs & Passports," the conversation revolves around the Israeli press's effectiveness, the involvement of academics ...
20 Feb 2014
Tablet The Hebrew Calendar Guides the Menu at This Israeli Restaurant 10 Feb 2014
Meshek Barzilay, an organic vegetarian restaurant in Tel Aviv, has a unique Hebrew Menu concept where each Hebrew month has a special seasonal menu created b...
10 Feb 2014
Tablet New Film Follows Hebrew Bible Quiz Hopefuls 7 Feb 2014
"Bible Kings" is a new documentary film following adults from around the world as they prepare for the Chidon HaTanakh, the International Bible Contest. Dire...
7 Feb 2014
Tablet The Land of Milk and Honey Becomes a Land of High-End Chocolate 5 Feb 2014
Israel's chocolate scene is evolving, with the upcoming second annual Chocolate Week highlighting the creativity and innovation of local chocolatiers. Event ...
5 Feb 2014