Daily Podcasts Video Research
Promised Podcast headphones The "E Unibus Pluram?" Edition 12 May 2016
In this discussion, the participants explore three main topics. Firstly, they debate a proposed bill in Israel suggesting term limits for Prime Ministers, po...
12 May 2016
Tablet Learn, Practice, and Perfect Your Hebrew: Talking the Talk in Israel 10 May 2016
Yom Haatzmaut is a day to reflect on Israel's independence and its adherence to the values laid out by David Ben-Gurion. To celebrate the occasion, Guy Sharr...
10 May 2016
Tel Aviv Review headphones Israeli idols: Neo-paganism in the Jewish state 9 May 2016
Religions scholar Shai Ferraro from Tel Aviv University discusses the rise of pagan rituals in modern Israel and their juxtaposition with Judaism’s historica...
9 May 2016
Tel Aviv Review headphones Women of valor: The forgotten history of women in Zionism 6 May 2016
Dr. Esther Carmel-Hakim, a historian of Zionism at the University of Haifa, discusses the significant but often overlooked role that women played in the earl...
6 May 2016
Promised Podcast headphones The "Ugly Israelis?" Edition 5 May 2016
In a discussion titled "The 'Ugly Israelis?' Edition," the hosts delve into the significance of the phrase "Never again" regarding the Holocaust, exploring t...
5 May 2016
Tel Aviv Review headphones Free spirits: New Age culture in Israel 2 May 2016
Dr. Rachel Werczberger, an anthropologist and religious scholar, discusses the emergence of new forms of spirituality in Israeli society in light of traditio...
2 May 2016
Tel Aviv Review headphones Desert eagles: American foreign policy in the Middle East 29 Apr 2016
Professor Joel Migdal discusses his book "Shifting Sands: The United States in the Middle East" with host Gilad Halpern, highlighting how American foreign po...
29 Apr 2016
Promised Podcast headphones The "OUR Killer?" Edition 28 Apr 2016
In the "OUR Killer?" edition, Gilad Halpern, Naomi Zeveloff, and Noah explore the Israeli support for a soldier who shot a Palestinian stabber, question if l...
28 Apr 2016
Tablet What We Can Learn From Israel’s Involvement in an Azeri-Armenian Skirmish 28 Apr 2016
Amid Israel's involvement in the Azeri-Armenian conflict over Ngorno-Karabakh, it maintains a strategic balance, considering its alliance with Azerbaijan for...
28 Apr 2016
Tel Aviv Review headphones Gender segregation at Israeli beaches: How did it all start? 25 Apr 2016
Dr. Shayna Weiss, a post-doctoral fellow at Tel Aviv University, explores the beginnings of gender segregation at Israeli beaches with host Gilad Halpern. Th...
25 Apr 2016
Promised Podcast headphones The "Four Sons for a New Generation" Edition 21 Apr 2016
The "Four Sons for a New Generation" edition discusses modern interpretations of the four sons from the Midrash, aligning them with contemporary archetypes. ...
21 Apr 2016
Tablet Raphael Mechoulam, the Israeli Godfather of THC 19 Apr 2016
Israeli scientist Raphael Mechoulam, known as the "Godfather of THC," discovered tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), the compound in cannabis responsible for its psy...
19 Apr 2016
Tablet Almost Home 14 Apr 2016
In the text, Abbi and Ilana from the show "Broad City" embark on a Birthright trip to Israel called Birthmark. The trip is seen as a way to help them navigat...
14 Apr 2016
Forward Jerusalem Post Names Ex-Naftali Bennett Aide as New Editor-in-Chief 13 Apr 2016
Yaakov Katz, a former aide to Naftali Bennett, has been appointed as the new editor-in-chief of the Jerusalem Post, succeeding Steven Linde. Katz, who former...
13 Apr 2016
Tel Aviv Review headphones The decline and fall of the kibbutz: An appreciation 10 Apr 2016
Gilad Halpern and Professor Yaarah Bar-On discuss the decline of the kibbutz movement in Israel, once a central part of Israeli and Zionist ideology. They an...
10 Apr 2016
Tel Aviv Review headphones We have come to make the desert fiscally stable 6 Apr 2016
Dr. Daniel Schiffman, an economic historian from Ariel University, discusses the impact of Jewish-American advisers on Israel's economy in a forthcoming book...
6 Apr 2016
Tablet Meir Dagan’s Transplanted Corneas Bring Sight Back to Two Elderly Israelis 5 Apr 2016
Meir Dagan, the former Mossad chief who passed away, became a posthumous cornea donor, aiding two elderly Israelis in restoring their sight at Ichilov Hospit...
5 Apr 2016
Tel Aviv Review headphones Ze'ev Jabotinbsky: A maverick Zionist for his life 4 Apr 2016
Professor Brian Horowitz discusses the life of Ze'ev Jabotinsky, a controversial Zionist leader who founded Israel's Revisionist right. Jabotinsky's autobiog...
4 Apr 2016
Promised Podcast headphones The "Killer and Hero" Edition 31 Mar 2016
This piece discusses various topics, including the controversial view of some Israelis who consider a combat medic shooting an injured Palestinian terrorist ...
31 Mar 2016
Jewish Review of Books A Fraternal Note 29 Mar 2016
Reuven Ben-Yosef, a poet who emigrated to Israel and changed his name from Robert Eliot Reiss, is remembered by his brother James through a collection of his...
29 Mar 2016
Jewish Review of Books A Mechitza, the Mufti, and the Beginnings of the Arab-Israeli Conflict 29 Mar 2016
In Hillel Cohen's examination of the 1929 Arab-Jewish conflict in Palestine, he challenges the traditional Zionist narrative by portraying the attacks on Jew...
29 Mar 2016
Jewish Review of Books As Though the Power of Speech Were an Ordinary Matter 29 Mar 2016
"Moods" by Yoel Hoffmann, translated by Peter Cole, delves into the profound impact and limitations of speech, portrayed through 191 interconnected fragments...
29 Mar 2016
Jewish Review of Books Halakha and State: An Exchange 29 Mar 2016
Rabbi Elli Fischer's article challenges the authority of the Israeli Chief Rabbinate and its restrictive practices, highlighting personal experiences where h...
29 Mar 2016
Forward Listen to a Forgotten and Revealing Interview With Golda Meir 21 Mar 2016
This article discusses the rediscovery of a Yiddish interview with Golda Meir, conducted by journalist Shlomo Ben-Israel in 1971. The interview covers variou...
21 Mar 2016
Jewish Action Loving the Land 18 Mar 2016
The text emphasizes the importance of appreciating and loving the Land of Israel, Eretz Yisrael, despite the challenges faced by religious communities there....
18 Mar 2016
Jewish Action The Koren Mahzor for Yom Haatzma’ut and Yom Yerushalayim 18 Mar 2016
The Koren Mahzor for Yom Haatzmaut and Yom Yerushalayim, translated by Rabbi Jonathan Sacks and reviewed by Shaul Robinson, explores the challenges of creati...
18 Mar 2016
Promised Podcast headphones The "Expulsion!" Edition 17 Mar 2016
In this episode of the Tel Aviv Review, the hosts delve into three significant topics. Firstly, they discuss a troubling finding from the Pew Research Center...
17 Mar 2016
Unorthodox headphones Sticks and Stones Ep. 33 17 Mar 2016
In episode 33 of Sticks and Stones, a Catholic high school basketball game against a heavily Jewish public school in a Boston suburb escalates with name-call...
17 Mar 2016
Tel Aviv Review headphones Know thine enemy: Zionism in Arab discourses 10 Mar 2016
Prof. Uriya Shavit delves into the intricate perceptions of Israel and Zionism in Arab discourses, as discussed in his book. He highlights the multifaceted v...
10 Mar 2016
Promised Podcast headphones The "Trump ♥ Israel?" Edition 3 Mar 2016
In a conversation about key issues, the "Trump Israel?" edition explores three main topics: the controversy over expressing sympathy for the parents of slain...
3 Mar 2016
Tel Aviv Review headphones People of the visitor book: Commemorative practices in Jerusalem's war museum 29 Feb 2016
Prof. Chaim Noy discusses his research on the visitor book at Jerusalem's war museum, offering insights into Israeli society. Through his book, "Thank You Fo...
29 Feb 2016
Promised Podcast headphones The "Girls with Scissors" Edition 25 Feb 2016
In the "Girls with Scissors" Edition, Allison, Don, and Noah discuss three main topics: the controversy surrounding IDF Chief of Staff Gadi Eisenkot's statem...
25 Feb 2016
Jewish Insider From AIPAC To Trump: Michael Glassner’s Journey 19 Feb 2016
Michael Glassner, who began his political career working for Bob Dole in the 1988 presidential campaign, progressed to roles with the Port Authority and invo...
19 Feb 2016
Promised Podcast headphones The "Too Much of a Good Book?" Edition 18 Feb 2016
In this edition, Allison, Don, and Noah discuss topics including Israeli opposition leader Isaac Herzog's proposal for a fence to separate from Palestinians,...
18 Feb 2016
Tel Aviv Review headphones Weimar in Jerusalem: Is Israel on a slippery slope to fascism? 12 Feb 2016
Prof. Moshe Zimmermann from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem explores the parallels between the fragile German democracy of the 1930s and contemporary Isra...
12 Feb 2016
Promised Podcast headphones The "This Time, With Feeling!" Edition 11 Feb 2016
In this article, Allison, Noah, and Gilad Halpern from Tel Aviv Review discuss important topics related to emotion. They ponder the Israeli left's perceived ...
11 Feb 2016
Tablet Bernie Sanders, Demystified and Heartfelt 5 Feb 2016
Bernie Sanders, a Democratic presidential candidate, gained attention when it was revealed that he stayed at Shaar Ha'amakim kibbutz in Israel in 1963. Sande...
5 Feb 2016
Promised Podcast headphones The "We're here!, Vey iz mir!, Get used to it!" Edition 4 Feb 2016
Allison, Don, and Noah discuss the designation of part of the Western Wall as pluralist and egalitarian, questioning if it's a victory or compromise. They de...
4 Feb 2016
Tel Aviv Review headphones Love in the time of cholera: Three decades of Spanish-Israeli relations 1 Feb 2016
Prof. Raanan Rein delves into the intricate history of Spanish-Israeli relations over three decades, examining the challenges and developments leading up to ...
1 Feb 2016
Promised Podcast headphones The "Lucre, Filthy & Clean" Edition 28 Jan 2016
In this episode of the Tel Aviv Review, Gilad Halpern, Dahlia Scheindlin, and Noah discuss various topics, including foreign funding for NGOs in Israel, trus...
28 Jan 2016
Tablet Identity Politics on the Court 26 Jan 2016
The firing of Israeli basketball legend David Blatt as head coach of the Cleveland Cavaliers sparked speculation about anti-Semitism, particularly in the Isr...
26 Jan 2016
Tel Aviv Review headphones Chaim Weizmann: A statesman, a scientist 22 Jan 2016
Prof. Benjamin Z. Kedar discusses his new collection of essays on Chaim Weizmann with host Gilad Halpern, highlighting Weizmann's role as Israel's first pres...
22 Jan 2016
Unorthodox headphones Bringing the Heat Ep. 25 21 Jan 2016
In Bringing the Heat Ep. 25, the guest Rebecca Vilkomerson, executive director of Jewish Voice for Peace, discusses the organization's mission to end the Isr...
21 Jan 2016
Forward The Disappearance and Return of the Date Palm 20 Jan 2016
The history and significance of the date palm in Israel, intertwined with the country's own story, reflect its diverse uses from providing food, fiber, and s...
20 Jan 2016
Tel Aviv Review headphones Exporting the occupation: How Israel gains clout on the back of the Palestinians 15 Jan 2016
Professor Jeff Halper discusses his book "War Against the People," focusing on Israel's role in global politics as a leading proponent of a "securocratic" re...
15 Jan 2016
Tel Aviv Review headphones Why hawks become doves: The Shimon Peres case study 11 Jan 2016
Dr. Guy Ziv discusses the topic of Israel's political shift towards the left over time, focusing on Shimon Peres as a case study in his book "Why Hawks Becom...
11 Jan 2016
Tel Aviv Review headphones The curious case of Sharia courts in the Jewish state 8 Jan 2016
Dr. Ido Shahar, a Middle East history lecturer at the University of Haifa, discusses in his book "Legal Pluralism in the Holy City" the unique case of Sharia...
8 Jan 2016
Tablet Israeli Boy—A Story 8 Jan 2016
The text is a satirical and self-reflective account of an Israeli boy's perspective on Israel, its history, culture, conflicts, and his family's experiences....
8 Jan 2016
Promised Podcast headphones The "Thug Jews" Edition (Live from Limmud!) 31 Dec 2015
At Limmud in Birmingham, England, Allison, Noah, and Prof. Sara Hirschhorn delve into three significant topics: the exaggeration of reports on Israel's decli...
31 Dec 2015
Jewish Review of Books A Walk in Jerusalem 28 Dec 2015
The text discusses the complex dynamics in Jerusalem as seen through the lens of a walk around the city. It highlights the daily interactions and tensions be...
28 Dec 2015