Daily Podcasts Video search
Forward Dad wants mom’s ashes scattered in Israel. Should an adult child go to court to stop him? 3 May
A family is torn over the decision to scatter a mother's ashes in Israel, with the father insisting on the plan despite objections from the adult child due t...
3 May
Rationalist Judaism Challah With Keys? Give Me Bagels With Locks. 3 May
The custom of baking "Shlissel Challah" with a key on the Shabbos after Pesach as a segulah for parnassah (sustenance) is debated for its origins, some linki...
3 May
Creative Judaism Azazel and DEMONS? | Parshah Rabbit Hole Ep. 29 (Acharei) 3 May
Exploring the eerie realm of Azazel and demons in Parshah Acharei, the 29th episode of Parshah Rabbit Hole delves into mysterious goat-like entities with a w...
3 May
Jewish Chronicle Parashah of the week: Acharei Mot 2 May
In Parashat Acharei Mot, the sacrificial ritual for Yom Kippur is introduced, referencing the tragic death of Aaron's sons, Nadab and Abihu, during their ord...
2 May
Hadassah This Hebrew Root Is About Playing to Our Strength 2 May
The article explores the Hebrew root כֹּחַ (kof, feh, tav), meaning strength, and its various associations with military might, leadership, and power in Jewi...
2 May
Rationalist Judaism The Reform of Agudah 2 May
The text criticizes a recent statement by the Moetzes Gedolei Torah of Agudas Yisrael in America, highlighting logical and historical contradictions in their...
2 May
Tablet Israel’s Citizen-Soldiers 2 May
Ari Kalker, a citizen-soldier who served in the IDF in Gaza, reflects on the challenges of transitioning between military duty and family life as a reservist...
2 May
Forward NASA wants to create a time zone on the moon. Here’s what that means for Jewish space travelers 1 May
NASA is contemplating the creation of a time zone on the moon, raising questions about how Jewish travelers in space would observe rituals like Shabbat. Whil...
1 May
eJewishPhilanthropy Forever is far away, but new paradigms and eternal wisdom can guide us there 1 May
The text discusses the significant wealth transfer predicted for millennials, highlighting the importance for the Jewish community to capture a portion of th...
1 May
Tablet Women in Chains 1 May
"Three Yiddish Plays by Women: Female Jewish Perspectives, 1880-1920," curated by historian Alyssa Quint, introduces three plays highlighting themes of repro...
1 May
Mishpacha Fallout: Chapter 47 30 Apr
In "Fallout: Chapter 47," Fred Burton expresses frustration and resentment towards his daughter's behavior, feeling the need for discipline and a reality che...
30 Apr
Mishpacha Larger Than Life 30 Apr
The text discusses the importance of understanding and appreciating other people's lives and behaviors from their own perspectives, rather than solely from o...
30 Apr
Forward I have officiated at hundreds of funerals. Here’s the biggest lesson I’ve learned 28 Apr
Rabbi Daniel Cohen reflects on his experience officiating hundreds of funerals, emphasizing the importance of creating meaningful moments in people's lives. ...
28 Apr
Moment The Mystery of the Cairo Codex: On the Trail of an Ancient Manuscript 26 Apr
For nearly 1,000 years, the Cairo Codex, an illuminated Hebrew manuscript held by the Karaites in Cairo, mysteriously disappeared. The Codex contained meticu...
26 Apr
Jewish Review of Books Imperial Rabbis 26 Apr
Simcha Gross's book, "Babylonian Jews and Sasanian Imperialism in Late Antiquity," aims to reshape the understanding of the talmudic period by exploring the ...
26 Apr
Jewish Review of Books What’s Love Got to Do with It? 26 Apr
Shai Held's book, "Judaism Is about Love: Recovering the Heart of Jewish Life," argues that love is a central theme in Judaism, countering historical Christi...
26 Apr
Moment From the Newsletter | Moment Wins First Place from Religion News Association! 26 Apr
Moment Magazine won two major First Place prizes from the Religion News Association for Magazine Overall Excellence for its Artificial Intelligence issue, wh...
26 Apr
Jewish Currents How Much Must We Sacrifice for Justice? - An investigation through Jewish text, in the wake of Aaron Bushnell’s self-immolation for Gaza 26 Apr
This text explores the concept of sacrifice and justice through Jewish texts in the aftermath of Aaron Bushnell's self-immolation for Gaza. The discussion de...
26 Apr
Lehrhaus Revolution in the Temple 26 Apr
The essay discusses a rabbinic story about the sage Hillel's ruling on offering the Passover Sacrifice in the Temple, highlighting its different versions in ...
26 Apr
Tablet The Unaloner 26 Apr
Jessica Jacobs' poetry collection "Unalone" delves into the Torah portions in Genesis, presenting poetic responses to each, blending interpretive, personal, ...
26 Apr
Rationalist Judaism Rescuing Rambam from Revisionism 25 Apr
The text discusses the misconception that the philosopher and legal scholar Rambam legitimizes the modern charedi kollel system and exemption from army servi...
25 Apr
Jewish Chronicle Shabbat and Pesach times from April 26 to May 3 25 Apr
From April 26 to May 3, specific Shabbat and Pesach times are outlined. Shabbat begins at different times in various locations like London, Bournemouth, Leed...
25 Apr
New Voices “Science is not enough:” How Jewish Tradition Keeps Climate Activists Afloat 21 Apr
Jewish environmental organizations are leveraging Jewish traditional thought, such as the concept of Bal Tashhit (do not destroy), to drive climate activism ...
21 Apr
18forty headphones Rachel Goldberg-Polin: A Hostage’s Mother Fighting for His Freedom [Divergence 5/5] 20 Apr
Rachel Goldberg-Polin discusses the painful reality of spending Passover with her son Hersh held hostage by Hamas, highlighting the challenges of maintaining...
20 Apr
Jewschool Rest for Radicals: Shabbat HaGadol as General Strike 19 Apr
Raphael Magarik discusses the concept of Shabbat HaGadol as a form of general strike, inspired by Rabbi Joseph di Trani's interpretation. This idea suggests ...
19 Apr
Forward 'Jewish enough to be murdered,' but not buried in a Jewish cemetery 19 Apr
The Kapshitter family tragedy, where a family was murdered by Hamas terrorists, highlighted the issue of Jewish burial rights in Israel. Despite the family's...
19 Apr
eJewishPhilanthropy Leadership isn’t a position — it’s an attitude  19 Apr
The article discusses the contemporary crisis of trust in leaders across political, corporate, and religious spheres, emphasizing the need for a new attitude...
19 Apr
eJewishPhilanthropy Leadership isn’t a position — it’s an attitude  19 Apr
The text discusses a crisis of leadership in politics, business, and religion, highlighting widespread distrust towards leaders. Drawing from the biblical st...
19 Apr
TEXTing headphones Controlling Chaos 19 Apr
Elana Stein Hain and Leora Batnitzky discuss the omnipresence of chaos in contemporary life, exploring lessons from Talmudic stories about King David's confr...
19 Apr
Jewish Review of Books Ten Plagues, Three Acronyms, Seven Opinions 19 Apr
Rabbi Judah the Prince proposed the acronym Dtzakh Adash Bachav to summarize the ten plagues in the Haggadah, prompting diverse interpretations through the a...
19 Apr
Forward Why did this Mormon drive 10 hours to buy whiskey? To help out a Jewish friend for Passover 18 Apr
Nate Oman, a devout Mormon, went on a 10-hour drive to Philadelphia to purchase whiskey and other leavened products for Passover from a Jewish congregation t...
18 Apr
Halacha Headlines headphones 4/20/24 – Shiur 465 – Achdus - does “Achdus” mean I am supposed to embrace Jews I really don’t agree with? 18 Apr
Rabbi Ari Wasserman engages prominent rabbis like Rabbi Dr. Yitzchak Breitowitz and Rabbi Moshe Hauer in a multifaceted discussion on Jewish unity (achdus), ...
18 Apr
Rationalist Judaism A Rationalist Pesach 18 Apr
The text discusses various perspectives on Pesach from a rationalist viewpoint, covering topics such as the size of a kezayis, the significance of eating mat...
18 Apr
The Habura headphones The Matsa Machine Controversy - Rabbi Ilan Acoca 18 Apr
Rabbi Ilan Acoca delves into the heated historical controversy surrounding machine-made matzah, highlighting its impact on both Ashkenazi and Sephardic commu...
18 Apr
Jewish Chronicle Parashah of the week: Metzora 18 Apr
The discussion explores the theme of loneliness, empathy, and unity in the context of the Talmudic story of Choni and the weekly Torah portion Metzora. The T...
18 Apr
Lehrhaus Pesah as Zeman Simhateinu: What Does it Mean to Rejoice Over Victory? 18 Apr
In the discussion of Pesah as Zeman Simhateinu, the text delves into the tradition of referring to the last days of Pesah as a time of rejoicing over victory...
18 Apr
Jewish Action Excerpt: “Night and Day” from Letters to President Clinton 18 Apr
Senator Joe Lieberman contributed a Torah-based essay to a book called Letters to President ClintonBiblical Lessons on Faith and Leadership, a compilation of...
18 Apr
Jewish Action Joe Lieberman’s Love of Shabbat  18 Apr
Former Senator Joe Lieberman was widely admired for his steadfast commitment to observing Shabbat, despite the challenges it posed during his career as a Uni...
18 Apr
Jewish Action Leadership Lessons from the Most Noted Orthodox Politician in US History 18 Apr
Joseph Lieberman, a prominent Orthodox Jewish politician in US history, was known for shaping his political views and conduct through Torah study and Orthodo...
18 Apr
Creative Judaism Why can't you move your EARS?| Parshah Rabbit Hole Ep. 28 (Metzora) 17 Apr
Exploring a peculiar ritual involving ears, thumbs, and toes from the Torah portion Metzora while delving into its Talmudic origins in this episode of Parsha...
17 Apr
Rationalist Judaism Ask Your Local Charedi Rabbi 17 Apr
The text discusses the controversy surrounding the issue of yeshiva students being drafted into the IDF, particularly in the perspective of Charedi rabbis wh...
17 Apr
Jewschool What is liberation this year? 17 Apr
This article reflects on the concept of liberation in the Jewish community this year, particularly transitioning from Purim's themes of threats and instabili...
17 Apr
Lehrhaus Buying Jewish Whiskey 17 Apr
The text discusses the legal intricacies and religious significance of the practice of selling chametz (leavened food) before Passover, focusing on the forma...
17 Apr
MomentMag The U S Constitution: Pragmatism versus Textualism on the Supreme Court with Justice Stephen Breyer 17 Apr
A discussion between Justice Stephen Breyer and Robert Siegel about the importance of pragmatism in interpreting the U.S. Constitution, as opposed to textual...
17 Apr
Rabbi Elliot Cosgrove and Professor Daniel Matt explore the transformation of the prophet Elijah from a biblical zealot to a revered, compassionate figure in...
17 Apr
Chabad.org My Father Spent a Night in Prison to Put Tefillin on a Jew 16 Apr
Chana Weisberg recounts the selfless act of her late father, Rabbi Dovid Schochet, who spent a night in jail to assist another Jew in performing a mitzvah.
16 Apr
Chabad.org How a Not Religious Girl Decided to Become a Chabad Emissary 16 Apr
A video showcasing the journey of Nicolle Rubinstein, from being not religious to becoming a Chabad emissary in Tamarindo, Costa Rica.
16 Apr
Jewish History Uncensored headphones #187 - Egyptology & History 16 Apr
The episode examines the fascination with Egyptology and its historical importance compared to Greek and Roman history, exploring how it aligns with or contr...
16 Apr
Forward Who's the guy with the yarmulke in Trump's hush money trial? 16 Apr
Gedalia M. Stern, a partner at NechelesLaw, is part of former President Trump's legal team in the hush money trial. He specializes in representing clients in...
16 Apr
Mishpacha Excuse Me, Are You Jewish? 16 Apr
Following the events of October 7, which served as a wake-up call for religious Jews worldwide, Mishpacha Magazine embarked on a project to gauge the impact ...
16 Apr