Daily Podcasts Video search
Mishpacha Excuse Me, Are You Jewish? 16 Apr
Following the events of October 7, which served as a wake-up call for religious Jews worldwide, Mishpacha Magazine embarked on a project to gauge the impact ...
16 Apr
Mishpacha Balancing Beam 16 Apr
The writer grapples with the struggle of balancing values as she navigates interactions with her off-the-derech sister in her home. She reflects on the chall...
16 Apr
Mishpacha On Call: Chapter 3 — Jeopardy  16 Apr
In "On Call: Chapter 3 Jeopardy," the protagonist, a medical resident, grapples with being called into work on Shabbat as a substitute for a colleague. Despi...
16 Apr
Mishpacha On Call: Chapter 3 — Jeopardy  16 Apr
In this chapter titled "Jeopardy" from a story called "On Call," a Jewish medical resident is confronted with a dilemma when asked to cover a Saturday night ...
16 Apr
Mishpacha 20 Turning Points 16 Apr
The text discusses 20 significant contributors' viewpoints on pivotal changes, trends, and developments in the last two decades within the Jewish community. ...
16 Apr
Emes Ve-Emunah Has There Been an Earthquake in Israel? 16 Apr
A proposal has emerged from Charedi parties in Israel suggesting drafting approximately 25% of yeshiva students annually, possibly rising to nearly 50%, a si...
16 Apr
Jewdicious If You Didn't Have a Hammer? 16 Apr
The text discusses the unique role of Jews in the world, comparing it to driving a nail with a screwdriver - possible but not ideal. It delves into the conce...
16 Apr
Forward 99 problems and a lamb ain't one: What the Talmud says about Trump’s hush money trial 15 Apr
Jury selection has commenced in the hush money trial involving former President Donald Trump, drawing attention to what the Talmud says about payments and ta...
15 Apr
Jewish Chronicle Should Britain have a law against blasphemy? 15 Apr
The discussion explores the idea of reintroducing a blasphemy law in the UK considering Noahide laws' prohibition on blasphemy. The Orthodox view mentions th...
15 Apr
The CJN Daily with Ellin Bessner headphones What’s making the kosher meat at the Passover seder different this year? 15 Apr
Ellin Bessner discusses a legal challenge in Canada surrounding new regulations on kosher animal slaughter, which Jewish groups argue infringe on religious f...
15 Apr
The CJN Daily with Ellin Bessner headphones What’s making the kosher meat at the Passover seder different this year? 15 Apr
The episode explores a controversial legal battle between Canadian Jewish groups and the Canadian government over new kosher slaughter regulations, perceived...
15 Apr
Emes Ve-Emunah Is There a Crack in the Wall of 'Daas Torah'? 14 Apr
Rabbi Moshe Hillel Hirsch, a prominent figure in Lithuanian Jewry, advocates for strict insularity to shield the Jewish community from external influences. I...
14 Apr
Forward A methuselah of Chardonnay? A solomon of Champagne? How big wine bottles got so biblical 12 Apr
The article discusses the biblical origins and significance behind the naming of large wine bottle sizes, such as Methuselah, Nebuchadnezzar, and others. The...
12 Apr
18forty Hebrew Lips 12 Apr
"The Hebrew Lips" is a poem reflecting on the tension within Jews between the harshness of biblical texts and the reverence for human life inherent in the He...
12 Apr
Tikvah headphones Yechiel Leiter on Losing a Child to War 12 Apr
Yechiel Leiter reflects on the profound loss of his son Moshe, who fell in battle against Hamas, while celebrating his life and contributions. The conversati...
12 Apr
Tablet Everyone Has the Right to Rest on Their Sabbath 12 Apr
In 1984, a legal case involving the Sabbath rights of employees in Connecticut brought attention to the religious implications of labor laws. A Sunday-observ...
12 Apr
Tablet Poem of the Week 12 Apr
The poem delves into the world of religious Judaism, touching on themes like the Torah, Talmud, observance, commentary, and prayer before abruptly stripping ...
12 Apr
JTA An Indiana court ruled that Jews have a religious liberty right to abortion. Here’s why that matters. 11 Apr
An Indiana state appellate court ruled that Jews have a religious liberty right to abortion under the state's Religious Freedom Restoration Act, potentially ...
11 Apr
What Matters Now headphones What Matters Now to David Horovitz: The conflicts of war coverage 11 Apr
David Horovitz, editor of The Times of Israel, discusses the complexities of covering the Israel-Hamas conflict, emphasizing the challenges of maintaining ac...
11 Apr
MomentMag Connecting Jewish Identity with Jewish Values with Donniel Hartman and Sarah Breger 11 Apr
Donniel Hartman and Sarah Breger discuss the connection between Jewish identity and Jewish values, exploring the strands of "Genesis Judaism" and "Exodus Jud...
11 Apr
JTA Speaking at Miami synagogue, Argentina’s Javier Milei reveals he has Jewish heritage 11 Apr
Argentinian politician Javier Milei, known for his support of Israel, revealed his Jewish heritage at a Miami synagogue event where he was honored as an Inte...
11 Apr
Jewish Chronicle School breached entry rules by asking parents to pay 11 Apr
Broughton Jewish Cassel Fox Primary, a state-aided Jewish school in Salford, breached admission rules by requiring parents to commit to paying contributions ...
11 Apr
Jewish Chronicle Parashah of the week: Tazria 11 Apr
Parashat Tazria discusses the priestly role in diagnosing and ritually purifying individuals with skin ailments like tzaraat in biblical times. The priest fu...
11 Apr
18forty ‘Are Your Brothers To Go to War While You Stay Here?’: On Haredim Drafting to the IDF 10 Apr
In a response to Sephardic Chief Rabbi Yitzhak Yosef's opposition to forced conscription of yeshiva students, Rabbi Dr. Tamir Granot discusses his son, Amita...
10 Apr
Creative Judaism Do SOULMATES exist?! | Parshah Rabbit Hole Ep.27 (Tazria) 10 Apr
Exploring Talmudic sources regarding what fetuses do in the womb, leading to a discussion on reincarnation in the latest episode of the Parshah Rabbit Hole.
10 Apr
Emes Ve-Emunah No New Post Today 10 Apr
The author's Jewish outlook is shaped by their primary Rebbe, Rabbi Aaron Soloveichik, and focused on a pursuit of spiritual truth. Influential works include...
10 Apr
Ami The Young Posek of Bnei Brak // A visit with Rav Amram Fried 10 Apr
Rav Amram Fried, a prominent posek in Bnei Brak, has a team of rabbanim assisting him in answering halachic queries through a hotline that receives around 1,...
10 Apr
Ami The Young Posek of Bnei Brak // A visit with Rav Amram Fried 10 Apr
Rav Amram Fried, a prominent posek in Bnei Brak, used to handle halachic questions himself but due to the high volume of inquiries, he now oversees a team of...
10 Apr
JTA Jewish tradition sees eclipses as bad omens. Many American Jews are seeking totality anyway. 8 Apr
While Jewish tradition historically viewed eclipses as bad omens, some contemporary American Jews are embracing the opportunity to witness the upcoming total...
8 Apr
Jewish Chronicle The Orthodox rabbi who plays guitar in shul 8 Apr
Rabbi Yaakov Klein, an Orthodox rabbi, is introducing elements of early Chasidism into British Jewry through his work at Ner Israel congregation in Hendon. H...
8 Apr
TEXTing headphones Pride and Shame 8 Apr
Elana Stein Maimon and Christine Hayes explore the Talmudic insights from Tractate Yoma, discussing how pride and shame influence leadership and interpersona...
8 Apr
Tablet The (Second) Great American Eclipse 8 Apr
The text discusses the upcoming solar eclipse in North America, prompting a reflection on Jewish teachings regarding eclipses. Traditional Jewish sources, li...
8 Apr
Emes Ve-Emunah Too Big to Ignore 7 Apr
The statement by the American Agudah's Moetzes expressing the Charedi position on military service exemption for yeshiva students in Israel has sparked contr...
7 Apr
Jewish Chronicle The Etgar Quiz no 266 7 Apr
The text presents a quiz with questions related to Jewish and Israeli knowledge. The questions cover topics such as Israeli Nobel laureates, kosher laws, Isr...
7 Apr
Rationalist Judaism Miracles instead of Effort? 6 Apr
Rabbi Dr. Natan Slifkin responds to an article in Mishpacha Magazine discussing the charedi avoidance of army service, critiquing the interview with Rav Yitz...
6 Apr
Forward New York City's earthquake feels like a blessing, not a curse 5 Apr
The author reflects on experiencing a 4.8 magnitude earthquake in New York City and the concept of blessings in Judaism, particularly for unusual events like...
5 Apr
Moment Interview | Non-Orthodox Conversion in Israel 5 Apr
In Israel, the Reform movement faces challenges due to Orthodox control over religious and civil matters. Despite this, a 2010 Supreme Court decision recogni...
5 Apr
Jewish Review of Books Total Eclipse of the Brakha 5 Apr
The text delves into the Jewish perspective on solar eclipses, exploring whether they are viewed as natural phenomena or bad omens. According to the Talmud, ...
5 Apr
Jewish Chronicle Chief Rabbi launches fellowship scheme for students 5 Apr
Chief Rabbi Sir Ephraim Mirvis has initiated the Shalem Fellowship program for university students in London aiming to promote advanced Jewish learning. The ...
5 Apr
Halacha Headlines headphones 4/6/24 – Shiur 463 – Revisiting Bachurim in the IDF: Is Shevet Levi Patur from Milchemes Mitzvah? Are all Bochurim Shevet Levi? 5 Apr
The episode discusses whether Torah study alone can protect Israel and whether all religious students should serve in the army, with guests exploring the bal...
5 Apr
Call Me Back headphones Is Israel Losing America's Jews? With Yossi Klein Halevi and Rabbi David Ingber 5 Apr
Yossi Klein Halevi and Rabbi David Ingber explore the tensions between Israel and American Jews amidst the criticisms leveled at Israel's military actions ag...
5 Apr
Tikvah headphones Yehoshua Pfeffer on Haredi Service in the Israeli Military 5 Apr
The debate over Haredi Jews serving in the Israeli Defense Forces has resurfaced with renewed urgency following the October 7 attacks. In this context, Rabbi...
5 Apr
Unholy: Two Jews on the News headphones The Six Month War - With Amos Harel, Angela Buchdahl and Bianna Golodryga 5 Apr
The episode marks six months since the war that began on October 7, featuring insights from military analyst Amos Harel, Rabbi Angela Buchdahl, and CNN's Bia...
5 Apr
Sources Jewish Life Tomorrow 5 Apr
The article "Jewish Life Tomorrow" reflects on the historical and contemporary dynamics of Jewish belief and identity, prompted by a 1966 survey of prominent...
5 Apr
Sources Doubt 5 Apr
The article explores the pervasive theme of doubt in human life, using the recent tragic events in Israel as a backdrop. Drawing on Jewish philosopher Abraha...
5 Apr
Sources Obligation 5 Apr
This article explores the concept of obligation within Judaism, emphasizing how communal responsibility shapes the Jewish covenant with God and future genera...
5 Apr
Sources Praxis 5 Apr
The concept of "praxis" in Judaism emphasizes the interactive relationship between study and practice. Contrary to the traditional view that portrays this re...
5 Apr
Sources Rabbi 5 Apr
Yehuda Kurtzer argues that North American Liberal Judaism faces a severe shortage of rabbis due to high retirement rates and declining enrollment in seminari...
5 Apr
Sources Tradition and Traditionalism 5 Apr
The article explores the concept of masortiyut or traditionalism among mainly Sephardi Jews in Israel. It presents masortiyut as a community-centered approac...
5 Apr
Moment Explainer | Will Israel Draft ‘Those Who Toil in Torah’? 4 Apr
The debate in Israel regarding the military draft of Haredi yeshiva students has intensified as exemptions have expired, leading to court orders barring subs...
4 Apr