Daily Podcasts Video Research
Lehrhaus Maimonides at the Museum 20 Dec 2023
The Yeshiva University Museum in New York is currently hosting an exhibit on Maimonides, featuring rare artifacts such as a Mishneh Torah signed by Maimonide...
20 Dec 2023
Lehrhaus Fearless Leadership:Nehemiah son of Hacaliah Learns from Moses and Aaron 20 Dec 2023
The essay discusses the enigmatic episode of the Mei Meribah incident in the Torah, where Moses and Aaron are punished for their actions. Various commentator...
20 Dec 2023
Mishpacha A Time for Sadness 19 Dec 2023
This article provides a concise summary of various halachic guidelines related to mourning and bereavement in Jewish law. It discusses the responsibilities a...
19 Dec 2023
New Voices Home Will Not Wait For Us 19 Dec 2023
The author reflects on their experiences and emotions related to their Jewish identity and the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. They mention their brother vomit...
19 Dec 2023
Mishpacha Three-Pronged Prayer 19 Dec 2023
The article discusses the challenge of praying with intention (kavanah) and feeling that one's prayers are valuable to Hashem. The author suggests three idea...
19 Dec 2023
Mishpacha Not in Hashem’s Name  19 Dec 2023
The author addresses the issue of religion being used as a justification for violence, specifically in relation to the events perpetrated by Hamas. They argu...
19 Dec 2023
Lehrhaus Catastrophic Miracles and Miraculous Catastrophes: The Torah of Pregnancy in Tazria and Toldot 19 Dec 2023
This article explores the contrasting experiences of pregnancy as both a miraculous and catastrophic event. It examines the stories of pregnancy in Parashat ...
19 Dec 2023
Jewish Chronicle The Orthodox rabbi who talks bedroom Torah 18 Dec 2023
Rabbi Scott Kahn and certified sex therapist Talli Rosenbaum co-host the podcast "Intimate Judaism," discussing intimate issues from a Jewish perspective, br...
18 Dec 2023
Emes Ve-Emunah The Defect in Agudah’s ‘Call to Action’ 14 Dec 2023
The author expresses disappointment with the lack of unity and Achdus among the Jewish people, despite the temporary unity that often arises in times of trag...
14 Dec 2023
What Matters Now headphones What Matters Now to Prof. Amichai Cohen: Is the IDF acting legally in Gaza? 14 Dec 2023
Prof. Amichai Cohen discusses the legal and ethical dimensions of the IDF's actions in Gaza, focusing on Israel's right to self-defense and the constraints o...
14 Dec 2023
Lehrhaus An Ishbitz-Radzyn Reading of the Joseph Narrative: The Light of Reason and the Flaw of Perfection 14 Dec 2023
The Ishbitz-Radzyn reading of the Joseph narrative focuses on Joseph's character traits and flaws, particularly his trait of self-control and reason, which e...
14 Dec 2023
The Habura headphones Exploring Abarbanel - Rabbi Steven Danksy 14 Dec 2023
This article provides information about Rabbi Steven Dansky, the Rabbi of Cranbrook Synagogue, who is known for his focus on the interplay between traditiona...
14 Dec 2023
The Commentary Magazine Podcast headphones Impeachment Time Again? 13 Dec 2023
House Republicans are planning to hold a vote on the impeachment inquiry into Joe Biden, prompting comparisons to the impeachments of Donald Trump. The impli...
13 Dec 2023
The Habura headphones Rav Uziel, Hanukka and the IDF: Between Halakha and Hashkafa - Rabbi Daniel Bouskila 12 Dec 2023
In this article, Rabbi Daniel Bouskila examines the tension between Jewish law (Halakha) and Jewish philosophy (Hashkafa) in relation to the celebration of H...
12 Dec 2023
Tablet A Plant-Based Quandary 12 Dec 2023
PLNT Burger is a restaurant that offers plant-based alternatives to classic American dishes, and it is 100% kosher and halal. The founders aim to make food a...
12 Dec 2023
Lehrhaus Darkness We Have Come to Dispel: Between The Light of Hanukkah and the Black Shabbat 11 Dec 2023
In this article, the author explores the significance of the Hanukkah candles and their relation to other Jewish rituals, such as Friday night kiddush and th...
11 Dec 2023
Tablet Yidl, Get Your Gun 11 Dec 2023
The author reflects on the recent rise of antisemitism and the call among some Jews to arm themselves for self-defense. The author recalls the Jewish Defense...
11 Dec 2023
Rationalist Judaism Cities of Torah Warriors 10 Dec 2023
In this article, the author discusses the concept of charedi cities, which are communities in Israel filled with yeshivas and kollels. These cities continue ...
10 Dec 2023
Emes Ve-Emunah Daas Torah and Elu V'Elu 8 Dec 2023
This article discusses the concept of Daas Torah and Elu V'Elu in the context of disagreements within the Agudah Moetzes. It points out that there are disagr...
8 Dec 2023
Halacha Headlines headphones 12/9/23 – Shiur 446 – Daas Torah In Halacha and Hashkafa 8 Dec 2023
In this shiur, Rabbi Ahron Lopiansky and Rabbi Aharon Sorscher discuss the concept of Daas Torah in Halacha and Hashkafa. They explore whether there is a Tor...
8 Dec 2023
Jewish Chronicle The martyrdom of a Chanukah heroine 8 Dec 2023
The article explores the concept of martyrdom in Judaism through the lens of the tragic death of Alina Palhati at a rave in Israel. It discusses the idea of ...
8 Dec 2023
Forward How the Israel-Hamas war exposed a rift in Haredi Orthodox Judaism 7 Dec 2023
The Israel-Hamas war has exposed a rift within the Haredi Orthodox Jewish community in the United States. Many Haredi Jews were urged by Agudath Israel-affil...
7 Dec 2023
Jewish Review of Books Tamar, Helen, and Love’s Ambition 7 Dec 2023
In this article, the author explores the character of Tamar in the biblical story of Genesis. Tamar is the mother of Perez and therefore the ancestor of Davi...
7 Dec 2023
Lehrhaus The Source of Joseph’s Dreams  7 Dec 2023
In this article, the author explores the source of Joseph's dreams in the biblical narrative. While traditional interpretations focus on the future fulfillme...
7 Dec 2023
Ami The Source of Sweetness // Rav Isomor Garbuz, Rosh Yeshivah of Orchos Torah and son-in-law of Rav Gershon Edelstein, zt”l, shares personal recollections, wisdom and insights 6 Dec 2023
Rav Isomor Garbuz, a well-known Torah scholar and son-in-law of Rav Gershon Edelstein, is highly respected in Bnei Brak, a city known for its yeshivas and To...
6 Dec 2023
Emes Ve-Emunah Disagreeing With the Gedolim 5 Dec 2023
During an Agudah convention, the topic of Daas Torah was discussed by rabbis Aharon Lopianski and Yosef Elefant. Rabbi Elefant defended the five members of t...
5 Dec 2023
Jewish Chronicle I’m Jewish, my husband’s Muslim, how do I raise my son? 4 Dec 2023
For a Jewish woman married to a Muslim man wondering how to raise their son, an Orthodox perspective underscores the importance of following Jewish teachings...
4 Dec 2023
Sources On Redeeming Captives 28 Nov 2023
This article delves into the Jewish ethical and legal perspectives on the redemption of captives, a complex issue that implicates both historical precedent a...
28 Nov 2023
Sources We Need to Stay in the Conversation 28 Nov 2023
This article explores the challenges universities face in balancing free speech with protecting students from harmful rhetoric, particularly in light of rece...
28 Nov 2023
Sources Should Israel Attack First? Lessons from the Distinction between Commanded and Discretionary Wars in Jewish Law 27 Nov 2023
The article explores Jewish legal perspectives on preemptive military actions, focusing on the distinction between commanded and discretionary wars within th...
27 Nov 2023
What Matters Now headphones What Matters Now to Rabbi Seth Farber: Hostages and mixed burials in Jewish law 23 Nov 2023
Rabbi Seth Farber discusses how to adapt Jewish law in the modern state of Israel to address complex issues like mixed burials and the rights of women whose ...
23 Nov 2023
Jewish Chronicle Rabbi Louis Jacobs: a model for today’s spiritual seekers 23 Nov 2023
Rabbi Louis Jacobs is portrayed as a model for spiritual seekers today amidst a world feeling increasingly fraught. The text discusses how Jacobs' Jewish the...
23 Nov 2023
Jewish History Uncensored headphones Torah Lishma - The Vilna Gaon’s Approach 21 Nov 2023
This discussion focuses on the approach to Torah Lishma according to the Vilna Gaon, often contrasted with R' Chaim Volozhin's views, particularly in Mishley...
21 Nov 2023
Jewish Chronicle School report: Exams are a burden that our children don’t need 17 Nov 2023
Rabbi Fine argues that exams like GCSEs and A-Levels are outdated in the 21st century and do not cater to the diverse skills needed in the modern workforce. ...
17 Nov 2023
Jewish Chronicle Portion of the week: Toldot 16 Nov 2023
In Parashat Toldot, Isaac follows in his father Abraham's footsteps by pretending his wife Rebecca is his sister, leading to a revelation of their true relat...
16 Nov 2023
Jewish Chronicle The tabernacle of peace that gives us hope 10 Nov 2023
In times of distress, recent events have imbued traditional Jewish prayers with renewed significance, particularly emphasizing the themes of peace and freedo...
10 Nov 2023
Jewish Chronicle Abraham the activist, who challenged God 3 Nov 2023
Abraham, known for his activism, challenges God's plan to destroy Sodom, arguing for justice and mercy. He negotiates with God to spare the city if righteous...
3 Nov 2023
Jewish History Uncensored headphones Torah Lishma and Focused Direction in Avodas Hashem 2 Nov 2023
This episode delves into the debate between the Tanya and Nefesh HaChaim regarding Torah Lishma, focusing on R Chaim Volozhin's perspective and the importanc...
2 Nov 2023
Call Me Back headphones The Laws of War — with Matt Waxman 20 Oct 2023
This episode of "Call Me Back" features a discussion with Matt Waxman on the complexities of the laws of war, particularly in the context of the Israel-Hamas...
20 Oct 2023
Jewish History Uncensored headphones The Gaza War, Politics & Relating to News 19 Oct 2023
In this discussion, the focus is on examining why Israel labels the Gaza conflict as a war and delving into the concept of compromise in politics while quest...
19 Oct 2023
Jewish Chronicle The Etgar Quiz no 244 15 Oct 2023
The Etgar Quiz discusses various Jewish concepts and trivia questions. The Shalosh Regalim are named for people traveling on foot to Jerusalem during importa...
15 Oct 2023
Jewish Chronicle Parashah of the week: Bereshit 14 Oct 2023
The Parashah of the week, Bereshit, marks the beginning of the annual Torah cycle. A notable midrash from Ecclesiastes emphasizes the importance of respectin...
14 Oct 2023
Jewish History Uncensored headphones #160 The Gaza War 12 Oct 2023
The text discusses lessons and differences between the Gaza War and the Yom Kippur War, speculating on factors influencing the conflict's duration and its co...
12 Oct 2023
Forward ‘Is it a war — or is it an operation?’ Thousands of miles from home, Israeli teenagers learn the devastating news 7 Oct 2023
Israeli teenagers visiting a synagogue in New Jersey were shielded from news of their country being at war by their rabbi, who eventually had to gently break...
7 Oct 2023
Forward After centuries out of sight, the oldest surviving Hebrew Bible is making a permanent move to Israel 6 Oct 2023
The Codex Sassoon, the oldest existing Hebrew Bible dating back to around 900 C.E., has been permanently relocated to Israel after being acquired by Alfred M...
6 Oct 2023
Forward 'I'm not religious, but my 10-year-old wants to go to synagogue — what should I do?' 27 Sep 2023
The article explores the journey of a non-religious Jewish mother navigating her 10-year-old son's burgeoning interest in attending synagogue. Despite her ow...
27 Sep 2023
Unorthodox headphones Talking the Talk: Ep 380 21 Sep 2023
This episode of Unorthodox focuses on improving communication skills in preparation for Yom Kippur. Linguist Deborah Tannen discusses conversational styles a...
21 Sep 2023
Forward Social media is a powerful tool to lobby for Jewish divorce. A court nearly took it away 15 Sep 2023
The recent New Jersey appellate court decision upheld a woman's right to use social media to mobilize social pressure in seeking a Jewish divorce when her hu...
15 Sep 2023
What Matters Now headphones What Matters Now to Jewish Law Prof. Benny Porat: Common ground as titans clash 14 Sep 2023
Professor Benny Porat of Hebrew University discusses the potential for Jewish legal tradition to mediate the conflict between Israel's judicial overhaul and ...
14 Sep 2023
Jewish Chronicle The renaissance of halachah in modern Israel 12 Sep 2023
The text explores the revival of Jewish law (halachah) in modern Israel, showcasing how it has evolved to address not only individual and communal matters bu...
12 Sep 2023