Daily Podcasts Video Research
Torah 101 headphones #81: Supernatural Resurrection 8 Jan
In this podcast episode, the subject of resurrection and its debate between rabbis and Romans is explored. The argument made by the Romans is that resurrecti...
8 Jan
Tablet Israeli Judicial Surrealism 8 Jan
In a special episode, law professor Moshe Cohen-Eliya discusses the surreal world of Israeli jurisprudence. Israel's Supreme Court recently made two unusual ...
8 Jan
Rationalist Judaism The Letter of the Mothers 7 Jan
The Letter of the Mothers is a public letter written by Dr. Tehila Elitzur, a Torah teacher at Herzog College, addressed to the mothers of ultra-Orthodox yes...
7 Jan
Emes Ve-Emunah TUM, TIDE, and Agudah 7 Jan
The author discusses two philosophies within Centrist Orthodoxy: Torah Im Derech Eretz (TIDE) and Torah UMada (TUM). TIDE, influenced by Rabbi Samson Raphael...
7 Jan
Jewish History Uncensored headphones The Sabbatean Accusations Against Chassidus 5 Jan
Rabbi Arnie Wittenstein explores the second arrest of the Baal Tanya and the Sabbatean accusations against the Chassidic movement, illustrating the complex n...
5 Jan
Halacha Headlines headphones 1/6/24 – Shiur 450 Amazon in Halacha 4 Jan
In this Shiur, Rabbi Elyada Goldvicht discusses various halachic issues related to using Amazon on Shabbat. He addresses questions such as whether it is perm...
4 Jan
JTA Jewish outfielder Harrison Bader signs with the New York Mets 4 Jan
Jewish outfielder Harrison Bader has signed a one-year, $10.5 million contract with the New York Mets. Bader, a Bronxville native, will be the team's first J...
4 Jan
Forward To welcome interfaith couples, this Conservative synagogue hired a rabbi who’s allowed to wed them 4 Jan
Congregation Shirat Hayam, a Conservative synagogue in Swampscott, Massachusetts, has hired Cantor Sarah Freudenberger, who is permitted to officiate interfa...
4 Jan
What Matters Now headphones What Matters Now to Haviv Rettig Gur: How the court just redefined its own powers 4 Jan
Haviv Rettig Gur discusses the Israeli Supreme Court's recent decision to reinterpret its powers concerning the judicial overhaul legislation in Israel, focu...
4 Jan
Jewish Chronicle Parashah of the week: Shemot 4 Jan
The discussion in this week's Parashah of Shemot emphasizes the impact of negative energy and lashon hara (negative speech) on individuals and those around t...
4 Jan
Rationalist Judaism More Important Than Learning Torah 4 Jan
The article discusses the question of whether studying Torah takes precedence over other important obligations in Judaism. The author quotes Rav Aharon Licht...
4 Jan
Forward How using words like 'redemption' and 'civilian' shapes the thinking on Israel's war with Hamas 3 Jan
The use of language in discussing Israel's war with Hamas is explored in this article. The phrase "redemption of hostages" is analyzed, which departs from th...
3 Jan
The Beinart Notebook Mikhael Manekin on What the Gaza War Means for Judaism 3 Jan
In this article, Mikhael Manekin discusses the implications of the Gaza War on Judaism. He highlights unsettling scenes from Gaza, specifically mentioning a ...
3 Jan
For Heaven's Sake headphones Israel at War – Back to October 6th? 3 Jan
Donniel Hartman and Yossi Klein Halevi discuss the Israeli Supreme Court's recent decision to strike down the reasonableness clause and its implications for ...
3 Jan
Ami The Hamas Atrocities from the Perspective of Halachah // A conversation with noted Yerushalmi posek Rav Moshe Brandsdorfer 3 Jan
In a conversation with Rav Moshe Brandsdorfer, a respected posek, he discusses various halachic questions that have arisen due to the recent Hamas attacks in...
3 Jan
Rationalist Judaism Book News 2 Jan
The Hebrew edition of the first volume of The Torah Encyclopedia of the Animal Kingdom has been released and can be purchased at the museum or on the museum ...
2 Jan
Mishpacha Forgive Me 2 Jan
The article tells the story of Rivka, who was struggling with how to handle her friend Leah's religious instability. Rivka felt guilty for being too judgment...
2 Jan
Mishpacha Family First Inbox: Issue 875 2 Jan
In this issue of Family First Inbox, the first letter discusses the idea of sacrificing a career for Torah learning, suggesting that talents should be used f...
2 Jan
Rationalist Judaism Two Different Universes 31 Dec 2023
This article discusses a Facebook exchange between individuals representing the charedi and dati-leumi (Zionist-religious) perspectives on Torah and avodas H...
31 Dec 2023
Forward Long-awaited kosher and halal options to become available in New York state prison 29 Dec 2023
New York Governor Kathy Hochul has signed a bill guaranteeing the availability of kosher and halal food in state prisons. The law, set to take effect in Sept...
29 Dec 2023
18forty What Makes Beliefs Rational? 29 Dec 2023
In this essay, the author explores the concept of rationality and its application to beliefs, particularly in relation to Judaism. They discuss the distincti...
29 Dec 2023
18forty What Makes Beliefs Rational? 29 Dec 2023
The essay explores the concept of rationality in relation to beliefs, specifically in the context of Judaism. It distinguishes between epistemic rationality ...
29 Dec 2023
Unholy: Two Jews on the News headphones Motherland - with special guest Rachel Goldberg-Polin 29 Dec 2023
Yonit and Jonathan reflect on a year of significant turmoil in Israel, focusing on the unexpected judicial overhaul and the ongoing impact of the events of O...
29 Dec 2023
Tablet Joseph Sings the Blues 29 Dec 2023
Albert Murray, a Black author and influential figure in the music industry, wrote extensively about the connection between jazz, the blues, and the biblical ...
29 Dec 2023
Jewish Chronicle Ultimate mushroom Wellington 28 Dec 2023
This recipe presents the ultimate mushroom Wellington with a mix of mushrooms, leek, chestnuts, spinach, sage, cranberry sauce, and miso paste or soy sauce w...
28 Dec 2023
Jewish History Uncensored headphones Release of the Baal Tanya & the Second Arrest 28 Dec 2023
This episode explores the historical significance of the Baal Tanya's two arrests by Russian authorities, analyzing the legal and cultural hurdles he faced, ...
28 Dec 2023
Emes Ve-Emunah When the Gadol HaDor Speaks.... 28 Dec 2023
This text discusses the controversy surrounding Rabbi Shai Graucher, who raised millions of dollars and provided various forms of assistance to the Israeli a...
28 Dec 2023
Lehrhaus A Year in Review – 2023 28 Dec 2023
The Lehrhaus, a platform for Jewish content, has had a productive year in 2023, publishing at least 100 original pieces across various genres. They have addr...
28 Dec 2023
18forty Army Service is Essential for Every Jew: Letter From an IDF Combat Soldier in Gaza 28 Dec 2023
In this letter, an IDF combat soldier expresses his belief that army service is essential for every Jew. He argues that having sovereignty and control over t...
28 Dec 2023
18forty Army Service is Essential for Every Jew: Letter From an IDF Combat Soldier in Gaza 28 Dec 2023
In this letter from an IDF combat soldier in Gaza, the author expresses their belief that army service is essential for every Jew. They argue that having sov...
28 Dec 2023
The Habura headphones Shemona Peraqim of HaRambam (Part 2) - Rabbi Joseph Dweck 27 Dec 2023
In this video, Rabbi Joseph Dweck discusses the second part of the Shemona Peraqim of HaRambam. He provides insights into the teachings of the Rambam, focusi...
27 Dec 2023
JTA How students and teachers feel about AI in the Jewish classroom 27 Dec 2023
This article explores how the use of artificial intelligence (AI) in Jewish education is being debated among educators and students. Some Jewish educators ex...
27 Dec 2023
Jewish Chronicle Negotiating the moral maze 27 Dec 2023
The late Rabbi Nachum Rabinovich, influential in UK Judaism and a mentor to Rabbi Sacks, believed in a rationalist Judaism blending universal and specific el...
27 Dec 2023
Mishpacha Tale of Treeo: Chapter 13 27 Dec 2023
In Chapter 13 of the Tale of Treeo, Nellie has been searching for Eli but hasn't had any luck finding him. Eli, trapped in a hole in the ground, hears Nellie...
27 Dec 2023
Lehrhaus Between Angels and (Wo)Men: The Talmudic Approach to Sexuality 27 Dec 2023
In this article, the authors discuss the Talmudic approach to sexuality, particularly the views on sexual pleasure. They explore the conflicting opinions wit...
27 Dec 2023
Mishpacha The Moment: Issue 992 26 Dec 2023
The article commemorates the 135th yahrtzeit (anniversary of death) of Rav Samson Raphael Hirsch, a prominent leader of Ashkenaz Jewry in the 19th century. I...
26 Dec 2023
Mishpacha A Welcome Challenge 26 Dec 2023
Rav Yosef Elefant, a prominent figure from the Mirrer Yeshiva in Jerusalem, delivered a powerful call to action at a recent convention of Agudath Israel of A...
26 Dec 2023
Rationalist Judaism Tzaddik or Mazzik? 26 Dec 2023
Rabbi Shai Graucher, known for his close association with Rav Chaim Kanievsky and his works on his teachings, has garnered praise for his tremendous acts of ...
26 Dec 2023
Rationalist Judaism A Bris Amidst the War 24 Dec 2023
This article describes the author's experience attending a bris (circumcision ceremony) amidst the ongoing war in Israel. The new father, Avi Kahn, is an Ame...
24 Dec 2023
Forward Maxwell Jacob Friedman — the latest pro wrestler in the National Jewish Sports Hall of Fame — is glad to be seen as a strong Jew 22 Dec 2023
Maxwell Jacob Friedman, a professional wrestler known as MJF, is the latest inductee into the National Jewish Sports Hall of Fame. He expressed his joy in fu...
22 Dec 2023
Emes Ve-Emunah Is Rav Dovid Leibel a Closet Centrist? 22 Dec 2023
Rav Dovid Leibel is a Charedi rabbi who has taken positions that are not in line with traditional Charedi orthodoxy. He believes that Charedi married men sho...
22 Dec 2023
Jewish Lives headphones RABBI AKIVA 22 Dec 2023
Rabbi Akiva, born in 50 C.E. in the Land of Israel, was a significant figure in shaping Judaism. He was considered the foremost rabbi of his time and had a p...
22 Dec 2023
Halacha Headlines headphones 12/23/23 – Shiur 448 – Is Israel an “occupier” of Palestinian land? Who owns “from the River to the Sea”? 22 Dec 2023
In this discussion, the question of whether Israel is an occupier of Palestinian land is explored. The participants touch on various issues such as the exist...
22 Dec 2023
Jewish History Uncensored headphones The Arrest of the Baal Tanya 21 Dec 2023
The Baal Tanya, a prominent figure in Jewish history, was arrested and imprisoned, sparking discussions about the theological disagreements between the Gra a...
21 Dec 2023
Jewish Chronicle Vayigash 21 Dec 2023
In the Torah portion Vayigash, Joseph warns his brothers not to become agitated on their journey home. The classic commentator Rashi suggests this agitation ...
21 Dec 2023
Lehrhaus Civilian Casualties in the Light of Halakhah and Ethics: Revisiting Rav Shaul Yisraeli’s Analysis 21 Dec 2023
In this article, Aryeh Klapper revisits Rav Shaul Yisraeli's analysis of civilian casualties in the context of halakhah (Jewish law) and ethics. Klapper high...
21 Dec 2023
Jewschool War Anywhere is a Local Crisis 21 Dec 2023
In observance of Asarah b'Tevet, a minor fast day, Jews commemorate the beginning of the Babylonian siege on Jerusalem and the subsequent destruction of the ...
21 Dec 2023
The Habura headphones Shemona Peraqim of HaRambam - Rabbi Joseph Dweck 20 Dec 2023
The Shemona Peraqim of HaRambam, discussed by Rabbi Joseph Dweck, is a topic of conversation within the S&P Sephardi Community of the UK. The community, alon...
20 Dec 2023
Emes Ve-Emunah How Relevant is the Bible to Our Values? 20 Dec 2023
The text discusses the relevance of the Bible to our values and its influence on the extreme polarization between the right and the left. It argues that the ...
20 Dec 2023
Ami Michael Lebhar // SellCord and (several other e-commerce brands, including Spawn Fitness and 2×4) 20 Dec 2023
Michael Lebhar, founder of SellCord, a company that helps e-commerce sellers on Walmart.com, discusses Walmart's growing presence as an online marketplace. H...
20 Dec 2023