Daily Podcasts Video Research
Torah 101 headphones #13: Does God’s Creation of the Universe Conflict with the Principle of God’s Perfection? 8 Apr 2019
This podcast delves into the philosophical question of why a perfect God, as outlined in the Thirteen Principles of Faith, would create the imperfect univers...
8 Apr 2019
Lehrhaus Born to Return 4 Apr 2019
Rabbinic doctrine suggests that each fetus is taught the entirety of the Torah while in the womb, only to forget it upon birth. This concept bears similarity...
4 Apr 2019
Unorthodox headphones Couch Surfing: Ep. 176 4 Apr 2019
This episode of Unorthodox features conversations with psychotherapist Lori Gottlieb, author of "Maybe You Should Talk to Someone," who discusses the therape...
4 Apr 2019
BimBam King David: Husband - Part 3 - David and Michal 28 Mar 2019
The video explores the relationship between David and Michal as they navigate King Saul's attempts to get David killed, showcasing David as a husband while p...
28 Mar 2019
Lehrhaus When Satmar Censored the Hatam Sofer 28 Mar 2019
In the post-World War II period, Satmar Hasidim published the teachings of the Hatam Sofer with critical lines about the bein ha-shemashot period censored. T...
28 Mar 2019
BimBam What is Masada? A Window into Modern Israel 27 Mar 2019
This YouTube video explores the history of Masada, an ancient fortress in Israel with a dark past, detailing the Jewish rebellion against the Romans, culmina...
27 Mar 2019
Jewish Review of Books All or Nothing? 27 Mar 2019
In Nathan Englander's novel "kaddish.com," the protagonist Larry struggles with religious observance and familial obligations. Seeking an alternative to reci...
27 Mar 2019
Jewish Review of Books Quarried in Air 27 Mar 2019
"Quarried in Air" delves into the enigmatic and influential Jewish text Sefer Yeirah, also known as The Book of Creation, which explores the relationship bet...
27 Mar 2019
Jewish Review of Books America’s Jewish Bridegroom 27 Mar 2019
Horace Kallen, a prolific writer known primarily for his concept of cultural pluralism, is the focus of Matthew Kaufman's book "Horace Kallen Confronts Ameri...
27 Mar 2019
BimBam Parshat Shemini featuring Rabbi Dan Horwitz 26 Mar 2019
Rabbi Dan Horwitz discusses the challenging events in Parshat Shemini, focusing on Aaron's reactions to tragedy and the importance of silence in this animate...
26 Mar 2019
BimBam Burial vs. Cremation: A Jewish Perspective 25 Mar 2019
This video explores the topic of burial versus cremation from a Jewish perspective, discussing the traditional acceptance of ground burial in Judaism and the...
25 Mar 2019
Lehrhaus Hilkhot Nashim: A Cautious Revolution  24 Mar 2019
"Hilkhot Nashim" is a publication by the Jewish Orthodox Feminist Alliance (JOFA) that aims to dispel misconceptions about women's obligations in Jewish ritu...
24 Mar 2019
Jewish Action Up Close with Rabbi Elazar Muskin: On the 25th anniversary of the RCA’s prenuptial agreement 22 Mar 2019
In celebration of the 25th anniversary of the RCA Prenup, Rabbi Elazar Muskin discusses its impact on American Jewry with The Rabbinical Council of America a...
22 Mar 2019
Jewish Action Reviews in Brief: Spring 2019 22 Mar 2019
Rabbi Pinchos Bodner, Rabbi Avraham Peretz Friedman, Rabbi Eliyahu Safran, and Rabbi Yitzchak Silberztl are highlighted in this collection of Jewish book rev...
22 Mar 2019
Lehrhaus Korban Asham: The Sacrifice for Sacrilege (and other Sins) 18 Mar 2019
In the text "Korban Asham: The Sacrifice for Sacrilege (and other Sins)" by Matt Lubin, the focus is on the Korban Asham (guilt offering) as described in the...
18 Mar 2019
Torah 101 headphones #12: The Thirteen Principles of Jewish Faith: God as Creator and Sustainer 14 Mar 2019
The Rambam's Thirteen Principles of Faith are a widely accepted articulation of Jewish beliefs, found in his commentary on Mishnah. Initially contested, thes...
14 Mar 2019
BimBam Shgaga: The Torah’s Response to Making Mistakes 5 Mar 2019
This animated video explores the Torah concept of Shgaga, which relates to making mistakes accidentally, by sharing three different Torah stories illustratin...
5 Mar 2019
Adventures in Jewish Studies headphones The Origins of the Jews featuring Cynthia Baker, Ofri Ilany, Beth Alpert Nakhai, Steven Weitzman, David Wolpe, and Jeremy Shere and produced by the Association for Jewish Studies 4 Mar 2019
In the podcast "The Origins of the Jews" by the Association for Jewish Studies, scholars from various fields such as history, archaeology, linguistics, and g...
4 Mar 2019
Lehrhaus Hasidim and Academics Debate a Rebbe’s Faith during the Holocaust (on Facebook, of all Places) 4 Mar 2019
The debate on social media between Hasidim and academics revolves around whether the revered Rabbi Kalonymus Kalmish Shapiro lost his faith during the Holoca...
4 Mar 2019
Unorthodox headphones The Circumcision Episode: Ep. 171 28 Feb 2019
In episode 171 of Unorthodox, the focus is on circumcision and the Jewish practice of brit milah, with discussions ranging from the biblical significance of ...
28 Feb 2019
Unorthodox headphones The Circumcision Episode: Ep. 171 28 Feb 2019
This episode of Unorthodox delves into the tradition of circumcision in Judaism, discussing its religious significance, historical context, and personal expe...
28 Feb 2019
Tablet Will the Supreme Court Finally Protect the Right Not to Work on the Sabbath? 26 Feb 2019
The Supreme Court is considering a case involving a Seventh-day Adventist employee whose religious beliefs prevent him from working on Saturdays. The issue o...
26 Feb 2019
Lehrhaus Jewish Justice and #MeToo 20 Feb 2019
The essay explores the concept of justice in rabbinic Judaism in light of the #MeToo movement, which has highlighted issues of sexual harassment and abuse. I...
20 Feb 2019
Lehrhaus If Your Wife Is Short, Bend Down and Hear Her Whisper: Rereading Tanur shel Akhnai 17 Feb 2019
In Miriam Gedwiser's essay about revisiting the story of the Oven of Akhnai in Jewish tradition, she explores how the narrative on Bava Metzia 59a-b offers a...
17 Feb 2019
Lehrhaus The Talmud’s Economic Behavior, and the Study of Behavioral Economics 14 Feb 2019
This article delves into the intersection of Talmudic literature on economic behavior and the study of behavioral economics, with a focus on cases from the B...
14 Feb 2019
Lehrhaus The Development of Neo-Hasidism: Echoes and Repercussions Part IV: Arthur Green and Conclusion 11 Feb 2019
Rabbi Arthur Green, a liberal theologian and scholar of Jewish mysticism, has played a significant role in the development of Neo-Hasidism. Influenced by thi...
11 Feb 2019
Tablet Better Treyf Than Sorry 8 Feb 2019
In "Better Treyf Than Sorry," Adam Kirsch explores the Talmudic discussions in Chapter Three of Tractate Chullin regarding what renders an animal tereifa, or...
8 Feb 2019
Lehrhaus Will we support the day school of tomorrow? 7 Feb 2019
The author discusses the potential future of Jewish education and questions the traditional model of Jewish day schools against a rapidly changing educationa...
7 Feb 2019
Tablet The Man Who Remade Death 5 Feb 2019
Yechezkel Nakar, an Orthodox Jewish man, was declared dead based on brain death criteria despite his heart continuing to beat for three weeks after his death...
5 Feb 2019
Tablet Battling Israel’s Marriage Monopoly 5 Feb 2019
In Israel, the Chief Rabbinate holds a monopoly on Jewish marriages, leading to limitations such as Orthodox control, prohibiting Reform or Conservative cere...
5 Feb 2019
Tanakh Cast headphones TanakhCast #150: The Metaphors We Live By Edition 4 Feb 2019
TanakhCast #150 explores various metaphors found in the Tanakh across 4 chapters every two weeks, starting from Genesis to 2 Chronicles, offering a deep dive...
4 Feb 2019
Tanakh Cast headphones TanakhCast #149: The Lion and the Menorah Edition 21 Jan 2019
In episode #149 of TanakhCast, the hosts discuss 4 chapters of the Tanakh every two weeks, covering Genesis to 2 Chronicles. Listeners are encouraged to be p...
21 Jan 2019
Lehrhaus Wearing a Smartwatch on Shabbat 20 Jan 2019
The discussion revolves around the permissibility of wearing a smartwatch on Shabbat, specifically focusing on the use of electricity and altering currents. ...
20 Jan 2019
Lehrhaus Peshat and Beyond: The Emergence of A Reluctant Leader 13 Jan 2019
The article explores the evolution of Moses from a reluctant and hesitant figure to the leader of the Jewish People. It introduces the concept of Peshat and ...
13 Jan 2019
Lehrhaus The Lifespan of Hirschian Orthodoxy: On the 130th Yahrtzeit of Rabbi Samson Raphael Hirsch 10 Jan 2019
Rabbi Samson Raphael Hirsch's 130th Yahrtzeit provokes a reflection on the lifespan of his Torah im Derekh Eretz approach and its endurance. Hirsch's unique ...
10 Jan 2019
Lehrhaus A Controversial Halakhic Case Against the State of Israel 3 Jan 2019
In "I Will Await Him" by Yirmiyahu Cohen, a thought-provoking case against the State of Israel from a Halakhic perspective is presented, advocating for anti-...
3 Jan 2019
Lehrhaus The Development of Neo-Hasidism: Echoes and Repercussions Part II: Abraham Joshua Heschel and Zelda Schneurson Mishkovsky 31 Dec 2018
In the article "The Development of Neo-Hasidism: Echoes and Repercussions Part II," Ariel Evan Mayse explores the impact of Rabbi Abraham Joshua Heschel (190...
31 Dec 2018
Lehrhaus When Rambam Met the Izhbitser Rebbe: Response to a Straussian Reading of Hilkhot Teshuvah 27 Dec 2018
In response to Leo Strauss's notion of authors writing on multiple levels, including an esoteric one, scholar Bezalel Safran applies this idea to Maimonides'...
27 Dec 2018
Lehrhaus Maimonidean Providence & Stoicism 24 Dec 2018
The article discusses the practical principles of Stoicism and their relation to Maimonides' exploration of providence and theodicy in the Guide for the Perp...
24 Dec 2018
Jewish Review of Books Historical Agency 20 Dec 2018
Mark R. Cohen's book delves into the historical partnership between Yeshua and Khalluf, two Jewish merchants in the 11th century, as revealed through documen...
20 Dec 2018
Jewish Review of Books Letters, Winter 2019 20 Dec 2018
In the excerpted letters, two main discussions are encapsulated. Firstly, Dr. Howard Smith reflects on Isaac Newton's approach to reconciling science and rel...
20 Dec 2018
Lehrhaus The Development of Neo-Hasidism: Echoes and Repercussions Part I: Introduction, Hillel Zeitlin, and Martin Buber 19 Dec 2018
Neo-Hasidism, rooted in the devotional and mystical renewal of Hasidism, seeks to inspire contemporary spiritual renaissance through infusing tradition with ...
19 Dec 2018
Lehrhaus The Downside of Digital Democratization: A Response to Zev Eleff 13 Dec 2018
Sarah Rudolph reflects on the democratization of Jewish learning in response to Zev Eleff's article. She highlights the benefits of accessibility to Jewish t...
13 Dec 2018
Tablet A New Leaf 12 Dec 2018
Jews have been increasingly involved in the cannabis industry and culture worldwide, with Israel leading in medical research and North American Jews catching...
12 Dec 2018
Tablet Slaughterhouse Shrive 4 Dec 2018
The discussion centers on the tractate Hullin in the Talmud, which deals with the rules surrounding the slaughter of non-sacred animals for consumption. The ...
4 Dec 2018
Lehrhaus Where in my Apartment Should I Light my Hanukkah Lamps? 3 Dec 2018
The discussion on where to light Hanukkah lamps in an apartment traces back to the Talmud's instructions for homeowners but has grown complex for modern urba...
3 Dec 2018
Tablet David Ben-Gurion Asks 51 Jewish Scholars: ‘Who Is a Jew?’ 30 Nov 2018
In 1958, David Ben-Gurion, Israel's prime minister, asked 51 Jewish scholars for input on defining Jewish identity, particularly in cases of mixed marriages ...
30 Nov 2018
Lehrhaus The Prophets Did Not Take Political Stands, and You Should Too 29 Nov 2018
The article discusses the misconception that biblical prophets took specific political stands, and argues that prophets like Moses were unique in their direc...
29 Nov 2018
Lehrhaus Is a Dateline a Logical Necessity? The Halakhic View Less Often Quoted 26 Nov 2018
The essay explores the concept of a halakhic dateline in Jewish law, questioning its necessity and discussing various historical and modern perspectives on i...
26 Nov 2018
Lehrhaus Jacob’s Silence and the Rape of Dinah 22 Nov 2018
The article explores the story of Jacob's daughter, Dinah, who is raped in Shechem, leading to a violent retaliation by her brothers, Simeon and Levi. Jacob'...
22 Nov 2018