Daily Podcasts Video Research
Tablet The Mayflower Maidel 20 Nov 2018
The author reflects on their upcoming Thanksgiving celebration, which will be different as they recently discovered their descent from Mayflower passengers a...
20 Nov 2018
Jewish Review of Books Return to Me 15 Nov 2018
Chaim Potok's posthumous collection of plays offers insight into the struggles of mid-20th-century Jewish intellectuals balancing traditional Judaism with mo...
15 Nov 2018
Unorthodox headphones Thanks in Advance: Ep. 158 15 Nov 2018
This episode of Unorthodox discusses two unique stories of gratitude and philanthropy through interviews with Shay Khatiri, who raised millions for the Tree ...
15 Nov 2018
Lehrhaus Politics from the Pulpit: An Epistemological Reflection 12 Nov 2018
The text explores the challenges rabbis face in navigating politics from the pulpit amidst increasing American partisanship. It questions whether rabbis shou...
12 Nov 2018
Lehrhaus Peshat and Beyond: How the Hasidic Masters Read the Torah 7 Nov 2018
The article explores how Hasidic masters interpret Torah narratives as a process of refining human-divine character traits, known as tikkun ha-middot. Focusi...
7 Nov 2018
Tablet Oil Change 6 Nov 2018
The Talmudic text Tractate Menachot raises questions about the details of meal offerings, particularly regarding the use of oil in their preparation. The Tal...
6 Nov 2018
Tablet Good Fortune 6 Nov 2018
The author reflects on receiving a significant sum of money from his deceased father and his internal struggle with wealth, debt, and Jewish values surroundi...
6 Nov 2018
Tablet A Psalm for Pittsburgh 2 Nov 2018
In the wake of the tragic shooting at the Tree of Life synagogue in Pittsburgh, the power of Psalms (Tehillim) to provide solace and words in times of despai...
2 Nov 2018
Lehrhaus Halakhah’s Insiders and Outsiders 1 Nov 2018
"Halakhah: The Rabbinic Idea of Law" by Chaim Saiman explores Jewish law as a broader concept beyond mere regulation of conduct, delving into talmud Torah, p...
1 Nov 2018
Lehrhaus Saiman’s Halakhah: Rabbinic Law as Culture 30 Oct 2018
Chaim Saiman's book "Halakhah: The Rabbinic Idea of Law" delves into the concept of rabbinic law as culture, exploring how law in Judaism is not just about r...
30 Oct 2018
Lehrhaus No Law in Heaven 29 Oct 2018
In "Halakhah: The Rabbinic Idea of Law," Professor Chaim Saiman offers a unique exploration of Halakhah's nature, steering clear of apologetics or criticism....
29 Oct 2018
Tanakh Cast headphones TanakhCast #143: The Cover and the Original Edition 29 Oct 2018
TanakhCast #143 delves into the Tanakh, exploring 4 chapters every two weeks from Genesis to 2 Chronicles. The podcast encourages patience as it progresses t...
29 Oct 2018
Jewish Review of Books Hollywood and Jerusalem 25 Oct 2018
The author reflects on an encounter in Hollywood where he pitched a screenplay about George Catlin, a painter who documented Native American life in the 19th...
25 Oct 2018
Lehrhaus Reclaiming the Akeidah from Kierkegaard 22 Oct 2018
The discussion delves into interpretations of the Akeidah, the binding of Isaac, through the lens of Kierkegaard and Kant. Kierkegaard argues for the suspens...
22 Oct 2018
Tablet A Safer Space for Women in Orthodox Judaism’s Rules for Sex 17 Oct 2018
The text discusses the #MeToo movement's impact on societal attitudes towards the treatment of women, highlighting the prevalence of sexual abuse and objecti...
17 Oct 2018
Tablet There’s No Business Like Showbread Business 16 Oct 2018
In the early chapters of Tractate Menachot in the Talmud, the focus is on the procedures for offering meal offerings in the Temple, including details on baki...
16 Oct 2018
Lehrhaus Nishmat HaBayit: A Window into the Successes of Yoatzot Halacha 15 Oct 2018
"Nishmat HaBayit" is a significant book authored by Yoatzot Halacha from Nishmat that focuses on Jewish family purity laws, particularly Hilkhot Niddah. The ...
15 Oct 2018
Tablet Early Mourning 11 Oct 2018
After the sudden death of the author's father, traditional Jewish rituals of mourning, such as aninut and sitting shiva, did not offer much comfort. The obli...
11 Oct 2018
Lehrhaus The “Genesis” of Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein 4 Oct 2018
Mary Shelley's novel "Frankenstein" draws heavily from Milton's "Paradise Lost" and Rabbi Joseph B. Soloveitchik's work, "The Lonely Man of Faith." The novel...
4 Oct 2018
Jewish Review of Books Korean Talmud, Is Modern Orthodoxy like Classical Reform? and Jesus and the Baal Shem Tov 27 Sep 2018
The first essay discusses the unexpected popularity of the Korean Talmud in South Korea, with scholars examining whether the fascination reflects admiration ...
27 Sep 2018
Lehrhaus Antipodal Etrogim 27 Sep 2018
Rabbi Jacob Ettlinger from the 19th century raised a thought-provoking query in his halakhic work regarding the growth orientation of Sukkot items such as th...
27 Sep 2018
Lehrhaus Does Peri Etz Hadar Mean Etrog? 20 Sep 2018
The text explores the meaning of "peri etz hadar," a term in Leviticus 23:40 referring to a fruit to be taken on Sukkot. While commonly understood as the etr...
20 Sep 2018
Tanakh Cast headphones TanakhCast #140: The Hagiography Geography Edition 17 Sep 2018
In TanakhCast #140: The Hagiography Geography Edition, the podcast delves into the Tanakh, exploring and discussing four chapters every two weeks, spanning f...
17 Sep 2018
Jewish Review of Books Torah U’Madda 14 Sep 2018
The text discusses Modern Orthodox Judaism in America, highlighting its diversification and complexity, especially in areas such as dating preferences, relig...
14 Sep 2018
Lehrhaus Leavings of Sin: Rav Aharon Lichtenstein on Teshuvah 6 Sep 2018
"Return and Renewal: Reflections on Teshuva and Spiritual Growth" is a collection of twelve teshuva derashot by Rav Aharon Lichtenstein, previously offered f...
6 Sep 2018
Lehrhaus Rosh HaShanah And God’s Battle for Compassion 3 Sep 2018
The article delves into the nature of Rosh Hashanah as a day of judgment, focusing not just on human self-reflection and repentance but also on God's role as...
3 Sep 2018
Forward Joe Lieberman Praises John McCain In Eulogy — Jokes About ‘Having To Walk’ To Funeral On Shabbat 2 Sep 2018
In a moving eulogy for John McCain, Joe Lieberman highlighted McCain's respect for Lieberman's Jewish practices and their shared love for Jerusalem. Lieberma...
2 Sep 2018
Jewish Action The Rav on the Significance of the Shofar 31 Aug 2018
In his teachings on the significance of the Shofar during the High Holidays, the Rav delved into the essence of the mitzvah, emphasizing the importance of bo...
31 Aug 2018
Jewish Action Up Close With Rebbetzin Abby Lerner 31 Aug 2018
Rebbetzin Abby Lerner, the national director of conversion services for GPS, discusses her role in supporting conversion candidates and preventing abuse in t...
31 Aug 2018
Jewish Action Preserving Your Future: Egg Freezing Technology 31 Aug 2018
In the Orthodox Jewish community and beyond, egg freezing has become a popular option for women seeking to preserve their fertility due to various circumstan...
31 Aug 2018
Jewish Action “Please Blow the Shofar Quietly” 31 Aug 2018
The author reflects on their childhood synagogue days, reminiscing about the diverse characters that populated their memories, including The Voice, Mr. A., a...
31 Aug 2018
Lehrhaus Life, Children, and Sustenance: Personal Reflections on the Legacy of a Torah Scholar 31 Aug 2018
Dr. Yaakov Elman, a Torah scholar, mentor, and expert in Talmud studies, made a profound impact on his students and community through his extensive knowledge...
31 Aug 2018
Tablet The Great Jewish Tennis Hope 31 Aug 2018
Diego Schwartzman, a 26-year-old Jewish tennis player from Argentina, stands out despite his diminutive height of 5 feet 6 inches. Ranked 13th globally, Schw...
31 Aug 2018
Lehrhaus Professor Yaakov Elman: A Talmud Scholar of Singular Depth and Scope 30 Aug 2018
Professor Yaakov Elman was a distinguished Talmud scholar known for his unique depth and interdisciplinary approach to studying the Babylonian Talmud. Despit...
30 Aug 2018
Lehrhaus Yaakov Elman and the History of Halakha 30 Aug 2018
Dr. Yaakov Elman, a renowned Talmudist, was celebrated for his diverse scholarship that extended beyond Talmud to encompass various eras and texts in Jewish ...
30 Aug 2018
Tablet My Father Calls on Me From Beyond the Grave 29 Aug 2018
The writer reflects on his father's meticulous life and posthumous request to decide on his headstone inscription. Recalling his father's attention to detail...
29 Aug 2018
Tablet The Talmud as Rube Goldberg Machine of the Mind 21 Aug 2018
Literary critic Adam Kirsch discusses the Talmudic tractate Menachot, which deals with meal offerings in the Temple service. The text explores the importance...
21 Aug 2018
Lehrhaus Is Religious Tolerance a Jewish Idea? 16 Aug 2018
The text explores the question of whether religious tolerance is a Jewish concept, examining the tension between modern values of religious freedom and histo...
16 Aug 2018
Lehrhaus Our Hands Did Not Shed This Blood? 13 Aug 2018
The Torah emphasizes the concept of atonement for bloodshed, stating that only the blood of the perpetrator can cleanse the land polluted by spilled blood. I...
13 Aug 2018
Jewish Review of Books Repentant Prostitutes, Medieval Jewish Courts, and WWII Classified Ads 9 Aug 2018
The text discusses three scholarly essays from leading journals, highlighting key points. The first essay focuses on the Jewish version of the repentant pros...
9 Aug 2018
Lehrhaus Notes on the Conversation surrounding Faith Shattered and Restored / Post-Modern Orthodoxy. 6 Aug 2018
The text discusses the impact of Rabbi Shagar's teachings on Postmodern Orthodoxy and Modern Orthodoxy's struggle to engage with contemporary culture. It exp...
6 Aug 2018
Lehrhaus Mysticism and its Alternatives: Rethinking Maimonides 2 Aug 2018
The text explores the complex relationship between Maimonides and mysticism, challenging the common perception of him as solely a rationalist opposed to myst...
2 Aug 2018
Jewish Review of Books The Rabbi Goes to Court 2 Aug 2018
In "The Rabbi Goes to Court," the graphic history by Nina Caputo and Liz Clarke, the story of the medieval rabbi and scholar Nachmanides at the Barcelona Dis...
2 Aug 2018
Tablet Who Gets to Eat Sacrificial Meat? 31 Jul 2018
Tractate Zevachim, studied in the Talmud, delves into the laws concerning sacrificial offerings at the Temple and the privileges of the priestly caste, who r...
31 Jul 2018
Lehrhaus Tu be-Av and the Concubine of Givah 26 Jul 2018
Tu be-Av, a day described by the Mishnah as one of the happiest in the Jewish calendar, has its origins intertwined with a story in the Book of Judges about ...
26 Jul 2018
Lehrhaus Revealed yet Concealed: the Meaning of Aseret Ha-Dibrot 23 Jul 2018
The text delves into the meaning and significance of the Aseret ha-Dibrot, or Ten Commandments, highlighting their unique nature as divine utterances reveale...
23 Jul 2018
Tablet Tisha B’Av and the Jewish Detox Cycle 20 Jul 2018
The text discusses the concept of a Jewish detox cycle, reframing traditional fast days like Tisha B'Av as opportunities for spiritual and physical cleansing...
20 Jul 2018
Lehrhaus Grief, Gratitude and … Grapes? Tears on Tishah Be-Av as Tools of Tikun and Thanksgiving 16 Jul 2018
The article explores the significance of tears shed on Tishah Be-Av and the connection to gratitude by focusing on the birkat ha-mazon blessing and the Sin o...
16 Jul 2018
Tel Aviv Review headphones Business and Human Rights: A Contradiction in Terms? 16 Jul 2018
David Bilchitz, a law professor at the University of Johannesburg, suggests in his book "Building a Treaty on Business and Human Rights" that a legal framewo...
16 Jul 2018
Tablet Suited to the Fire 10 Jul 2018
In Tractate Zevachim of the Talmud, the discussion revolves around what to do when a Temple offering becomes disqualified and ascends the altar by mistake. T...
10 Jul 2018