Daily Podcasts Video Research
Lehrhaus Tosefta 28 Oct 2016
The text discusses a series of dialogues involving Rav Hisda, Abaye, and others, reflecting on themes of self-doubt, imperfection, and prayer. Rav Hisda expr...
28 Oct 2016
Lehrhaus The Wanderings of Adam and Cain – A Tale of Midrashic Migration 28 Oct 2016
The Midrash uses Adam's sin as a cautionary tale to illustrate the severity of sin, comparing his punishment to that of Cain's for murder. The text suggests ...
28 Oct 2016
Lehrhaus Jung Earth Creationism: Two New York Rabbis Respond to the Scopes Trial 27 Oct 2016
In response to the Scopes Monkey Trial in 1925, which highlighted the issue of Darwinism, two New York Orthodox rabbis, Leo Jung and David de Sola Pool, offe...
27 Oct 2016
Lehrhaus Can a Court Really Ban Kapparot and Why it Matters for the American Jewish Community 23 Oct 2016
The legality and constitutionality of the traditional live-chicken version of the kapparot ritual, often performed by some members of the Jewish community, i...
23 Oct 2016
Lehrhaus Looking for Gedolim in All the Wrong Places? 20 Oct 2016
The text discusses the role of "gedolim" (great Torah scholars) in Jewish communities, particularly in Modern/Centrist Orthodoxy and Liberal Orthodoxy. It ex...
20 Oct 2016
Lehrhaus Kohelet: Seeking to Uncover and Bury 20 Oct 2016
The article discusses the Rabbinic attempt to remove the book of Kohelet from the Biblical canon, referencing a passage in Shabbat 30b. The text points out a...
20 Oct 2016
Unorthodox headphones Jack of All Trades: Ep. 62 20 Oct 2016
This episode of Unorthodox discusses Robert Zimmerman receiving a Nobel Prize, with Jewish guest David Kaufman sharing insights on Amare Stoudemire relocatin...
20 Oct 2016
Lehrhaus Not in the Market for a Gadol 20 Oct 2016
In "Not in the Market for a Gadol," Wendy Amsellem responds to Chaim Saiman's essay on the idea of communities led by a revered rabbinic figure known as a ga...
20 Oct 2016
Lehrhaus The Market for Gedolim: A Symposium 19 Oct 2016
The symposium titled "The Market for Gedolim" brings together various writers providing reflections on the topic raised by Chaim Saiman's recent work for Leh...
19 Oct 2016
Lehrhaus New Links in an Old Chain 15 Oct 2016
Prof. Chaim Saiman delves into the differing perspectives on gedolim (great Torah scholars) in Haredi, Centrist Orthodox, and liberal Orthodox communities. W...
15 Oct 2016
Lehrhaus The Function of the Centrist Orthodox Gadol 14 Oct 2016
Chaim Saiman's essay explores the concept of a gadol, a revered Jewish leader, within Centrist Orthodox and Haredi communities, highlighting the centrality o...
14 Oct 2016
Lehrhaus The Parenthetical Problem of Alenu 10 Oct 2016
The text explores the evolution and controversy surrounding the Alenu prayer, specifically its historical anti-Gentile language targeting Christians. Initial...
10 Oct 2016
Lehrhaus Yom Kippur, Fasting, and the Poor: Considering the Message of Isaiah 58 10 Oct 2016
The essay delves into the message of Isaiah 58 in relation to Yom Kippur and fasting, challenging the traditional understanding of fasting solely as refraini...
10 Oct 2016
Lehrhaus Jonah and the Varieties of Religious Motivation 9 Oct 2016
The text explores different motivations for religious commitment, focusing on the story of Jonah from the Bible. It contrasts religious motivations driven by...
9 Oct 2016
Torah 101 headphones #1: Who Wrote the Torah 7 Oct 2016
The text discusses the authorship of the Torah, exploring the implications of whether it is considered the word of God as traditionally believed by Jews or j...
7 Oct 2016
Tablet Sha Na Na Tova 30 Sep 2016
Alan Cooper, once a singer for Sha Na Na at Woodstock, is currently a Jewish studies professor at JTS. His academic journey from a rock n' roll career to rel...
30 Sep 2016
Tablet The Jews You’ve Never Heard Of 29 Sep 2016
The Karaite Jews, a group often unfamiliar to mainstream Jewish communities, uphold a form of Judaism that prioritizes biblical authority over rabbinic inter...
29 Sep 2016
Jewish Review of Books Religion and Politics: A Response to Shlomo Riskin 26 Sep 2016
Rabbi Shlomo Riskin reviewed Rabbi Jonathan Sacks' book "Not in God's Name: Confronting Religious Violence," highlighting a perceived belief in Jewish powerl...
26 Sep 2016
Jewish Review of Books The Angel and the Covenant 26 Sep 2016
Rabbi Shmelke of Nikolsburg encountered the Angel of Death at the German border in the 1770s, warning him that spreading Hasidism in Western Europe would lea...
26 Sep 2016
Jewish Action When God is Near: On the High Holidays 20 Sep 2016
Rabbi Yehuda Amital's book "When God Is Near: On the High Holidays," adapted and edited by Rabbi Yoel Amital and translated by Karen Fish, captures the essen...
20 Sep 2016
Jewish Action Reviews in Brief 20 Sep 2016
"Values Investing" by Jonathan Gross discusses the moral lessons found in the investment advice of Warren Buffett, reflecting on concepts such as honesty and...
20 Sep 2016
Tablet Memories of a ‘Treyf’ Life 19 Sep 2016
Elissa Altman's memoir, "Treyf: My Life as an Orthodox Outlaw," delves into her complex relationship with her Jewish identity, family history, and food. She ...
19 Sep 2016
Tablet How to Be a Better Person, Month by Jewish Month 13 Sep 2016
During the month of Elul, the Jewish tradition emphasizes reflection, repentance, and drawing closer to God in preparation for the High Holidays. Rabbi Schne...
13 Sep 2016
Promised Podcast headphones "The Right to Bare Midriffs" Edition 1 Sep 2016
Allison, Don, and Noah discuss the declining support for the Israeli left, questioning its strategies and future. They also debate the Israeli state's fundin...
1 Sep 2016
Promised Podcast headphones The "Body-Politic Dysmorphia" Edition 4 Aug 2016
In this edition, Noah, Gilad Halpern, and Miriam Herschlag discuss the IDF Chief of Staff Gadi Eisenkot telling Israel's politicians to be silent, American p...
4 Aug 2016
Unorthodox headphones Get Your (Scape)goat: Ep. 51 28 Jul 2016
In this episode of Unorthodox, the hosts discuss the controversial adaptation of a former concentration camp in Vilnius as a wedding venue, and engage with M...
28 Jul 2016
Forward Rembrandt and the Jews 19 Jul 2016
The article discusses the relationship between the famous artist Rembrandt and the Jewish community. It delves into how Rembrandt depicted Jews in his art an...
19 Jul 2016
Unorthodox headphones The Other Cheek: Ep. 49 14 Jul 2016
The episode of Unorthodox explores the religious journey of Deborah Pardo-Kaplan, a Messianic Jew, as she discusses her spiritual path from traditional Judai...
14 Jul 2016
Jewish Review of Books Pious Censorship 23 Jun 2016
Marc B. Shapiro explores the phenomenon of pious censorship in Orthodox Judaism, focusing on how rabbis and publishers have historically altered, censored, a...
23 Jun 2016
Jewish Review of Books The Secrets of the Efod 23 Jun 2016
In the book "The Secrets of the Efod," Maud Kozodoy delves into the life and writings of Isaac ben Moses, also known as Profayt Duran Halevi, a scholar and m...
23 Jun 2016
Jewish Review of Books Letters, Summer 2016 23 Jun 2016
The text discusses Leora Batnitzky's essay on Michael Wyschogrod, highlighting the debate over associating Heidegger's idea of Dasein with Wyschogrod's empha...
23 Jun 2016
Jewish Review of Books Our Rabbis J, E, P, and D 23 Jun 2016
The discussion centers on the traditional stenographic theory of revelation versus the participatory theory in Jewish theology. Benjamin D. Sommer, a biblica...
23 Jun 2016
Tel Aviv Review headphones Strange bedfellows: Religious belief in the age of reason 20 Jun 2016
Sam Fleischacker, a philosophy professor, explores the relevance of sacred texts for modern, rational individuals in his book "The Good and the Good Book." T...
20 Jun 2016
Tablet Remembering My Father, Who Sang at My Brother’s Big Gay Jewish Wedding 16 Jun 2016
The text reflects on a video from 2002 showing the night before the writer's brother's gay marriage ceremony, where their father enthusiastically performed. ...
16 Jun 2016
Tablet Rothschild’s Luck; or, A Tale of Two Patrons 10 Jun 2016
The tale "Rothschild's Luck; or, A Tale of Two Patrons" recounts a story about the wealthy Rothschild going on a journey and encountering a town where a loca...
10 Jun 2016
Tablet Love and Marriage, Love and Marriage, Go Together Like a— 17 May 2016
The Talmud extensively discusses the laws and complexities surrounding marriage, from betrothal to divorce, highlighting the legalistic nature of marriage in...
17 May 2016
Tel Aviv Review headphones Karaites: The first Jewish fundamentalists 13 May 2016
Prof. Meira Polliack of Tel Aviv University explores the interactions between Islam and Judaism in the 9th and 10th centuries, highlighting the emergence of ...
13 May 2016
Tablet Learn, Practice, and Perfect Your Hebrew: What’s Kosher? 26 Apr 2016
In a discussion on the StreetWise Hebrew podcast, host Guy Sharrett delves into the multifaceted meanings of the Hebrew word "kasher" beyond its common assoc...
26 Apr 2016
Tablet Oh, These Bleeding Broad City Liberals 21 Apr 2016
In the final episode of Broad City's third season, titled "Jews on a Plane," Abbi and Ilana embark on a trip to Israel exploring their Jewish heritage. Throu...
21 Apr 2016
Tablet Abayudaya Jews of Uganda Now Officially Recognized by Jewish Agency 14 Apr 2016
The Abayudaya Jews of Uganda, led by Rabbi Gershom Sizomu, have been officially recognized by the Jewish Agency, allowing them to immigrate to Israel under t...
14 Apr 2016
Jewish Review of Books Michael Wyschogrod and the Challenge of God’s Scandalous Love 29 Mar 2016
Michael Wyschogrod, a prominent Jewish theologian who passed away at 87, challenged modern Jewish thought by emphasizing a unique approach to understanding J...
29 Mar 2016
Jewish Review of Books Inconceivable 29 Mar 2016
In "Inconceivable," the authors of Midrash Tanchuma explore why the matriarchs were initially barren, suggesting that it was to elicit their prayers and subm...
29 Mar 2016
Jewish Review of Books Halakha and State: An Exchange 29 Mar 2016
Rabbi Elli Fischer's article challenges the authority of the Israeli Chief Rabbinate and its restrictive practices, highlighting personal experiences where h...
29 Mar 2016
Jewish Review of Books Letters, Spring 2016 29 Mar 2016
The text discusses various topics related to Jewish thought and tradition. Avi Keslinger believes that reform within the Israeli Chief Rabbinate is necessary...
29 Mar 2016
Tablet By Talmudic law, Jewish Men Purchase Brides as They Would a Slave or a Piece of Real Estate 29 Mar 2016
Jewish law views betrothal as a form of acquisition, akin to purchasing a slave or real estate, with the groom acquiring the bride through kiddushin before m...
29 Mar 2016
Tablet Ivanka Trump and Double Standards for Jewish Converts 24 Mar 2016
The article explores the evident double standards faced by Ivanka Trump compared to other converts to Judaism, highlighting the leniency and acceptance she r...
24 Mar 2016
Tablet On the Acquisition of Women 22 Mar 2016
The text discusses the beginning of the tractate Kiddushin in the Talmud, which deals with the process of betrothal in Jewish marriage. It explains that betr...
22 Mar 2016
Jewish Action The Koren Mahzor for Yom Haatzma’ut and Yom Yerushalayim 18 Mar 2016
The Koren Mahzor for Yom Haatzmaut and Yom Yerushalayim, translated by Rabbi Jonathan Sacks and reviewed by Shaul Robinson, explores the challenges of creati...
18 Mar 2016
Jewish Action Going Green: Lettuce—The Perfect Pesach Vegetable 18 Mar 2016
Lettuce, often a staple in Pesach meals, indeed has nutritional value despite popular misconceptions. While iceberg lettuce is low in calories and nutrients,...
18 Mar 2016
Jewish Action New Books from OU Press 18 Mar 2016
The OU Press recently released two significant works: "The Concise Code of Jewish Law," a practical guide to observing Shabbat and other halachic laws in a c...
18 Mar 2016