Daily Podcasts Video Research
Lehrhaus A Principled Pesak and a Window into Pesak 15 Feb 2017
The Orthodox Unions recent statement on professional roles for women in Orthodox synagogues has sparked widespread debate. Shmuel Winiarz discusses the histo...
15 Feb 2017
Lehrhaus Lay-Rabbinic Relations: The Present Moment and the Path Ahead 15 Feb 2017
The ongoing debate spurred by the Orthodox Union's recent statement on professional roles for women in Orthodox synagogues has revealed a breakdown in trust ...
15 Feb 2017
Lehrhaus What Yitro Can Teach Us About Synagogue Leadership 13 Feb 2017
The author discusses the concept of synagogue leadership inspired by Yitro's advice to Moses on establishing judges. The article suggests a new system for se...
13 Feb 2017
Lehrhaus A Tribute to Arthur Hyman z”l: Scholar, Teacher, and Exemplary Human Being 12 Feb 2017
Dr. Arthur Hyman, a prominent scholar, teacher, and respected figure in the Jewish community, is remembered for his vast knowledge of Jewish philosophy and s...
12 Feb 2017
Lehrhaus The Realities of Religious Accommodation in the Workplace: A Recent Case and a Cause for Concern 9 Feb 2017
In a recent case involving Susan Abeles and the Metropolitan Washington Airports Authority (MWAA), a federal court ruled that the MWAA did not fail to reason...
9 Feb 2017
Unorthodox headphones X’s and O’s: Ep. 77 9 Feb 2017
This episode of Unorthodox delves into personal and cultural explorations surrounding Valentine's Day, featuring conversations with novelist Ayelet Waldman a...
9 Feb 2017
Lehrhaus The Problem of Mosaic Authorship You Never Heard of: What is Parashat Bilam? 6 Feb 2017
The text delves into the enigmatic reference in the Talmud to Parashat Bilam attributed to Mosaic authorship, prompting scholars to ponder whether it refers ...
6 Feb 2017
Lehrhaus Love (and Trust) Conquer All: Another Angle on the Akeidah 6 Feb 2017
The text explores the story of the Akeidah (the binding of Isaac) and different interpretations of Abraham's willingness to sacrifice his son at God's comman...
6 Feb 2017
Lehrhaus Gilgamesh and the Rabbis: Knowledge and its Price from Uruk to the Beit Midrash 2 Feb 2017
The discussion explores the intriguing narrative of Rabbi Yohanan and Reish Laqish in rabbinic literature, focusing on their encounter at the Jordan River. I...
2 Feb 2017
Lehrhaus There’s Something About Wendy 26 Jan 2017
In Beth Kissileff's novel "Questioning Return," Wendy Goldberg, a doctoral student in Jerusalem, explores the lives of newly religious American Jews in Israe...
26 Jan 2017
Lehrhaus Rupture and Revelation 19 Jan 2017
The text "Rupture and Revelation" by Ayelet Wenger navigates themes of Jewish identity, faith, and scholarship through personal anecdotes and philosophical m...
19 Jan 2017
Tel Aviv Review headphones Missionary positions: What the Talmud says about sex 16 Jan 2017
Talmud scholar Maggie Anton explores the topic of sex in early rabbinic literature in her book "Fifty Shades of Talmud: What the First Rabbis Had to Say abou...
16 Jan 2017
Lehrhaus Translating Theory into Practice to Revolutionize the Teaching of Talmud 13 Jan 2017
Yaakov Bieler discusses the need for revolutionary changes in Talmud education to engage students and address moral lapses seen in some learned individuals. ...
13 Jan 2017
Tel Aviv Review headphones A different kind of Tzedakah: Organ donation in Jewish law 13 Jan 2017
Rabbi Zev Farber talks about his books on Jewish law and organ donation, illustrating how Jewish law is evolving to address modern issues. The discussion hig...
13 Jan 2017
Lehrhaus Curriculum, Crisis, and Change: Towards a Talmud Curriculum Grounded in Educational Theory 12 Jan 2017
The text explores the impact of educational theory in response to the 1957 Sputnik crisis on Jewish education and specifically Talmud curriculum. Drawing par...
12 Jan 2017
Tablet The Talmud as Epic 10 Jan 2017
Literary critic Adam Kirsch reflects on reading a page of the Talmud daily and highlights the dual portrayal of rabbis within its text. In the legal discussi...
10 Jan 2017
Lehrhaus Moses Mendelssohn and the Orthodox Mind 9 Jan 2017
Moses Mendelssohn, an influential 18th-century Jewish philosopher, was celebrated for advocating Jewish rights, promoting modernity, translating the Bible in...
9 Jan 2017
Tel Aviv Review headphones Hasidism 2.0: Breslav and the secret of its newfound appeal 6 Jan 2017
Rabbi Professor Art Green explores the rising appeal of Breslav Hasidism, a sect that has rapidly gained popularity among Jews worldwide. The sect's growth a...
6 Jan 2017
Jewish Review of Books Bling and Beauty: Jerusalem at the Met 4 Jan 2017
The article discusses the Metropolitan Museum of Art's exhibition "Jerusalem 1000-1400: Every People Under Heaven," focusing on the diverse and crowded natur...
4 Jan 2017
Tablet Home Is Where the Mezuzah Is 3 Jan 2017
The text revolves around the narrator’s deep relationship with Judaism, which evolves as she navigates marriage, divorce, and building a Jewish home. From ch...
3 Jan 2017
Lehrhaus Who Will Defend Maimonides? Rav Soloveitchik on the Mishneh Torah and the Guide 2 Jan 2017
Rabbi Joseph B. Soloveitchik's relationship with Maimonides can be seen through his reverence for the Mishneh Torah as a beloved halakhic code, which he defe...
2 Jan 2017
Unorthodox headphones Let My People Go: Ep 72 29 Dec 2016
In this episode of Unorthodox, biblical scholar Avivah Gottlieb Zornberg discusses her exploration of Moses's life, delving into lesser-known aspects such as...
29 Dec 2016
Torah 101 headphones #10: Codifying the Oral Torah 28 Dec 2016
In the second century CE, a significant decision was made to write down the Jewish Law, called Mishna, marking the codification of the Oral Torah. This decis...
28 Dec 2016
Lehrhaus Halakhah and Social Change 26 Dec 2016
Rabbi Yosef Bronstein's article delves into the complexities of navigating halakhah and societal changes, particularly regarding gender roles in marriage. He...
26 Dec 2016
Torah 101 headphones #9: Clear and Convincing Evidence to the Error-Free Transmission of the Oral Torah 22 Dec 2016
The text discusses the importance of the accurate transmission of the Oral Torah in Jewish law and faith over 1400 years, emphasizing that the Torah given to...
22 Dec 2016
Lehrhaus There’s No Need to Sacrifice Sacrifice: A Response to Rabbi Herzl Hefter 19 Dec 2016
Tzvi Sinensky responds to Rabbi Herzl Hefter's discussion on the Akeidah, highlighting two main interpretations - The Problem of Choice and The Problem of He...
19 Dec 2016
Forward Seriously — What’s With All the High Security Synagogues? 17 Dec 2016
Rabbi Philip Graubart reflects on the significant increase in security measures at synagogues since the events of 9/11 and the rise of terrorist threats like...
17 Dec 2016
Lehrhaus The Prince and the Precedent: Genesis 34 in its Socio-Legal Context 15 Dec 2016
In "The Prince and the Precedent," Alex Maged explores the socio-legal context of Genesis 34 in light of earlier episodes in Genesis involving patriarchs pre...
15 Dec 2016
Lehrhaus Shadal, García Márquez, and the Stain of Honor 12 Dec 2016
"Shadal, Garca Mrquez, and the Stain of Honor" discusses the parallels between Gabriel Garca Mrquez’s novel "Chronicle of a Death Foretold" and biblical stor...
12 Dec 2016
Lehrhaus “She Should Carry Out All Her Deeds According to His Directives:” A Halakhah in a Changed Social Reality 8 Dec 2016
In the discussion about the ideal Jewish marriage according to Rambam, different interpretations and approaches have emerged in modern times due to changing ...
8 Dec 2016
Tablet Idolizing Moses 7 Dec 2016
Avivah Gottlieb Zornberg's excerpt from "Moses: A Human Life" delves into the symbolic importance of Moses and the error of idolizing him through the narrati...
7 Dec 2016
Lehrhaus Talking To and About God 5 Dec 2016
Ari Lamm discusses the perception of a lack of direct conversation about God within Modern Orthodox Judaism, attributing this trend to a broader pragmatic ap...
5 Dec 2016
Lehrhaus And Even If Parents Are Present … 4 Dec 2016
The discussion delves into the upbringing of Yaakov and Esav by Yitzhak and Rivkah, highlighting the importance of individualized education and understanding...
4 Dec 2016
Lehrhaus Rebbe Without Walls: The Slonimer Sensation 1 Dec 2016
Rabbi Shalom Noah Berezovsky, also known as The Slonimer, has achieved significant popularity and deep affection among readers for his Hasidic work, Netivot ...
1 Dec 2016
Lehrhaus The Joiner 1 Dec 2016
The text follows Manny and Larry, two Jewish brothers living together in a one-bedroom apartment with contrasting lifestyles. Manny is observant and studies ...
1 Dec 2016
Lehrhaus Conjoined Twins 1 Dec 2016
The poem "Conjoined Twins" by Yehoshua November reflects on the author's father's experience as a resident in a hospital when his young mother gave birth to ...
1 Dec 2016
Tablet My Chevruta 30 Nov 2016
The text tells the story of a deep and enduring friendship between two Jewish scholars, Itzhak and David, who met in a Talmud class with Rabbi Joseph Solovei...
30 Nov 2016
Jewish Action Reviews in Brief 28 Nov 2016
Rabbi J. David Bleich, a prominent scholar known for his work in philosophical halachah, is praised for defining and upholding high standards in the field of...
28 Nov 2016
Jewish Action Essays on Ethics: A Weekly Reading of the Jewish Bible; Lessons in Leadership: A Weekly Reading of the Jewish Bible By Rabbi Jonathan Sacks 28 Nov 2016
Rabbi Jonathan Sacks wrote two books, "Essays on Ethics" and "Lessons in Leadership," which focus on weekly readings from the Jewish Bible. These books delve...
28 Nov 2016
Lehrhaus The Vital Principles of Judaism in Our beloved Country: An Early Twentieth Century Thanksgiving Sermon 23 Nov 2016
Rabbi Henry W. Schneeberger delivered a Thanksgiving sermon in 1911 touching on the importance of gratitude, assimilation, and loyalty as American Jews. Comp...
23 Nov 2016
Tablet Gay Rights: Change Is Gonna Come. The Torah Says So. 23 Nov 2016
The speech discusses the progress of gay rights through the lens of Jewish tradition and Torah teachings. It highlights the case of United States v. Windsor ...
23 Nov 2016
Lehrhaus The Troubling Trend of Photoshopping History 17 Nov 2016
Photoshopping historical images within Orthodox Jewish communities to conform to contemporary religious standards is a troubling trend highlighted by Leslie ...
17 Nov 2016
Tanakh Cast headphones TanakhCast #92: The Mezuzah Correlation Edition 14 Nov 2016
In TanakhCast #92, the focus is on exploring and discussing four chapters of the Tanakh every two weeks, starting from Genesis and concluding with 2 Chronicl...
14 Nov 2016
Lehrhaus Commanding Knowledge 14 Nov 2016
In this text, the author discusses the debate between philosophers Crescas and Rambam from the Middle Ages regarding whether God can command belief in His ex...
14 Nov 2016
Lehrhaus Tanakh, Chapter by Chapter 7 Nov 2016
Studying Tanakh from a young age provides a foundation in Jewish history and context for connecting to Jewish practice, with many baalei teshuva embarking on...
7 Nov 2016
Lehrhaus What Could (and Couldn’t) the Rabbis Do? 3 Nov 2016
The discussion explores the translation of a Talmudic passage regarding the perceived suppression of the Book of Kohelet by the ancient sages. The prevalent ...
3 Nov 2016
Unorthodox headphones It's Almost Over: Ep. 64 3 Nov 2016
In this live episode from Hebrew College in Massachusetts, the hosts of Unorthodox discuss the seemingly unending 2016 presidential election with guests incl...
3 Nov 2016
Torah 101 headphones #4: The Cognitive Dissonance to the Veracity of the Torah and why Sinai Denial is on Shakier Intellectual Grounds than Holocaust Denial 2 Nov 2016
In a podcast recorded at the TORCH Centre in Houston, the speaker explores the concept of cognitive dissonance when facing the idea of a God-given Torah, whi...
2 Nov 2016
Lehrhaus Does Lying Make You A Liar? On Truth And Truthfulness in Rabbinic Thinking 31 Oct 2016
In Jewish tradition, truth is associated with God's reliability and trustworthiness, while people are considered prone to falsehood. The concept of truth is ...
31 Oct 2016
Torah 101 headphones #3: Implications of the Authorship of the Torah 30 Oct 2016
This podcast explores the significance of understanding who wrote the Torah. It was recorded at the TORCH Centre in Houston, TX, and is part of a series of p...
30 Oct 2016