Daily Podcasts Video Research
Tablet Davening for Doughnuts 27 Feb 2012
U.S. Army 2nd Lt. Jake Kohlman shares his journey of unexpectedly finding a connection to his Jewish heritage through attending Jewish services during Basic ...
27 Feb 2012
Tablet Mourning Glory 27 Jan 2012
The text is a deeply personal reflection on the author's experience of losing their mother to brain cancer. The author describes their strong bond with their...
27 Jan 2012
Tablet Layman’s Terms 13 Jan 2012
The author reflects on his journey of exploring Judaism through relationships with Jewish partners, experiencing Jewish customs, and attending religious serv...
13 Jan 2012
Tablet Smell Test 10 Jan 2012
The writer reflects on their journey from being an atheist with a lingering belief in God to facing the paradox after reading Christopher Hitchens' book. The...
10 Jan 2012
Tablet Memorial Day 8 Nov 2011
The author reflects on the challenge of finding a place to honor their late mother, who passed away after a battle with cancer. Despite converting to Judaism...
8 Nov 2011
Forward Did Moses Have a Speech Impediment? 9 Sep 2011
The question of whether Moses had a speech impediment has intrigued scholars and rabbis for centuries, particularly due to his self-description in the Torah ...
9 Sep 2011
Tablet Found in Translation 19 May 2011
Rabbinic scholar Adin Steinsaltz, known for translating the Talmud into Modern Hebrew and facing criticism for it, has a diverse background in Jewish and sec...
19 May 2011
Tablet Family Plea 5 May 2011
The text is a humorous and satirical plea to God from individuals lamenting about the challenges and frustrations of dealing with difficult mothers and the c...
5 May 2011
Tablet Intertwined 2 Mar 2011
Stephen Marche's reflections in "Intertwined" reveal his personal journey within a Jewish family as a non-Jew, examining intermarriage's impact on Jewish ide...
2 Mar 2011
Forward Israeli Scholar Translates Talmud Into Hebrew, Completing 45-Year Project 10 Nov 2010
Israeli Rabbi Adin Steinsaltz has completed a 45-year project by releasing a new Hebrew translation of the Talmud, starting in 1965 and working to make the a...
10 Nov 2010
Jewish Action Kidney Doctor As Kidney Donor 29 Oct 2010
Dr. Meyer Lifschitz, a kidney doctor, became a kidney donor for his sister after her kidney function deteriorated, advancing the idea of transplantation over...
29 Oct 2010
Jewish Action Kidney Donation in Jewish Law: A Testimony to the Progress of Science and Medical Halachah 29 Oct 2010
The essay discusses the evolution of kidney donation in Jewish law, highlighting the historical context and halachic considerations surrounding living kidney...
29 Oct 2010
Tablet Counter-Revelations 19 Oct 2010
Robert Alter's translation of the Hebrew Bible into English aims to provide a more accurate and forceful version of the text, with a focus on the Wisdom Book...
19 Oct 2010
Tablet Wiki Bleak 30 Jul 2010
The text discusses the concept of responsibility preceding redemption, highlighting the importance of acknowledging past mistakes before achieving a brighter...
30 Jul 2010
Tablet Silent Minority 15 Jul 2010
In the late 19th century, the Yiddish press began shedding light on the lives of average Jews, including stories often ignored by intellectuals. A 1936 artic...
15 Jul 2010
Jewish Action Mourning the Churban with the Rav 6 Jul 2010
Rabbi Yosef Dov Soloveitchik's teachings have transformed the observance of Tishah B'Av, with a focus on understanding and mourning the tragedies of Jewish h...
6 Jul 2010
Jewish Review of Books The Limits of Prayer 28 Jun 2010
The Mishnah teaches that it is futile to pray to change past events, emphasizing the importance of accepting what has already transpired. The discussion on t...
28 Jun 2010
Jewish Action “Dear Reb Aharon” 13 May 2010
Rabbi Aharon Lichtenstein reviewed Rabbi Aharon Feldman's book "The Eye of the Storm" and engaged in a dialogue with Rabbi Feldman regarding their differing ...
13 May 2010
Tablet The Unwelcome Mat 16 Apr 2010
The discussion delves into the historical and contemporary complexities surrounding conversions to Judaism, highlighting the ambivalence within rabbinic cult...
16 Apr 2010
Jewish Action Hands Across the Ocean: A Review of Rabbi Aharon Feldman’s The Eye of the Storm 8 Mar 2010
Rabbi Aharon Feldman's book "The Eye of the Storm" delves into various contentious issues within the Jewish community, focusing on topics such as Zionism and...
8 Mar 2010
Tablet Purim FAQ 25 Feb 2010
Purim is a festive Jewish holiday commemorating the thwarting of a plot to annihilate the Jews in ancient Persia. It starts on Monday, March 6, 2023, and end...
25 Feb 2010
Tablet Divorce Court 18 Feb 2010
In late 19th and early 20th-century Warsaw, the Yiddish press provided a window into the lives of average Jews through sensationalized coverage of divorce co...
18 Feb 2010
Jewish Action Uncorking the Secrets of Kosher Wine 11 Feb 2010
The importance of kosher wine in Jewish religious life, its production process, and the nuances of making wine kosher are discussed. Wine holds significance ...
11 Feb 2010
Tablet Is Yoga Kosher? 5 Jan 2010
The author grapples with the question of whether practicing yoga as a Modern Orthodox Jew conflicts with Jewish beliefs. Some view yoga as a spiritual practi...
5 Jan 2010
Forward Spinoza vs. Maimonides, For the Future of Judaism 3 Dec 2009
In the book "Maimonides, Spinoza and Us: Toward an Intellectually Vibrant Judaism" by Rabbi Marc D. Angel, the discussion revolves around the similarities an...
3 Dec 2009
Tablet Why Are Jews Liberals? 10 Sep 2009
The discussion on why American Jews tend to lean towards liberalism touches on various perspectives. Ruth R. Wisse suggests that the liberal alignment might ...
10 Sep 2009
Tablet Beware Imported Shofars! 3 Sep 2009
Tel Aviv's Religious Council is cautioning against buying shofars made in China or Morocco due to concerns about the use of pig fat in Chinese shofars and po...
3 Sep 2009
Forward Environmentalism: Good for the Jews 5 Feb 2009
The article argues that embracing environmentalism is beneficial for the Jewish community as it can lead to a more engaging and relevant expression of Judais...
5 Feb 2009
Tablet Among Rocks and Stones 11 Dec 2008
After the author's brother died by suicide, his family struggled with the decision to honor the brother's wish to be cremated, which goes against traditional...
11 Dec 2008
Jewish Action Halachic Aspects of Vaccination 8 Dec 2008
In the late 18th century, vaccination emerged as a method to prevent smallpox, despite being controversial due to risks. Jewish rabbis debated the halachic i...
8 Dec 2008
Tablet Preparing the Dead 7 Aug 2008
A member of a chevra kadisha, a burial society, recounts her experience preparing the body of a 17-year-old girl for burial in an Israeli village. She reflec...
7 Aug 2008
Jewish Action Climbing Mount Kilimanjaro 16 Jun 2007
Three Orthodox Jewish men from New Jersey undertook a challenging seven-day climb up Mount Kilimanjaro, motivated by the physical, spiritual, and emotional a...
16 Jun 2007
Jewish Action Travel Talk: Test Your Kosher Travel I.Q. 15 Jun 2007
As Orthodox Jews are traveling to diverse destinations, they face challenges like praying on a plane or dealing with the International Date Line. Sitting whi...
15 Jun 2007
Jewish Action Go Where I Send Thee: A Former Minister Finds Torah 22 May 2006
Ahuvah Gray, a former high-powered travel executive, shared her remarkable journey of converting to Judaism at age fifty-one, leaving behind a lucrative care...
22 May 2006
Jewish Action Logging on to Judaism: A Convert Retrieves Her Soul from Cyberspace 22 May 2006
Shoshana Zakar, a convert to Judaism, discovered through an online Jewish discussion group that her initial conversion wasn't recognized. Raised in a secular...
22 May 2006
Jewish Action From Japan to Jerusalem 22 May 2006
Nobutaka Hattori, a former Protestant minister in Japan's fourth-largest city, had doubts about his faith, leading to a spiritual journey that led him to bec...
22 May 2006
Jewish Action Finding Mount Sinai in Montana 20 May 2006
Devorah and Gavriel Snyder, a unique Orthodox Jewish couple living in remote Kila, Montana, offer kosher food and Shabbat hospitality in their self-built hom...
20 May 2006
Jewish Action Say Cheese! 29 Apr 2006
Cheese, an accidental discovery dating back thousands of years, is made in two main categories: acid-set (soft cheese) and rennet-set (hard cheese). Acid-set...
29 Apr 2006
Tablet Strangers on the Sofa 30 Mar 2006
In this poignant account, the author describes hosting women who travel far for late-term abortions in New York due to restrictive laws in their home states,...
30 Mar 2006
Forward A Little off the Top: The Controversy About Circumcision 2 Sep 2005
The text discusses the controversial topic of circumcision, focusing on the book "Marked in Your Flesh" by Leonard B. Glick. Glick challenges the traditional...
2 Sep 2005
Jewish Action Burning Stones 24 Jun 2003
In "Burning Stones," Rabbi Leibel Reznick discusses the destruction of the Second Temple, examining historical accounts and physical evidence. He describes t...
24 Jun 2003
Jewish Action Viktor Frankl: Father of Logotherapy 25 Mar 1998
Viktor Frankl, known as the father of Logotherapy, emphasized the importance of finding meaning in life. His philosophy, consisting of freedom of will, will ...
25 Mar 1998