Daily Podcasts Video Research
Tablet Robert Alter Wants Us To Think More Seriously About the Bible as Literature 12 Jun 2013
Robert Alter, a prominent scholar and critic, challenges readers to see the Bible as a work of literature, not just religious scripture. By offering individu...
12 Jun 2013
Tanakh Cast headphones TanakhCast: The What Comes Around Goes Around Edition! 3 Jun 2013
TanakhCast is a podcast that examines and discusses 4 chapters of the Tanakh every two weeks, from Genesis to 2 Chronicles. The podcast explores various them...
3 Jun 2013
Tablet Even Criminals Rest in Peace 9 May 2013
The article discusses the dilemma surrounding the burial of alleged Boston Marathon terrorist Tamerlan Tsarnaev, highlighting Jewish perspectives on burial p...
9 May 2013
Jewish Action Redemption and the Power of Small Things 30 Apr 2013
Rabbi Yosef Zev Lipovitz's commentary on the Book of Ruth emphasizes themes of redemption, devotion, and personal choice. Through the characters of Naomi, Ru...
30 Apr 2013
Jewish Action Linking Ruth to Bereishit 29 Apr 2013
Rabbi Joel Sirkes, known as the Bach, in his commentary on Megillat Ruth, draws parallels between Ruth's story and Jacob's acquisition of a blessing from his...
29 Apr 2013
Jewish Action Dream or Disappointment? 9 Apr 2013
The text explores the complex reality of the State of Israel, highlighting the juxtaposition of dreams and disappointments in its history and current state. ...
9 Apr 2013
Jewish Action Healing a Wounded Covenant: Children of Holocaust Survivors Reclaim their Heritage 2 Apr 2013
The text delves into the experiences of second-generation Holocaust survivors, referred to as 2Gs, who have grappled with their parents' trauma and the impac...
2 Apr 2013
Jewish Action Responsa From the Holocaust 1 Apr 2013
Rabbi Ephraim Oshry, a respected figure in the Kovno Ghetto during the Holocaust, received questions on Jewish law in the face of extreme hardship. He wrote ...
1 Apr 2013
Jewish Action Hidden in Thunder: Perspectives on Faith, Halachah and Leadership during the Holocaust 30 Mar 2013
"Hidden in Thunder" by Esther Farbstein delves into the choices made by Jewish individuals, particularly Rabbi Avraham Dov-Ber Kahane-Shapiro, during the Hol...
30 Mar 2013
Jewish Action If God is Good, Why is the World So Bad? 29 Mar 2013
In "If God is Good, Why is the World So Bad?" by Rabbi Blech, the author addresses the age-old question of how to reconcile belief in a benevolent deity with...
29 Mar 2013
Jewish Action On Calendars And the Holocaust 28 Mar 2013
The text discusses the significance of the Jewish calendar, especially focusing on its importance during the Holocaust. It highlights how the Jewish calendar...
28 Mar 2013
Tablet The Chosen Facial Hair 28 Mar 2013
The text discusses the trend of beards in fashion and the historical significance of beards in Jewish culture. It highlights how Jews have a longstanding tra...
28 Mar 2013
Jewish Review of Books People of the Talmud: Since When? A Response and Rejoinder 18 Mar 2013
In a debate between Talya Fishman and Haym Soloveitchik regarding Fishman's book "Becoming the People of the Talmud," Fishman defends her multidisciplinary a...
18 Mar 2013
Jewish Review of Books Chopped Herring and the Making of the American Kosher Certification System 18 Mar 2013
The article discusses a scandal in the American kosher certification system that occurred in 1986 involving the certification of vinegar used in Acme Chopped...
18 Mar 2013
Jewish Review of Books Brother Baruch 18 Mar 2013
In 1927, Hebrew University Professor Joseph Klausner attempted to symbolically rescind the excommunication of Baruch Spinoza, hailing him as a Jewish brother...
18 Mar 2013
Jewish Action Achdut by Sandy, or Achdut by Love? 4 Mar 2013
The article reflects on the concept of unity, or "achdut," within the Jewish community, drawing parallels from historical events and personal experiences. It...
4 Mar 2013
Jewish Review of Books The People of the Book – Since When? 27 Feb 2013
Talya Fishman's book, "Becoming the People of the Talmud: Oral Torah as Written Tradition in Medieval Jewish Culture," challenges traditional views on the ad...
27 Feb 2013
Jewish Review of Books Friendly Fire: A Response and Rejoinder 27 Feb 2013
In response to a review by Jeremy Rabkin, the author acknowledges praise for his book on Israel's adherence to international laws of war but criticizes Rabki...
27 Feb 2013
Jewish Review of Books Berdyczewski, Blasphemy, and Belief 27 Feb 2013
Micha Josef Berdyczewski, a former Orthodox Jew turned Hebrew writer, advocated for a departure from traditional Judaism to a more vital Hebrew identity, cal...
27 Feb 2013
Jewish Review of Books Leon’s Roar 27 Feb 2013
In "The Scandal of Kabbalah," Yaacob Dweck explores Leon Modena's work, Ari Nohem, written in 1639 but published only in 1840 due to its controversial conten...
27 Feb 2013
Jewish Review of Books What a Friend We Have in Jesus 27 Feb 2013
"The Jewish Annotated New Testament" discusses the Jewish roots of the New Testament and the historical context of its texts, highlighting the commonalities ...
27 Feb 2013
Jewish Review of Books In Brief, Spring 2012 27 Feb 2013
Jerry Weintraub, in his autobiography, paints a picture of a Bronx kid with chutzpah who made deals with Hollywood icons like Elvis and Sinatra. Shmuel Rosne...
27 Feb 2013
Jewish Review of Books Diaspora Divided 27 Feb 2013
Peter Beinart's book "The Crisis of Zionism" addresses the disconnect between young, liberal American Jews and Israel, arguing that the American Jewish estab...
27 Feb 2013
Jewish Review of Books Sincere Irony 27 Feb 2013
Following the 9/11 attacks, Graydon Carter's statement about the "end of the age of irony" prompted reflection on the clash between fanaticism and intellectu...
27 Feb 2013
Jewish Review of Books The Wages of Criticism 27 Feb 2013
Rabbi Aryeh Leib Ginsburg, a prominent 18th-century scholar known as Shaagat Aryeh, gained a reputation for his fearless criticism of earlier rabbinic author...
27 Feb 2013
Jewish Review of Books Secularism and Sabbateans 27 Feb 2013
The discussion delves into the topic of Jewish secularization in the 18th century, touching on books like "Secularism and Sabbateans." It explores how tradit...
27 Feb 2013
Jewish Review of Books At the Threshold of Forgiveness: A Study of Law and Narrative in the Talmud 27 Feb 2013
In a study of law and narrative in the Talmud, the text highlights the importance of seeking forgiveness from those one has wronged, stating that Yom Kippur ...
27 Feb 2013
Jewish Review of Books King James: The Harold Bloom Version 27 Feb 2013
Harold Bloom, a renowned literary critic, delves into the complexities of writing and influence, particularly through the lens of strong misreading in his wo...
27 Feb 2013
Jewish Review of Books Loaves in the Ark 27 Feb 2013
In 16th-century Safed, Rabbi Moses Hagiz recounts a tale of a Portuguese converso who, influenced by his Christian background, bakes loaves of bread as an of...
27 Feb 2013
Jewish Review of Books Brother Daniel, Sister Ulitskaya 27 Feb 2013
"Daniels Stein, Interpreter" by Ludmila Ulitskaya is a novel based on the life of Daniel Rufeisen, a Jewish man who converted to Catholicism and founded a Je...
27 Feb 2013
Jewish Review of Books Biblical Start-Ups 27 Feb 2013
Meir Shalev's book "Beginnings" delves into the Hebrew Bible with the aim of encouraging readers to rediscover the original text and make fresh personal disc...
27 Feb 2013
Jewish Review of Books Grading Parents 27 Feb 2013
In "The Blessings of a B Minus," psychologist Wendy Mogel advises parents to delay conversations about college with their teens until 11th grade and focus on...
27 Feb 2013
Jewish Review of Books That in Aleppo Once 27 Feb 2013
In "That in Aleppo Once," the authors Hayim Tawil and Bernard Schneider discuss the historical journey of the Aleppo Codex, a significant annotated copy of t...
27 Feb 2013
Jewish Review of Books The Language of Tradition 27 Feb 2013
In "A Language for The Faithful: Reflections on Tradition" by Meir Buzaglo, the author challenges the prevailing views on moderate traditional Judaism in Isr...
27 Feb 2013
Jewish Review of Books The Bible Scholar Who Didn’t Know Hebrew 27 Feb 2013
Elias Bickerman, a renowned Jewish historian of the ancient world who worked closely with Jewish studies masters, notably refused to learn Hebrew despite his...
27 Feb 2013
Jewish Review of Books Temporary Measures: Sukkah City 27 Feb 2013
"Sukkah City" was a unique architectural competition initiated by Joshua Foer and Roger Bennett to challenge designers to create innovative sukkot, temporary...
27 Feb 2013
Jewish Review of Books Old-New Sabbath 27 Feb 2013
Judith Shulevitz discusses the concept of a modern version of the Sabbath in her book "The Sabbath World," exploring the idea of ritualized behavior to pause...
27 Feb 2013
Jewish Review of Books Rashi and the Crusader: A Legend 27 Feb 2013
The text discusses a legend involving Rashi (Rabbi Solomon ben Isaac of Troyes) and Godfrey of Bouillon, a leader of the First Crusade. In the story, Godfrey...
27 Feb 2013
Jewish Review of Books Lost in Translation 27 Feb 2013
Michael Carasik has produced The Commentators' Bible series, focusing on Exodus and Leviticus, an ambitious project attempting to replicate the centuries-old...
27 Feb 2013
Jewish Review of Books Endless Devotion 27 Feb 2013
The Koren Siddur, a new Hebrew-English prayer book by Koren Publishers edited by Chief Rabbi Sir Jonathan Sacks, competes with the ArtScroll Siddur and offer...
27 Feb 2013
Jewish Review of Books God and Idolatry 27 Feb 2013
"Saving God" explores themes of idolatry and human fallenness from both Jewish and Christian perspectives. The text criticizes the idea of a God serving huma...
27 Feb 2013
Jewish Review of Books Discrimination and Identity in London: The Jewish Free School Case 27 Feb 2013
The Jewish Free School (JFS) case in London revolved around a boy, M, whose Jewishness was questioned due to his mother's non-Orthodox conversion. The Suprem...
27 Feb 2013
Jewish Review of Books The Child Was Circumcised 27 Nov 2012
The text discusses the historical and contemporary debates surrounding ritual circumcision, focusing on a recent legal case in Germany that led to a temporar...
27 Nov 2012
Jewish Action Why Is It So Hard to Change? The Six Obstacles to Teshuvah 19 Sep 2012
The text discusses the psychological obstacles to teshuvah (repentance) faced by individuals who may believe they have no need for repentance due to their ob...
19 Sep 2012
Tablet Judaism’s Central Sacrifice 29 Aug 2012
Yoram Hazony explores the relationship between natural law and Jewish scripture in his book "The Philosophy of Hebrew Scripture," suggesting that the Hebrew ...
29 Aug 2012
Forward Massive Crowd Gathers for Talmud Celebration 2 Aug 2012
The largest-ever Siyum HaShas celebration gathered 90,000 people at MetLife Stadium to mark the completion of the 7-and-1/2-year Talmud learning cycle, known...
2 Aug 2012
Jewish Action IF I FORGET THEE, O JERUSALEM 8 Jul 2012
After the destruction of the Beit Hamikdash, Jewish Sages established customs to remember Jerusalem and the Temple to ensure that joy would be incomplete wit...
8 Jul 2012
Tablet Prepping for Shabbat at the Kotel 15 Jun 2012
Akiva Gottlieb is preparing for Shabbat services at the Kotel, with childhood dreams inspired by Mordechai Ben David's music. The scene takes place in Jerusa...
15 Jun 2012
Tablet Mourning My Mother, Finally 8 May 2012
The author recalls the tragic suicide of their mother on Mother's Day in 1972, and the subsequent emotional journey of avoidance and self-reliance that follo...
8 May 2012
Tablet Tights Squeeze 14 Mar 2012
The text explores the complexities of Orthodox Jewish culture, particularly focusing on the pressures and expectations surrounding modesty. It delves into th...
14 Mar 2012