Daily Podcasts Video search
Mishpacha Complete Revolution     15 Jul
In a groundbreaking initiative by Dirshu, hundreds of yeshivah bochurim were publicly tested on entire masechtos, showcasing a revolution in Torah learning b...
15 Jul
Mishpacha The Return of Trump: What Doesn’t Kill  15 Jul
Former President Donald Trump's resilience and unity message after surviving an assassination attempt at a rally in Pennsylvania have cemented his iconic ima...
15 Jul
Jewish Review of Books Diminished Light? 15 Jul
Kabbalistic literature, with its ancient wisdom, discusses the concept of zimzum, or the diminishment of God, as a key aspect of creation in the eyes of figu...
15 Jul
TEXTing headphones Another Way 15 Jul
Elana and Yonah Hain explore the challenges of expressing regret and making amends through a reading of Shemot Rabbah, focusing on the episode of Moses nulli...
15 Jul
Lehrhaus A World Worth Knowing: Jewish Education’s Crisis of Curiosity 14 Jul
The text explores the issue of intellectual curiosity within the Jewish community, particularly focusing on a Pew Research poll among American Jews in 2020. ...
14 Jul
Jewish Chronicle Can a woman continue with her pregnancy if her life is at risk? 14 Jul
In determining whether a woman can continue a pregnancy if her life is at risk, Orthodox and Progressive Jewish views offer nuanced perspectives. Orthodox Ju...
14 Jul
JTA Jewish chef behind ‘By Chloe’ vegan chain to open a new restaurant in a fresh start 12 Jul
Jewish chef Chloe Coscarelli, known for her vegan and kosher cuisine, is set to open a new restaurant named Chloe in Greenwich Village, following legal battl...
12 Jul
Emes Ve-Emunah Who Has the Moral High Ground? 12 Jul
A blog post highlights the stark differences in perspectives between Charedim and other religious Jews regarding IDF service in Israel. The post criticizes C...
12 Jul
JTA St. Louis’ only kosher deli closes after 60 years — and a lawsuit involving $150,000 in unpaid bills 12 Jul
After 60 years in business, St. Louis' only kosher deli, Kohns Kosher Meat and Deli, has closed due to unpaid bills totaling $150,000, leading to a lawsuit f...
12 Jul
Halacha Headlines headphones 7/13/24 – Shiur 474 – Halacha: Can an aging forgetful leader be replaced? | Should you allow your daughter to go out with a boy who smokes or vapes? 12 Jul
The podcast explores two central themes: the ethical and halachic questions surrounding smoking, especially for those seeking marriage prospects, and the cha...
12 Jul
Moment Opinion | Is Antisemitism Eternal? 12 Jul
The article discusses the perception of whether antisemitism is an eternal and unchanging condition in Jewish life through various historical and contemporar...
12 Jul
Forward I'm an octogenarian rabbi. Biden should learn from this Jewish idea about strength 12 Jul
Rabbi Avi Weiss, an octogenarian, pens a letter to President Joe Biden, drawing parallels between their life decisions. He suggests that heroism can include ...
12 Jul
Jewish Chronicle Salmon fajitas 12 Jul
The recipe provided is for salmon fajitas, a colorful and flavorful dish that can be shared and assembled individually. Ingredients include salmon, vegetable...
12 Jul
Lehrhaus In Search of an Exiled Past: A Review of Amnon Raz-Krakotzkin’s Toda’at Mishnah, Toda’at Mikra 12 Jul
Amnon Raz-Krakotzkin's book "Todaat Mishnah, Todaat Mikra" delves into the Kabbalistic community of Safed in the 16th century, highlighting how its members v...
12 Jul
JTA In this time of great stress, it’s important to grieve 11 Jul
The text discusses the significance of wells in Jewish texts, symbolizing life, connection, and blessings, with specific references to biblical stories such ...
11 Jul
Rationalist Judaism "Haters of Torah" 11 Jul
The article discusses the chareidi community's refusal to share in the national burden faced by other Israelis, particularly in terms of military service, fr...
11 Jul
18forty His Ladder Will Take You to the Zohar 10 Jul
Rav Yehuda Leib HaLevi Ashlag, also known as Baal HaSulam, was a key figure in popularizing Kabbalah and the Zohar in the 20th century. Born in Poland, he mo...
10 Jul
Emes Ve-Emunah Two Messages: The Moetzes and Rav Weiss 10 Jul
The Moetzes of the American Agudah issued a message portraying the situation for Torah scholars in Israel as a spiritual holocaust due to government decrees ...
10 Jul
Chabad.org VISION ALIVE: Four Lives Impacted by the Rebbe, Whom They Never Met 10 Jul
The video features personal stories from four individuals who share how the Rebbe has positively influenced their lives, even though they never met him.
10 Jul
Kveller Meet Victoria Starmer, the UK’s First Jewish ‘First Lady’ 10 Jul
Victoria Starmer, the wife of newly elected U.K. Prime Minister Sir Keir Starmer, recently made her debut as the first Jewish First Lady of Britain, showcasi...
10 Jul
eJewishPhilanthropy I believe in Israel’s Chief Rabbinate. Here’s how we can ensure its legitimacy. 10 Jul
Rabbi Kenneth Brander shares insights on the challenges facing Israel's Chief Rabbinate, highlighting the need for a more inclusive and responsive institutio...
10 Jul
Rationalist Judaism Wonderful - if it's Kiruv 10 Jul
The text discusses the ongoing debate within the Charedi community regarding military service in Israel. It highlights a video featuring Rabbi Asher Weiss di...
10 Jul
18forty How the Lubavitcher Rebbe Teaches Us to Transcend Ourselves 9 Jul
The article discusses the teachings of the Lubavitcher Rebbe, Rabbi Menachem Mendel Schneerson, focusing on the importance of collectivity, generosity, and e...
9 Jul
JTA Tens of thousands visit gravesite of Lubavitcher rebbe on 30th anniversary of his death 9 Jul
On the 30th anniversary of the death of Chabad-Lubavitch Rabbi Menachem Mendel Schneerson, tens of thousands of people visited his gravesite at the Old Monte...
9 Jul
18forty headphones Rabbi YY Jacobson: How Did the Rebbe Revolutionize Judaism? [Mysticism II 1/4] 9 Jul
Renowned Chabad speaker Rabbi YY Jacobson delves into the transformative impact of the Lubavitcher Rebbe, exploring the intersection of Chassidus and Kabbala...
9 Jul
eJewishPhilanthropy What is the ideal age for a leader? 9 Jul
The discussion addresses the ideal age for leadership, presenting the benefits of both younger and older leaders. While older leaders bring wisdom and stabil...
9 Jul
Rationalist Judaism The Eighty Unmentionable Yeshivos 9 Jul
The author discusses the lack of awareness among American yeshivish Jews about the dati-leumi community in Israel, particularly the eighty hesder yeshivot th...
9 Jul
Mishpacha Left without a Shepherd     8 Jul
The Kossover Rebbe, Rav Shraga Feivish Hager, was a revered figure who dedicated his life to spirituality and guiding his followers. Born into a distinguishe...
8 Jul
Forward As Alec Baldwin court trial begins, what Jewish law says about charges against him 8 Jul
Alec Baldwin facing charges of involuntary manslaughter for the 2021 death of Halyna Hutchins raises questions about Jewish law regarding unintentional killi...
8 Jul
Tablet The Lost World of ‘The Shochet’ 8 Jul
"The Lost World of The Shochet" explores the memoir "Der Shochet" by Pinkhes-Dov Goldenshteyn, offering a glimpse into 19th-century Ukraine and Crimea throug...
8 Jul
Moment Book Review | Noah Feldman Explains Us To Ourselves 7 Jul
Noah Feldman's book, "To Be a Jew Today: A New Guide to God, Israel, and the Jewish People," offers a comprehensive exploration of contemporary Jewish identi...
7 Jul
Rationalist Judaism Rav Brudny's Accusation 7 Jul
Rav Brudny's article in Mishpacha magazine discusses the High Court ruling in Israel and the issue of charedi yeshiva students' exemption from army service. ...
7 Jul
Rationalist Judaism The "Great Ones" 6 Jul
The Council of Great Torah Scholars of Agudas Yisrael of America issued a statement urging increased prayers, citing various challenges faced by the Jewish P...
6 Jul
Rationalist Judaism An Aquatic Kosher Adventure 5 Jul
The Biblical Museum of Natural History will mark its tenth anniversary with various events, starting with an exotic kosher feast themed "Legends from the Sea...
5 Jul
Tikvah headphones Mark Cohn on the Reform Movement and Intermarriage 5 Jul
Rabbi Mark Cohn discusses the recent decision by Hebrew Union College to accept rabbinical students in interfaith relationships, reflecting on the historical...
5 Jul
Halacha Headlines headphones 7/6/24 – Shiur 473 – Supporting a son or son-in-law in learning – is it a good investment? 4 Jul
The episode delves into the complexities and halachic perspectives on supporting a son or son-in-law in learning Torah, exploring whether it's considered a g...
4 Jul
Jewish Chronicle Parashah of the week: Korach 4 Jul
The Parashah of Korach recounts the rebellion led by Korah against Moses and Aaron, arguing for egalitarianism and questioning their leadership. Despite Kora...
4 Jul
Forward Israel without a chief rabbi for first time in a century 4 Jul
Israel is currently without a chief rabbi for the first time in over a century as the government has failed to schedule elections for their successors after ...
4 Jul
Living Lchaim Jewish Grandma's 13 Practical Lessons on Money and Life 4 Jul
A video featuring a Jewish grandma named Dina sharing practical lessons on money and life in a humorous and insightful manner, leading to the launch of The J...
4 Jul
JTA Israel’s chief rabbis leave their posts as term ends with no election set 3 Jul
Israels two chief rabbis have left their posts with no election scheduled for their successors, marking the first time in over a century that the positions a...
3 Jul
JTA When the political stakes are high, Judaism doesn’t place all the responsibility on a single charismatic leader 3 Jul
The article discusses the reflections on democracy within the context of Judaism, particularly in the current political landscape in the United States and Is...
3 Jul
18forty Does Revelation Satisfy the ‘Why Be Jewish’ Question? 3 Jul
The essay discusses the fundamental question of "why be Jewish" in contemporary discourse, focusing on the shift towards emphasizing the act of "doing Jewish...
3 Jul
Emes Ve-Emunah Taking a Few Days Off for a Family Simcha 3 Jul
The author is taking a break from posting due to a family celebration in Lakewood for their grandson's wedding, which may limit internet access until Monday ...
3 Jul
The CJN Daily with Ellin Bessner headphones ‘Apology not accepted’: Behind Jewish groups’ furor over Canada’s new human rights commissioner 3 Jul
The episode discusses the controversy surrounding Birju Dattani's appointment as Canada's chief human rights commissioner, which has drawn ire from Jewish gr...
3 Jul
Rationalist Judaism If Only It Were A Lie 2 Jul
Liel Liebowitz's article in Tablet Magazine criticizes the notion that Israel needs charedim (ultra-Orthodox Jews) to serve in the army, suggesting it is a p...
2 Jul
Mishpacha Parshas Korach: Stick Figures 2 Jul
Parshas Korach recounts the story of how Hashem reaffirmed Moshe's leadership and Aaron's priesthood by causing Aaron's staff to blossom miraculously. Despit...
2 Jul
Mishpacha Attorney General on the Warpath     2 Jul
The article discusses the increased pressure on Israel's Torah world due to recent rulings by the High Court and the attorney general, threatening financial ...
2 Jul
JTA Remembering Rabbi Andrew Sacks, 70, a ‘rabble-rouser’ who fought for religious pluralism in Israel 2 Jul
Rabbi Andrew Sacks, a prominent advocate for religious pluralism in Israel and the director of the Rabbinical Assembly in Israel, passed away at the age of 7...
2 Jul
18forty headphones Ammiel Hirsch: How To Understand Reform Judaism’s Anti-Zionist Crisis [Denominations Bonus Episode] 2 Jul
Rabbi Ammiel Hirsch discusses the challenges facing the Reform Movement, particularly the growing anti-Zionist sentiment among younger Jews. He emphasizes th...
2 Jul
Ami The Supreme Court’s Newest Bombshells // Once again, the U.S. high court makes big changes 2 Jul
The text discusses recent significant decisions made by the U.S. Supreme Court under Chief Justice John Roberts, highlighting the overturning of a 40-year pr...
2 Jul