Daily Podcasts Video search
Sonya's Prep Costco Grocery Haul as a Nursing Momma Kosher #shorts #costcohaul #milksupply 2 Jul
A short video showing a Costco grocery haul by a nursing mother who keeps a kosher diet, emphasizing the importance of maintaining milk supply.
2 Jul
Mishpacha Just A Humble Soldier 1 Jul
Rabbi Moshe Kotlarsky's recent passing has deeply affected thousands of shluchim who considered him not only their leader but also their closest friend. Rabb...
1 Jul
Forward Talmudic wisdom holds Trump to a higher standard than the Supreme Court 1 Jul
The article discusses the comparison between Talmudic teachings and the recent Supreme Court decision regarding the legal liability and responsibilities of l...
1 Jul
JTA Kentucky judge dismisses Jewish mothers’ lawsuit challenging state abortion ban 1 Jul
A Kentucky judge dismissed a lawsuit by three Jewish mothers challenging the state's abortion law on religious freedom grounds, citing lack of standing as no...
1 Jul
The Habura headphones The Edge of Reason - Rabbi Joseph Dweck 1 Jul
Rabbi Joseph Dweck discusses the limitations of reason and the significance of inductive reasoning in understanding metaphysical concepts such as consciousne...
1 Jul
Tel Aviv Review headphones Law in Times of Crisis: The Life and Legacy of Jacob Robinson 1 Jul
Dr. Iris Nachum discusses the legal legacy of Jacob Robinson, particularly his work on compensation mechanisms for displaced persons, including ethnic German...
1 Jul
Forward How do you write a meaningful eulogy? 30 Jun
Rabbi Daniel Cohen emphasizes the importance and power of crafting a meaningful eulogy, highlighting that it is a crucial moment to honor the deceased and br...
30 Jun
Living Lchaim First-Time 88-Year Old Father: The Story of a Rabbi Who Never Gave Up 30 Jun
An 88-year-old Rabbi and his 57-year-old wife share the heartwarming story of welcoming their first son together, showcasing their unwavering faith and joy d...
30 Jun
Forward Trump's lies are more dangerous than ever — does Jewish law have a solution? 28 Jun
The article discusses the dangerous impact of lies, particularly in the context of former President Donald Trump's behavior during a recent debate, emphasizi...
28 Jun
Forward Biden's rabbi and I debate whether it's time for the president to step aside 28 Jun
Rabbi Michael S. Beals, known as President Joe Biden's rabbi, suggests that it may be time for Biden to step aside for the greater good of safeguarding democ...
28 Jun
JTA How to disagree as Jews in a time of deep schisms 28 Jun
In a time of deep schisms within the Jewish community, there is a call for holding conflicts with empathy and understanding to maintain relationships. Drawin...
28 Jun
JTA Meet Zeev Buium, who could be the NHL’s next Jewish superstar 28 Jun
Zeev Buium, a talented young ice hockey player, has the potential to be the NHL's next Jewish star. Born to Israeli parents in the U.S., Buium's journey to h...
28 Jun
New Voices Geographies of Transgression 28 Jun
The text delves into the experiences of a person navigating Orthodox Judaism as a queer individual, shedding light on themes of visibility, surveillance, tra...
28 Jun
Tablet The Sephardic Rabbis’ Letter 28 Jun
The letter signed by prominent Sephardic rabbis in Israel, including members of Shas, opposes the drafting of yeshiva students into the army, highlighting a ...
28 Jun
Forward Jewish law has always been clear: Emergency abortions are an essential right 27 Jun
Jewish tradition has long supported emergency abortions to protect maternal health, even stating that a person's life takes precedence over the fetus. Both R...
27 Jun
Forward Jewish law says we must wait for justice. For abortion rights, the cost of that wait is too high 27 Jun
The article discusses the recent Supreme Court decision regarding emergency abortions in Idaho, highlighting the ongoing challenges related to reproductive r...
27 Jun
Kveller To My Son, On the Day of Your Bar Mitzvah 27 Jun
The author reflects on her son's journey leading up to his Bar Mitzvah, noting his initial reluctance and eventual engagement in the preparation process. She...
27 Jun
Emes Ve-Emunah Drafting Charedim 26 Jun
Israel's Supreme Court, in a unanimous decision, has ruled to draft all Charedim into the army, causing uproar in the ultra-Orthodox community that views Tor...
26 Jun
Forward I’m losing my religion — thanks to the war. Can Jewish tradition guide me? 26 Jun
A Jewish individual grappling with their faith in light of the war in Gaza seeks guidance on the teachings of Judaism regarding war, morality, and proportion...
26 Jun
Jewish Chronicle Peri good news for spice lovers 26 Jun
The KLBD has recently certified a variety of Nando's rubs and seasoning shakers as kosher and parev, adding to the range of already certified marinades and s...
26 Jun
Rationalist Judaism The Expected "Torah" Drivel 26 Jun
In response to a High Court ruling that charedim must serve in the IDF, there is criticism of the charedi community's focus on Torah study and exemption from...
26 Jun
Tablet Bookends 26 Jun
The text discusses Tractate Bava Metzia in the Babylonian Talmud, which grapples with establishing ownership in Jewish law. It starts with the unique scenari...
26 Jun
Forward Why we observe Shabbat outside an abortion clinic 25 Jun
Jewish individuals gather monthly to observe Shabbat outside the Falls Church Healthcare Center in Northern Virginia, where abortion services are provided. L...
25 Jun
Mishpacha Family First Inbox: Issue 899 25 Jun
In Issue 899 of Family First Inbox, the discussion revolves around the complexities of maintaining friendships amid life changes, particularly in the context...
25 Jun
Mishpacha The Moment: Issue 1017 25 Jun
Photographer Avraham Elbaz visited the Slabodka Yeshivah in Bnei Brak to capture a scene of Torah learning, finding two dedicated students engrossed in study...
25 Jun
Mishpacha Inbox: Issue 1017 25 Jun
The text discusses various topics from different issues of "Inbox." One story highlights the importance of Shabbos education and observance in the Jewish com...
25 Jun
Emes Ve-Emunah What Place - Religion? 25 Jun
The ongoing debate regarding the role of religion in a nation founded on principles of religious freedom is reviewed by Rabbi Chaim Twerski. He argues that t...
25 Jun
JTA In landmark ruling, Israel’s top court rules that haredi Orthodox Jews must serve in the army 25 Jun
Israel's Supreme Court has issued a groundbreaking ruling mandating that haredi Orthodox Jews must serve in the army, ending a long-standing exemption for ye...
25 Jun
JTA Jewish parents join lawsuit challenging Louisiana law requiring Ten Commandments in schools 25 Jun
Several Jewish families, alongside others, are part of a lawsuit challenging a new Louisiana law mandating the display of the Ten Commandments in public scho...
25 Jun
Lehrhaus Letters to the Editor: Tzvi Goldstein Responds 25 Jun
In response to feedback on his original article, Tzvi Goldstein addresses challenges to his presentation of Mesilat Yesharim and Ramhal's position, highlight...
25 Jun
Lehrhaus Our Torah—Illustrated? 24 Jun
In the Torah, unique bracket-shaped markings known as inverted nuns are found surrounding Numbers 10:35-36, evolving over 2000 years with various interpretat...
24 Jun
Tablet Stalk Talk 24 Jun
For over 2,000 years, asparagus has been considered a prized vegetable, with historical significance in ancient Egypt, Greece, Rome, and among Jews as mentio...
24 Jun
Emes Ve-Emunah Of Kleinbaums and Bricks 23 Jun
Rabbi Sharon Kleinbaum, a Reconstructionist rabbi, expresses empathy for LGBTQ individuals but opposes normalization of LGBTQ lifestyles, citing biblical val...
23 Jun
Rationalist Judaism One People, Two Judaisms 23 Jun
The text discusses the dichotomy between two forms of Torah Judaism throughout Jewish history, highlighting the shift from a Judaism for a sovereign nation t...
23 Jun
JTA Israelis are getting religion, in spite of a coercive Chief Rabbinate 21 Jun
Despite a coercive Chief Rabbinate in Israel, a trend is emerging where some secular Israelis are voluntarily adopting religious customs such as wearing tzit...
21 Jun
Forward I’m a Louisiana Jew. The Ten Commandments get lost in translation in the new law 21 Jun
In a recent law passed in Louisiana, the requirement for public schools to display the Ten Commandments has sparked discussion among Jewish Louisianans due t...
21 Jun
New Voices Gufim: Words on Blood, Butches, and Body 21 Jun
This text is part of the Gufim series exploring embodiment and our relationship to our bodies from a Jewish perspective, focusing on various topics like disa...
21 Jun
Emes Ve-Emunah Louisiana's Ten Commandments Requirement 21 Jun
Louisiana recently passed a law mandating the display of the Ten Commandments in every classroom of public schools and colleges, making it the only state wit...
21 Jun
Halacha Headlines headphones 6/22/24 – Shiur 471 – Electricity on Shabbos - Are you really keeping Shabbos? | Is there a difference between a Ben Torah and an Orthodox Jew? 21 Jun
This engaging episode examines the complex halachic issues surrounding the use of electricity on Shabbat, including electronic water meters and security syst...
21 Jun
Unholy: Two Jews on the News headphones Bibi's House of Cards - with special guest Rivka Ravitz 21 Jun
Yonit and Jonathan analyze the widening tensions within Israel's ruling coalition, focusing on the Haredi exemption from military service and its political r...
21 Jun
Moment From the Newsletter | Squeezing More Juice out of the Lemon Test 20 Jun
Louisiana Governor Jeff Landry signed a law requiring Ten Commandments posters in all public school classrooms, sparking controversy and potential legal chal...
20 Jun
Forward I don’t like my friend’s boyfriend. Do I have to invite him to my wedding?  20 Jun
In this Bintel Brief article, a bride-to-be seeks advice on whether she is obligated to invite her friend's boyfriend, whom she dislikes, to her wedding. The...
20 Jun
Adventures in Jewish Studies headphones Jewish Head Coverings: A Blessing On Your Head 20 Jun
Jews worldwide have developed diverse head covering customs, such as yarmulkes, hats, wigs, and scarves, which reflect gender roles, assimilation, and identi...
20 Jun
Rationalist Judaism Dog Food and Disaster 20 Jun
The article discusses a story of a young man in captivity in Moldova after being caught trying to smuggle narcotics disguised as dog food in a desperate atte...
20 Jun
Jewish Action What Does the Torah Have to Say about Military Ethics? 20 Jun
The discussion delves into the Torah's teachings on military ethics, particularly in the context of Israel's past conflicts. Rabbi Shlomo Goren's ruling duri...
20 Jun
Jewish Action Questions from the Battlefield 20 Jun
Rabbi Yosef Zvi Rimon, a respected posek, educator, and community rabbi who interacts with soldiers, shares insights on halachic dilemmas faced by soldiers d...
20 Jun
Jewish Action On the Frontlines with Rabbi Shlomo Sobol 20 Jun
Rabbi Shlomo Sobol, a prominent figure in the Jewish community, addresses various challenges faced by congregants during wartime, including soldiers' dilemma...
20 Jun
Jewish Action Rethinking Tzeniut 20 Jun
The book "Reclaiming Dignity: A Guide to Tzniut for Men and Women" explores the concept of tzeniut (modesty) from various perspectives, beyond just clothing,...
20 Jun
Jewish Action My Tzeniut Journey 20 Jun
A personal reflection on embracing the mitzvah of tzeniut (modesty) as a transformative journey from external appearance to internal qualities, shaping behav...
20 Jun
Jewish Action A New Approach for Teens 20 Jun
Dr. Zipora Schorr, director of education at Beth Tfiloh Dahan Community School in Baltimore, discusses a new approach to teaching tzeniut (modesty) to a dive...
20 Jun