Daily Podcasts Video search
Jewish Chronicle The Etgar Quiz no 272 7 Jun
The Etgar Quiz no 272 poses questions related to Jewish knowledge, including identifying the source of Eishet Chayil, the Torah portion with the most section...
7 Jun
Rationalist Judaism "The IDF Doesn't Want Charedim" 7 Jun
The text discusses a report indicating that the IDF has rejected many Charedi enlistment requests due to various reasons, posing challenges in integrating Ch...
7 Jun
Jewish History Uncensored headphones 192 - Rocket Science & the KKK - Lessons From My Father's Life 7 Jun
The episode delves into the life of Rabbi Wittenstein's father, exploring his journey from New York to a small Southern town, his experiences with football, ...
7 Jun
Chabad.org I Felt Alone and Angry at G-d 7 Jun
A woman shares her journey of feeling alone and angry at G-d after her divorce, but eventually finds healing, remarries, and empowers others to thrive.
7 Jun
Forward The NFL rookie with the name Jews cannot say aloud. (Or can they?) 7 Jun
The Indianapolis Colts signed a rookie wide receiver named Adonai Mitchell, prompting a dilemma for Jewish football fans due to the use of a Hebrew name for ...
7 Jun
On the Nose headphones Religion, Secularism, and the Jewish Left 6 Jun
Jewish Currents Magazine faces a heated debate between its historical secularist roots and the recent inclusion of religious commentary, as showcased through...
6 Jun
Rationalist Judaism Effective Tzedaka 6 Jun
The text discusses ways to support Israel during wartime, highlighting alternative organizations for tzedaka due to new information. It mentions the importan...
6 Jun
Jewish Chronicle Parashah of the week: Bemidbar 6 Jun
The Parashah Bemidbar discusses the discomfort in counting people, as traditionally seen as dangerous, highlighted by a plague in King David's reign followin...
6 Jun
Jewish Chronicle Another step forward for Orthodox female rabbis 5 Jun
Rabbi Miriam Lorie's graduation from Yeshivat Maharat and her leadership at Kehillat Nashira in Borehamwood mark a significant moment for British Jewry, as O...
5 Jun
Mishpacha Hear Our Voice 4 Jun
The article discusses the significance of the Shema Koleinu blessing in the Shemoneh Esreh prayer. This blessing serves as a culmination of all previous requ...
4 Jun
Mishpacha The Moment: Issue 1014 4 Jun
In issue 1014 of The Moment by Mishpacha Magazine, a story is shared about Yehudah, a farmer in Eretz Yisrael who experienced miracles in Gaza due to keeping...
4 Jun
Mishpacha Baruch Atah: Another Look 4 Jun
The text delves into the profound meaning behind the familiar words "baruch Atah" that begin all blessings in Jewish tradition. It explains that reciting ble...
4 Jun
Rationalist Judaism Hamas, Haredim, and Hayalim 4 Jun
Rav Dov Landau, a prominent figure in the Ashkenazi Charedi Lithuanian community, called for special prayers due to the challenges faced by the Jewish people...
4 Jun
18forty headphones Marc B. Shapiro: Where Does Orthodox Judaism Come From? [Denominations 4/5] 4 Jun
Dr. Marc B. Shapiro explores the historical evolution and distinctions of various Jewish denominations, focusing on how moments in history have created secta...
4 Jun
The Habura headphones HaRambam’s Grandson: The Legacy of Rabbi David HaNagid - Rabbi Joshua BerdugoHaRambam’s Grandson: The Legacy of Rabbi David HaNagid - Rabbi Joshua Berdugo 4 Jun
Rabbi Joshua Berdugo explores the often overlooked legacy of Rabbi David HaNagid, grandson of the Rambam, highlighting his contributions to Jewish thought an...
4 Jun
The CJN Daily with Ellin Bessner headphones Bonus: Federation CJA speaks to lawyer Neil Oberman about antisemitism in Montreal 3 Jun
Litigation lawyer Neil Oberman discusses his legal efforts to combat antisemitism in Montreal, including injunctions to keep harmful protesters away from Jew...
3 Jun
Sonya's Prep Always on the hunt for something new #salads #dips #shabbat 3 Jun
The video explores creative ideas for salads and dips, ideal for Shabbat meals.
3 Jun
JTA With a new leader and revamped strategy, it’s a second coming for Jews for Jesus 3 Jun
Aaron Abramson, a former Israeli army member and believer in Jesus as the Messiah, has been appointed as the CEO of Jews for Jesus, making him the first Isra...
3 Jun
Emes Ve-Emunah The Malaise Within the Charedi Yeshiva System 2 Jun
The author expresses concern over a phenomenon within the Charedi Yeshiva world that emphasizes full-time Torah study to the exclusion of other pursuits, lea...
2 Jun
Sapir The Torah of October 7 1 Jun
In the discussion surrounding the Torah readings of early October, a key theme is the transition from shame cultures to guilt cultures, emphasizing the impor...
1 Jun
Sapir Resilience In Spirit 1 Jun
In a discussion on spiritual resilience, three rabbis reflect on God, Torah, and Israel. Tamar Elad-Appelbaum delves into personal history to explain how res...
1 Jun
Emes Ve-Emunah The Former President’s Felony Conviction 31 May
A New York County DA, Alvin Bragg, reflects on the public reactions to former President Trump's felony conviction, highlighting the stark divide between his ...
31 May
Halacha Headlines headphones 6/1/24 – Shiur 469 – Shemiras Einayim – Halachos, Chizzuk and Stories: the Vayimaen phenomenon 31 May
The episode examines the growing movement for Shemiras Einayim, a practice of guarding one's eyes from improper sights, highlighting the Vayimayin initiative...
31 May
Jewish Chronicle Let’s talk schools: how to choose the school that’s best for your child 31 May
Choosing a school for your child involves considering various factors, as highlighted in a survey conducted by Seed in 2021 among Jewish primary school famil...
31 May
Forward 7 Jewish things about the courthouse where jurors deliberated Donald Trump’s fate 30 May
The Manhattan courthouse where jurors deliberated Donald Trump's case has several Jewish connections. These include Trump's claim that a Soros-backed D.A. in...
30 May
JTA In his debut novel ‘Goyhood,’ journalist Reuven Fenton probes the divided selves of an observant Jew 30 May
Journalist Reuven Fenton's debut novel "Goyhood" explores the story of Martin Belkin, an Orthodox Jewish man who discovers in middle age that he is not Jewis...
30 May
Emes Ve-Emunah Social Climbing in Orthodox Judaism 30 May
Orthodox Judaism is often seen as an equalizer due to shared religious obligations such as living in the same neighborhoods and sending children to the same ...
30 May
18forty My Jewish identity began as a crisis—It’s become so much more today 30 May
The author reflects on their Jewish identity crisis, which started in their youth when questioning the meaning of Judaism, leading them to atheism due to per...
30 May
Jewish Chronicle Parashah of the week: Bechukkotai 30 May
In Parashat Bechukkotai, it is outlined that following the commandments will lead to blessings, including peace. Reb Natan of Breslov emphasizes that peace i...
30 May
Lehrhaus Book review of For Women and Girls Only: Reshaping Jewish Orthodoxy through the Arts in the Digital Age 30 May
The book "For Women and Girls Only: Reshaping Jewish Orthodoxy through the Arts in the Digital Age" by Dr. Jessica Roda explores how Orthodox Jewish women ha...
30 May
Future of Jewish The (Shameful) Privilege of Being 'Anti-War' 29 May
The essay explores the complex concept of being "anti-war," emphasizing the paradoxical nature of absolute pacifism in a world where violence and warfare hav...
29 May
Rationalist Judaism When Torah is Poison 29 May
The article discusses how Torah, while considered an elixir of life when approached correctly, can become a deadly poison when misinterpreted or misapplied. ...
29 May
Mishpacha Yankees and Rebs 28 May
During the American Civil War from 1861 to 1865, Jews, though a minority in the population, played a significant role with approximately 10,000 Jewish men se...
28 May
Haaretz Weekly headphones Rabbi Delphine Horveilleur: 'Zionism is about strength. After Oct. 7, Israelis understand brokenness' 28 May
Rabbi Delphine Horveilleur discusses the evolving Jewish identity and the impact of Israel's vulnerability following the October 7th attacks, fostering a dee...
28 May
18forty headphones Jack Wertheimer: A New American Judaism? The Sociology of Jewish Practice [Denominations 3/5] 28 May
Professor Jack Wertheimer joins the 18Forty Podcast to discuss the evolution of American Jewish practice over the last century, emphasizing the gap between i...
28 May
Emes Ve-Emunah The Decline of MO and Ascendancy of the Right 27 May
Rabbi Dovid Bashevkin suggests that Modern Orthodoxy (MO) in America may need to embrace Kabbalah and Chassidus to survive; contrasting MO's less stringent o...
27 May
Lehrhaus Voices from Outside the Cave: Women and the Story of Rabbi Shimon bar Yohai 27 May
The text discusses the story of Rabbi Shimon bar Yohai and the women in his life: his mother (Eishet Yohai), wife (Eishet Shimon), and daughter-in-law (Eishe...
27 May
Jewish Chronicle Don’t label anyone a ‘bad Jew’ 26 May
"No Labeling Anyone a Bad Jew" discusses the diversity within the contemporary Jewish community, exploring various perspectives on Jewish identity and the re...
26 May
JTA New York klezmer legend Frank London is gearing up to fight for his life. But first, one more show. 24 May
Renowned New York klezmer musician Frank London faced a critical health battle with cancer, requiring immediate treatment, forcing him to postpone concerts a...
24 May
Moment Interview | Why An Atheist Wrote His Debut Novel About a Religious Family 24 May
Toby Lloyd, an atheist, wrote his novel "Fervor" about the Rosenthal family, a religious Jewish family, drawing from his own experiences and interactions wit...
24 May
People of the Pod headphones Jews in the U.S. Military: Veterans’ Stories in Honor of Jewish American Heritage Month 24 May
Jewish U.S. military veterans Dave Warnock and Andrea Goldstein discuss their motivations for joining the Armed Forces, drawing on family history and persona...
24 May
Jewish History Uncensored headphones #191 - The Baal HaTanya in Liadi & Attitude Towards the French Russian War of 1812 24 May
The episode explores how the Baal HaTanya, Rabbi Shneur Zalman of Liadi, ended up in Liadi instead of returning to his hometown of Liozna, and why he support...
24 May
Forward Why a child's first haircut may be Judaism's sweetest ritual 24 May
The article discusses the Jewish ritual of upsherin, where 3-year-old boys receive their first haircut in a ceremony that symbolizes the transition from infa...
24 May
Jewish Review of Books A Torah Exchange: Malka Simkovich Responds to Yonatan Adler 24 May
Malka Simkovich responds to Yonatan Adler's work on the origins of Judaism, expressing concerns over Adler's focus on social practices over intellectual idea...
24 May
Rationalist Judaism The Anguish of Kivelevitzism 24 May
The text discusses a podcast episode where Rabbi Avramel Kivelevitz criticizes Natan Slifkin's views, focusing on the charedi community's response to differe...
24 May
Halacha Headlines headphones 5/25/24 – Shiur 468 – Dealing with the In-Laws 24 May
Exploring the complex dynamics between in-laws and married couples, this episode addresses the halachic, emotional, and psychological aspects of establishing...
24 May
Unholy: Two Jews on the News headphones Wanted - with special guest Yuval Shany 24 May
International legal scholar Yuval Shany discusses the International Criminal Court's potential arrest warrant for Israeli leaders Netanyahu and Gallant on ch...
24 May
What Matters Now headphones What Matters Now to Rav Doron Perez: Life after his hostage son's death 23 May
Rav Doron Perez discusses the tragic death of his son Daniel during the October 7th attacks by Hamas and how this loss has deepened his connection to Israel ...
23 May
Jewish Chronicle Barbecue s’mores pizza 23 May
This article introduces a recipe for barbecue smores pizza, a delightful twist on the classic smores treat. The recipe involves spreading chocolate spread on...
23 May
Lehrhaus Judaism is About Two Kinds of Love 22 May
Rabbi Dr. Shai Held's book "Judaism is about Love" delves into the distinction between two types of love in Judaism: ahavah rabbah (abundant, passionate love...
22 May