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Jewish Review of Books Return to Me 15 Nov 2018
Chaim Potok's posthumous collection of plays offers insight into the struggles of mid-20th-century Jewish intellectuals balancing traditional Judaism with mo...
15 Nov 2018
Jewish Review of Books “The Cruiser” and the Jews 7 Nov 2018
In this article, the author reflects on his fascination with Israel and his collection of books on the subject. He discusses one of his favorite books, "The ...
7 Nov 2018
Jewish Review of Books Bellow, His Biographers, and the “Quivering Schmucks” 6 Nov 2018
Zachary Leader's biography, "The Life of Saul Bellow: Love and Strife, 1965-2005," delves into the intense adoration and obsession that some fans, like Barne...
6 Nov 2018
Jewish Review of Books Jewish Pittsburgh in Pictures 2 Nov 2018
This article provides a poignant visual journey through the Jewish history of Pittsburgh, particularly focusing on the Tree of Life congregation and its surr...
2 Nov 2018
Jewish Review of Books Unspun 25 Oct 2018
The author announces his plan to write a book on Jews and fantasy literature. He discusses the novel "Spinning Silver" by Naomi Novik, which is set in a late...
25 Oct 2018
Jewish Review of Books Hollywood and Jerusalem 25 Oct 2018
The author reflects on an encounter in Hollywood where he pitched a screenplay about George Catlin, a painter who documented Native American life in the 19th...
25 Oct 2018
Jewish Review of Books My Father, Milton Himmelfarb 18 Oct 2018
Milton Himmelfarb, a prominent figure in American Jewish life, would have turned 100 years old. Known for his analysis of Jewish voting patterns, he argued t...
18 Oct 2018
Jewish Review of Books Reader Review Competition 11 Oct 2018
The Jewish Review of Books is hosting its first reader review competition, inviting participants to submit reviews of Jewish books published in 2018 that hav...
11 Oct 2018
Jewish Review of Books Korean Talmud, Is Modern Orthodoxy like Classical Reform? and Jesus and the Baal Shem Tov 27 Sep 2018
The first essay discusses the unexpected popularity of the Korean Talmud in South Korea, with scholars examining whether the fascination reflects admiration ...
27 Sep 2018
Jewish Review of Books Lost from the Start: Kafka on Spinoza Street 14 Sep 2018
The text delves into the complex legal battle over Kafka's manuscripts and estate following the death of Esther Hoffe. The narrative explores the conflict be...
14 Sep 2018
Jewish Review of Books Torah U’Madda 14 Sep 2018
The text discusses Modern Orthodox Judaism in America, highlighting its diversification and complexity, especially in areas such as dating preferences, relig...
14 Sep 2018
Jewish Review of Books Tweets and Bellows 14 Sep 2018
In "Tweets and Bellows," the discussion revolves around the importance of writing and literature in regaining control of narratives and accessing the deeper ...
14 Sep 2018
Jewish Review of Books The Book of Radiance 14 Sep 2018
Daniel Matt's translation and commentary on the Zohar, a foundational text of Kabbalah, delves into the profound mystical teachings of Jewish mysticism. The ...
14 Sep 2018
Jewish Review of Books Visualizing Hasidism 14 Sep 2018
The text discusses the material dimension of Hasidism, focusing on the sacred objects and artistic creations associated with the movement. It highlights the ...
14 Sep 2018
Jewish Review of Books Letters, Fall 2018 14 Sep 2018
Ardie Geldman from Efrat, Israel, expresses concerns regarding the declining state of American Jewry as compared to the resilient nature of Israeli Jewry, hi...
14 Sep 2018
Jewish Review of Books The Rebbe and the Professor 14 Sep 2018
Professor Salo Wittmayer Baron, a renowned scholar of Jewish history, challenged the conventional view of Jewish suffering by presenting a comprehensive soci...
14 Sep 2018
Jewish Review of Books Art Over Vitebsk 14 Sep 2018
The exhibition "Art Over Vitebsk" curated by Angela Lampe showcases the Russian Avant-Garde in Vitebsk, 1918-1922, highlighting the contributions of artists ...
14 Sep 2018
Jewish Review of Books A Normal Israel? 14 Sep 2018
Michael Brenner's book explores the complex history of the Zionist movement's quest for a "normal" Israel, highlighting the diverse views within early Zionis...
14 Sep 2018
Jewish Review of Books Zionisms, Old and New 14 Sep 2018
Gil Troy critiques Arthur Hertzberg's collection "The Zionist Idea" for its limited view of Zionism and lack of evolution of ideas, leading him to create his...
14 Sep 2018
Jewish Review of Books Bellow, Broadway Billy, and American Jewry 14 Sep 2018
The text discusses Saul Bellow's inspiration for his novella "The Bellarosa Connection," which was sparked by a story about Broadway impresario Billy Rose sa...
14 Sep 2018
Jewish Review of Books Talmuds and Dragons 14 Sep 2018
"The Inquisitors Tale" by Adam Gidwitz is a children's book set in medieval France that features a young Jewish boy named Jacob among its main characters. Th...
14 Sep 2018
Jewish Review of Books Mending Walls 14 Sep 2018
Yoram Hazony's book, "The Virtue of Nationalism," delves into the revival of nationalism in response to liberal imperialism embodied by entities like the Eur...
14 Sep 2018
Jewish Review of Books Man of Letters 14 Sep 2018
Lionel Trilling, a prominent figure in American literary criticism, is explored through a selection of his letters in Adam Kirsch's book, shedding light on T...
14 Sep 2018
Jewish Review of Books The Secret Metaphysician 14 Sep 2018
Gershom Scholem, a renowned Jewish scholar, brought a unique perspective to Jewish mysticism and scholarship, intertwining tradition with modernist ideas. De...
14 Sep 2018
Jewish Review of Books Lost in America 14 Sep 2018
"Zot ani, Iowa" by Galit Dahan Carlibach is a dark comedy based on her residency at the University of Iowa, taking fictional liberties with her real-life exp...
14 Sep 2018
Jewish Review of Books “When Orchards Burn Their Lamps of Fiery Gold” 5 Sep 2018
Emma Lazarus creatively captures the spirit of Rosh Hashanah 5643 in her poem, reflecting on the challenges faced by Eastern European Jews and the hope for a...
5 Sep 2018
Jewish Review of Books The Jewish Preview of Books—September 2018 4 Sep 2018
The Jewish Preview of Books, September 2018, features a selection of books that are anticipated to be of interest in the Jewish literary world. Some notable ...
4 Sep 2018
Jewish Review of Books The Burnt Pot 30 Aug 2018
In "The Burnt Pot," the author explores themes of assimilation, identity, and Jewish continuity through the lens of characters in Zadie Smith's novel "White ...
30 Aug 2018
Jewish Review of Books The Future Is Now 29 Aug 2018
Allan Arkush raises concerns about the future of Jewish life in the American melting pot, asserting that Orthodoxy seems to be the most sustainable approach ...
29 Aug 2018
Jewish Review of Books Looking Backward and Forward 28 Aug 2018
The text discusses the changing status of Jews in America over time, focusing on the concepts of melting pot and cultural pluralism as applied to the Jewish ...
28 Aug 2018
Jewish Review of Books An Exceptional Minority? 27 Aug 2018
The discussion revolves around the challenges facing American Jews in maintaining their distinctive culture and religious commitments in a society marked by ...
27 Aug 2018
Jewish Review of Books The Other Bernstein 22 Aug 2018
The text discusses the lesser-known brother of the renowned Jewish scholar Gershom Scholem, a Communist named Werner, who is overshadowed by his famous sibli...
22 Aug 2018
Jewish Review of Books Perpetual Motion 21 Aug 2018
Dr. Yaakov Elman, a renowned scholar in the field of Talmudic studies, passed away leaving behind a significant scholarly legacy. His work focused on combini...
21 Aug 2018
Jewish Review of Books Apples, Honey, and Articles 9 Aug 2018
As the fall holiday season approaches, the Jewish Review of Books reflects on past issues and web articles, selecting 10 favorites that correspond with the t...
9 Aug 2018
Jewish Review of Books Repentant Prostitutes, Medieval Jewish Courts, and WWII Classified Ads 9 Aug 2018
The text discusses three scholarly essays from leading journals, highlighting key points. The first essay focuses on the Jewish version of the repentant pros...
9 Aug 2018
Jewish Review of Books The Rabbi Goes to Court 2 Aug 2018
In "The Rabbi Goes to Court," the graphic history by Nina Caputo and Liz Clarke, the story of the medieval rabbi and scholar Nachmanides at the Barcelona Dis...
2 Aug 2018
Jewish Review of Books Heaven from Torah: An Interview with Shai Held 26 Jul 2018
Rabbi Shai Held's two-volume work, "The Heart of Torah," comprises essays on Torah portions, exploring open-ended biblical narratives and themes like God's l...
26 Jul 2018
Jewish Review of Books “In Order that They Didn’t Die Alone”: Remembering Claude Lanzmann 10 Jul 2018
Claude Lanzmann, the director of the renowned Holocaust documentary Shoah, passed away at the age of 92. Born to a secular Jewish family in Paris, Lanzmann j...
10 Jul 2018
Jewish Review of Books Torah and the Thermodynamics of Life: An Interview with Jeremy England 27 Jun 2018
Jeremy England, an accomplished research scientist and an observant Jew, explores the origins of life through his work on the emergence of life-like behavior...
27 Jun 2018
Jewish Review of Books Boundaries, Conversations, and the Reform Movement: A Response to Elli Fischer 21 Jun 2018
Joshua Holo responds to Elli Fischer's critique of Michael Chabon's commencement address at Hebrew Union College-Jewish Institute of Religion (HUC-JIR). Fisc...
21 Jun 2018
Jewish Review of Books Letters, Summer 2018 17 Jun 2018
The Letters from Summer 2018 discuss various topics related to Jewish identity and history. One letter juxtaposes Ruth Wisse's portrayal of Mendele Mokher Se...
17 Jun 2018
Jewish Review of Books Says Who? 17 Jun 2018
In this reflection, the author discusses his experience working for a Jewish organization and delves into the sociological theories of Peter Berger, particul...
17 Jun 2018
Jewish Review of Books Maimonides, Stonehenge, and Newton’s Obsessions 16 Jun 2018
During the age of the scientific revolution, figures like Sir Isaac Newton held beliefs that God's revelations were found in both Scripture and Nature, worki...
16 Jun 2018
Jewish Review of Books In the Melting Pot 16 Jun 2018
Israel Zangwill's play "The Melting Pot" presented America as a melting pot where immigrants of various backgrounds come together and assimilate, celebrated ...
16 Jun 2018
Jewish Review of Books Maimonides in Ma’ale Adumim  16 Jun 2018
Rabbi Nachum Rabinovitch, a modern and highly knowledgeable scholar, has produced an extensive 23-volume commentary called Yad Peshutah on Moses Maimonides' ...
16 Jun 2018
Jewish Review of Books You Shall Appoint for Yourself Judges 16 Jun 2018
Aharon Barak, a prominent figure in Israeli law, reshaped the country's legal landscape through bold judicial activism during his time on the Supreme Court f...
16 Jun 2018
Jewish Review of Books Containing God’s Presence 16 Jun 2018
Rabbi Shai Held's two-volume collection "The Heart of Torah, Essays on the Weekly Torah Portion" delves into the importance of the Torah reading cycle and th...
16 Jun 2018
Jewish Review of Books 33 Days and Four Years  16 Jun 2018
Lon Werth, a Jewish writer and friend of Antoine de Saint-Exupéry, hid in the French countryside during the Nazi invasion, chronicling the chaotic exodus in ...
16 Jun 2018
Jewish Review of Books Du Bois, the Warsaw Ghetto, and a Priestly Blessing  16 Jun 2018
Jewish Life magazine engaged with prominent African American leader Dr. W. E. B. Du Bois in the late 1940s and early 1950s, seeking to connect the struggles ...
16 Jun 2018
Jewish Review of Books On Literary Brilliance and Moral Rot   16 Jun 2018
The French publishing house Gallimard's decision to republish three anti-Semitic pamphlets by the controversial author Louis-Ferdinand Céline, known for his ...
16 Jun 2018