Daily Podcasts Video search
Lehrhaus Shas’ Rav Ovadia: Omnipresent “Abba” Looks Down From Above 10 Oct 2019
Rabbi Ovadia Yosef, a revered figure in Mizrahi Jewry, was not just a political symbol but a father and leader to his followers. Known for his Talmudic knowl...
10 Oct 2019
Lehrhaus Akeidah 7 Oct 2019
The text explores the concept of sacrifice and decision-making through the lens of the Akeidah (the binding of Isaac). It delves into themes of resignation, ...
7 Oct 2019
Lehrhaus Anonymous Leadership:  The Emotional Drama in Ishay Ribo’s Seder ha-Avodah 6 Oct 2019
Ishay Ribo's rendition of the Yom Kippur Temple service, Seder ha-Avodah, has garnered immense popularity for blending secular and religious themes and focus...
6 Oct 2019
Lehrhaus Pat Yisra’el and Two Approaches to the Aseret Yemei Teshuvah 3 Oct 2019
The discussion revolves around the practice of consuming pat yisrael, bread prepared by a Jewish baker, especially during the aseret yemei teshuvah (Ten Days...
3 Oct 2019
Lehrhaus ‘May Memories Rise’- On the Meaning of ‘Ya’aleh ve-Yavo’ 26 Sep 2019
The Yaaleh ve-Yavo prayer recited during Jewish holidays and Rosh Chodesh serves as a substitute for the Temple sacrifices and invokes ancestral virtues and ...
26 Sep 2019
Lehrhaus Beyond Perfect Repentance 25 Sep 2019
Eliezer Finkelman delves into the concept of repentance, known as teshuvah, as highlighted in Maimonides' Laws of Repentance. Perfect repentance involves exp...
25 Sep 2019
Lehrhaus Sin-a-gogue: A Must-Read for the Yamim Noraim 24 Sep 2019
"Sin-a-gogue: Sin and Failure in Jewish Thought" by David Bashevkin delves into the taboo subject of sin in Judaism, emphasizing the importance of discussing...
24 Sep 2019
Lehrhaus How Should a Diverse Urban Congregation Select a Siddur? 23 Sep 2019
An urban congregation in Chicago is considering purchasing new siddurim due to the worn state of their current ones and the need for a unified prayer book. T...
23 Sep 2019
Lehrhaus Cantillation: Some Observations – Part 1 19 Sep 2019
In the article "Cantillation: Some Observations Part 1" by William Gewirtz, the author discusses the importance of trop - the traditional chanting of the Heb...
19 Sep 2019
Lehrhaus “Answer Us in the Merit of Our Master, Answer Us:” An Election-Day Reflection on Mizrahi Haredi Political Culture 17 Sep 2019
The text discusses a video that appears to showcase traditional Mizrahi tunes for penitential prayers but is actually a political advertisement for the Shas ...
17 Sep 2019
Lehrhaus Refusing to Bury Family Members of a Get Refuser: A Dramatic Step With Longstanding Halakhic Support 16 Sep 2019
Israeli Chief Rabbi David Lau ordered a burial society to deny burial to the mother of a get refuser, sparking a debate on the halakhic justification for inv...
16 Sep 2019
Lehrhaus Hebrew Bible or Old Testament? Evaluating the American Biblical Tradition 11 Sep 2019
"Proclaim Liberty Throughout the Land: The Hebrew Bible in the United States: A Sourcebook" delves into the deep American biblical tradition, emphasizing the...
11 Sep 2019
Lehrhaus Hebrew Bible or Old Testament? Evaluating the American Biblical Tradition 11 Sep 2019
The anthology "Proclaim Liberty Throughout the Land: The Hebrew Bible in the United States: A Sourcebook" explores the significant influence of the Hebrew Bi...
11 Sep 2019
Lehrhaus Yes, We Needed Another Modern Orthodox Prayer Book: A Review of the RCA Siddur 8 Sep 2019
The Rabbinical Council of America (RCA) recently released the Siddur Avodat ha-Lev, a new prayer book aimed at the Modern Orthodox community in the United St...
8 Sep 2019
Lehrhaus Rationalism, Mysticism, and the “Off-the-Derekh” Phenomenon 5 Sep 2019
The article discusses the phenomenon of Modern Orthodox teenagers leaving halakhic observance, attributing it not to mere rebellion but to a rationalist pers...
5 Sep 2019
Lehrhaus The Waters of Consolation: Rabban Yohanan ben Zakkai and His Students 3 Sep 2019
Rabban Yohanan ben Zakkai, known for guiding the Jewish community after the Temple's destruction, grapples with personal mourning in a story from Avot de-Rab...
3 Sep 2019
Lehrhaus Philanthropy is Great, It’s Where You Give That Matters 29 Aug 2019
The author argues that while philanthropy is crucial for supporting Jewish education, it should be directed towards consumers rather than schools to make edu...
29 Aug 2019
Lehrhaus There Are Jews Everywhere: Divine Revelation through the Other in Malamud’s “Angel Levine” 26 Aug 2019
Bernard Malamud's story "Angel Levine" explores themes of belief, identity, and acceptance through the character of Manischevitz, a Jewish tailor who encount...
26 Aug 2019
Lehrhaus Philanthropy Works; We Just Need More of It  22 Aug 2019
The article discusses the issue of rising tuition costs in Jewish day schools and proposes different perspectives on how to address the problem. The author d...
22 Aug 2019
Lehrhaus To Ensure Excellence in Jewish Education, Invest in Jewish Day Schools: A Response to Hillel David Rapp 19 Aug 2019
In response to a proposal to stop funding Jewish day schools, the author argues that the primary reason for high tuition costs is not frivolous spending but ...
19 Aug 2019
Lehrhaus Teaching Talmud in the 21st Century: A Student Voice 15 Aug 2019
In "Teaching Talmud in the 21st Century: A Student Voice," the authors express gratitude to their educational institutions and highlight the importance of in...
15 Aug 2019
Lehrhaus To Lower Tuition Costs, Stop Donating to Schools and Start a Bank 12 Aug 2019
The article addresses the issue of affordability in Jewish day schools, pointing out that despite significant philanthropic donations, the cost of Jewish edu...
12 Aug 2019
Lehrhaus Beyond Holocaust Time 8 Aug 2019
In "Beyond Holocaust Time," the author Alan Rosen explores the concept of Jewish resistance during the Holocaust through the lens of Jewish calendars. He rec...
8 Aug 2019
Lehrhaus Homes Without Hate and Praying With Sinners 5 Aug 2019
The text discusses the concepts of baseless hatred (sinat hinam) and praying with sinners within the Jewish tradition. It reflects on how these teachings can...
5 Aug 2019
Lehrhaus Inside Joke: The Spiritual Genius of Rav Menachem Froman 1 Aug 2019
Rabbi Menachem Chai Shalom Froman (1945-2013) was a unique figure known for his diverse roles as a poet, peace activist, mystic, community Rabbi, soldier, an...
1 Aug 2019
Lehrhaus How to Curtail Pernicious Social Competition: The Legacy of Zelophehad and his Daughters 29 Jul 2019
The essay explores the story of Zelophehad's daughters in the Hebrew Bible, where these women successfully petition Moses for inheritance rights after their ...
29 Jul 2019
Lehrhaus The Haunted Yeshivah: Abaye and the Torah of ADHD 25 Jul 2019
The article explores the blurring of boundaries between Halakhah and Aggadah in the Talmud, highlighting the multifaceted nature of the text that combines le...
25 Jul 2019
Lehrhaus Utilizing Literary Techniques in the Study of Aggadah: A Review of Jeffrey Rubenstein’s The Land of Truth, Talmud Tales, Timeless Teachings 22 Jul 2019
Jeffrey L. Rubenstein's book, "The Land of Truth: Talmud Tales, Timeless Teachings," delves into the wisdom of Hazal, examining fourteen stories from rabbini...
22 Jul 2019
Lehrhaus Tasting the World to Come: A Novel Interpretation of Tzidkatkha Tzedek 18 Jul 2019
In "Tasting the World to Come: A Novel Interpretation of Tzidkatkha Tzedek" by Noam Stadlan, the author challenges the traditional association of the Tzidkat...
18 Jul 2019
Lehrhaus The Voice and the Sword: A Meta-Narrative in Rashi 15 Jul 2019
In "The Voice and the Sword: A Meta-Narrative in Rashi" by Dan Jutan, the author explores how Rashi's commentary on the Torah reveals a larger story that cut...
15 Jul 2019
Lehrhaus Personalizing Torah for Today’s Student: Lessons from Israel 11 Jul 2019
In a discussion on Jewish education, Jay Goldmintz reflects on the different approaches in teaching Torah, highlighting the normative-ideational focus on tra...
11 Jul 2019
Lehrhaus In Our Own Backyard: A Response to David Stein’s Proposal for a New Talmud Curriculum 8 Jul 2019
Rabbi David Stein offers a critical analysis of the challenges facing Modern Orthodox education, emphasizing the need to instill the values of Modern Orthodo...
8 Jul 2019
Lehrhaus Selflessness and the Self in the Teachings of the Lubavitcher Rebbe 4 Jul 2019
The essay discusses the teachings of the Lubavitcher Rebbe on accessing the soul and bringing about redemption in the world. It emphasizes the importance of ...
4 Jul 2019
Lehrhaus From Kayin to Korah: The Fellow Founders of Foment 3 Jul 2019
The article explores the parallels between the narratives of Kayin's murder of Hevel and Korah's rebellion against Moshe and Aharon. Both stories involve the...
3 Jul 2019
Lehrhaus Can One Delegate Holocaust Metaphors? 1 Jul 2019
In a Talmudic exploration by Zohar Atkins, the question of delegating Holocaust metaphors is examined through a Mishna stating that a Gentile making such met...
1 Jul 2019
Lehrhaus Sacred Training: Elevating the Hallowed Art of Healing  27 Jun 2019
"Sacred Training" is a halakhic guidebook edited by Dr. Jerry Karp and Dr. Matthew Schaikewitz, written by insiders in the medical field to assist Orthodox p...
27 Jun 2019
Lehrhaus “Leonard Cohen: A Crack in Everything” at the Jewish Museum: A Review 24 Jun 2019
The text discusses a review of an exhibition called "Leonard Cohen: A Crack in Everything," initially presented at the Musee d'art contemporain de Montreal a...
24 Jun 2019
Lehrhaus Leviathan: The Biblical Beast of the Brain 20 Jun 2019
The text delves into the concept of the leviathan, exploring its rich meanings in English literature and its origins in Hebrew biblical texts. It discusses h...
20 Jun 2019
Lehrhaus Review of Antisemitism: Here and Now 17 Jun 2019
Professor Deborah Lipstadt's book, "Antisemitism: Here and Now," addresses the global rise of antisemitism, particularly in the United States, prompting conc...
17 Jun 2019
Lehrhaus Forging a Judicious Spectator: The Legacy and Influence of Herman Wouk 13 Jun 2019
Herman Wouk, a Jewish writer and observant Jew, has left a profound impact on the author's development as a reader and educator. Through Wouk's meticulous at...
13 Jun 2019
Lehrhaus Shavuot: Zeman Mattan Torateinu? 6 Jun 2019
The text explores the discrepancy between the holiday of Shavuot and the giving of the Torah at Sinai. While Shavuot is traditionally associated with the giv...
6 Jun 2019
Lehrhaus The Giving of the Torah and the Beginning of Eternity: Reflections on Revelation, Innovation, and the Meaning of History 5 Jun 2019
The text delves into the relationship between religion, time, and change within Jewish thought, particularly challenging the notion that religiosity inherent...
5 Jun 2019
Lehrhaus As One Person with One Heart: Misunderstood in Unison 3 Jun 2019
The text explores the concept of unity among the Israelites at Mount Sinai, particularly focusing on Rashis interpretation of them being united "as one perso...
3 Jun 2019
Lehrhaus “Of Persons and Peoples” – A Review of Gleanings: Reflections on Ruth 30 May 2019
"Gleanings: Reflections on Ruth," edited by Rabbi Dr. Stuart Halpern, delves into perspectives on the Book of Ruth from various angles, contemplating the int...
30 May 2019
Lehrhaus Between “Reid” and Learning: Behag on Sefirat Ha-Omer 27 May 2019
The article explores the teachings of Behag (Baal Halakhot Gedolot) on the counting of the Omer, challenging the common understanding as presented in later a...
27 May 2019
Lehrhaus Rebbe Shimon Opened 23 May 2019
On Lag ba-Omer, Jews commemorate the passing and celebrate the life of Rabbi Shimon bar Yohai, focusing on the bright side of death and the fullness of life,...
23 May 2019
Lehrhaus Good Flies Out of its Prison 20 May 2019
In the poem "Good Flies Out of its Prison" by Abe Mezrich, elements from the Book of Ruth are explored. It touches upon Moses being denied water by the Moabi...
20 May 2019
Lehrhaus Shylock: An Unlikely Jew Named Jacob 16 May 2019
Shakespeare's character Shylock in "The Merchant of Venice" has sparked scholarly debate about his identity and symbolism. Despite being perceived as a stere...
16 May 2019
Lehrhaus The Promise of Progressive Jewish Education 13 May 2019
The article discusses the implementation of progressive Jewish education at The Idea School in Tenafly, NJ, which integrates interdisciplinary, project-based...
13 May 2019
Lehrhaus Catching up to Israel: A Yom Ha’atzmaut Reflection on the Post-Pesah Parshah Gap 9 May 2019
The text explores a dilemma faced by a family moving to Israel before their son's bar mitzvah, leading to a halakhic query about which Torah portion the boy ...
9 May 2019