Daily Podcasts Video search
Lehrhaus Compartmentalization and Synthesis in Modern Orthodox Jewish Education 6 May 2019
The text discusses the challenges faced by Modern Orthodox Jewish education in maintaining a cohesive religious and secular identity among students. It highl...
6 May 2019
Lehrhaus Headlines: A Common Sense Haredi Approach 2 May 2019
"Headlines" is a popular Haredi podcast, launched in 2014, that delves into controversial and pressing issues affecting the Orthodox Jewish community by invi...
2 May 2019
Lehrhaus Loyal As A Dog: How to Read “Jewish Art” 29 Apr 2019
The text discusses the author's journey in studying Jewish illuminated manuscripts and the significance of animal symbolism in Jewish art. The author recount...
29 Apr 2019
Lehrhaus Rabbi Yehudah Ha-Levi’s Love Song on Jewish Self-Identification for the 7th day of Pesah 25 Apr 2019
Rabbi Yehudah Ha-Levi's poem "Yom Le-Yabasha" is a significant piece of medieval Hebrew poetry, particularly relevant for the seventh day of Pesah. This poet...
25 Apr 2019
Lehrhaus Song of the Sea: Making a Space for Joy and Sorrow 24 Apr 2019
In the essay "Song of the Sea: Making a Space for Joy and Sorrow" by Zach Truboff, the author reflects on his personal experience of loss and grief after his...
24 Apr 2019
Lehrhaus Contemporary Poetry and Mystical Intimacy  23 Apr 2019
Contemporary Jewish poet Yehoshua November explores the connection between poetry, mysticism, and intimacy, delving into the symbolism of The Song of Songs a...
23 Apr 2019
Lehrhaus Where is the Justice in the Tenth Plague? 18 Apr 2019
The text delves into the moral complexities surrounding the tenth plague in the story of the Exodus from Egypt. It questions the justice of God killing all E...
18 Apr 2019
Lehrhaus Book Review: Haroset: A Taste of Jewish History by Susan Weingarten 17 Apr 2019
Susan Weingarten's book "Haroset: A Taste of Jewish History" delves into the significance of haroset, a staple food of the Passover Seder, by exploring its h...
17 Apr 2019
Lehrhaus The Upside-Down Search for Hametz 15 Apr 2019
The article discusses a historical mistake in the illustration of Maharam Lublin's commentary on the search for hametz, a significant issue during the holida...
15 Apr 2019
Lehrhaus R. Eliezer Berkovits’ Faith and Freedom Passover Haggadah 15 Apr 2019
Rabbi Eliezer Berkovits, a prolific Modern Orthodox thinker, has recently been the focus of renewed attention with the Faith and Freedom Passover Haggadah co...
15 Apr 2019
Lehrhaus Mikra Bikkurim at the Seder: A View from Deuteronomy 15 Apr 2019
The text delves into the inclusion of mikra bikkurim, the farmers' declaration, in the Haggadah as the basis for discussing the Exodus miracles and the choic...
15 Apr 2019
Lehrhaus An Obligation of Sight: Depictions of Suffering in the Haggadah 11 Apr 2019
The text discusses the obligation to visually experience the story of the Exodus during Passover, emphasizing the use of illustrations in the Haggadah to hel...
11 Apr 2019
Lehrhaus Seeing Double: Themes in Judges, Chapter 3 8 Apr 2019
The Book of Judges features unconventional heroes and detailed battle scenes, with a recurring cycle of sin, oppression, divine intervention, and deliverance...
8 Apr 2019
Lehrhaus Born to Return 4 Apr 2019
Rabbinic doctrine suggests that each fetus is taught the entirety of the Torah while in the womb, only to forget it upon birth. This concept bears similarity...
4 Apr 2019
Lehrhaus Decision-Making on Matters of Halakhic Public Policy or Meta-Halakhic Issues: Some Tentative Thoughts 1 Apr 2019
In this essay, Nathaniel Helfgot explores the decision-making processes involved in matters of halakhic public policy and meta-Halakhah within the contempora...
1 Apr 2019
Lehrhaus When Satmar Censored the Hatam Sofer 28 Mar 2019
In the post-World War II period, Satmar Hasidim published the teachings of the Hatam Sofer with critical lines about the bein ha-shemashot period censored. T...
28 Mar 2019
Lehrhaus Hilkhot Nashim: A Cautious Revolution  24 Mar 2019
"Hilkhot Nashim" is a publication by the Jewish Orthodox Feminist Alliance (JOFA) that aims to dispel misconceptions about women's obligations in Jewish ritu...
24 Mar 2019
Lehrhaus Rahab, Jeremiah, and the Story of Purim 20 Mar 2019
The discussion in Megillah 14b about the eight prophets who descended from Rahab reveals a hidden message of hope and trust in God. These prophets, including...
20 Mar 2019
Lehrhaus Korban Asham: The Sacrifice for Sacrilege (and other Sins) 18 Mar 2019
In the text "Korban Asham: The Sacrifice for Sacrilege (and other Sins)" by Matt Lubin, the focus is on the Korban Asham (guilt offering) as described in the...
18 Mar 2019
Lehrhaus The Sacrifice of Obedience 14 Mar 2019
The discussion revolves around the Haftarah of Shabbat Zakhor, focusing on the tension between sacrifice and obedience as exemplified by King Shaul's actions...
14 Mar 2019
Lehrhaus Summer Chaplaincy as Modern Priesthood; a Theological Reflection 10 Mar 2019
The text reflects on the author's experience as a chaplain during a summer unit of Clinical Pastoral Education, drawing parallels between chaplaincy and prie...
10 Mar 2019
Lehrhaus Hasidim and Academics Debate a Rebbe’s Faith during the Holocaust (on Facebook, of all Places) 4 Mar 2019
The debate on social media between Hasidim and academics revolves around whether the revered Rabbi Kalonymus Kalmish Shapiro lost his faith during the Holoca...
4 Mar 2019
Lehrhaus Blackbirds 28 Feb 2019
In Zohar Atkins' poem "Blackbirds," the symbolism of blackbirds is used metaphorically to address issues of anti-blackbirdism and anti-Semitism, as well as t...
28 Feb 2019
Lehrhaus Jewish Justice and #MeToo 20 Feb 2019
The essay explores the concept of justice in rabbinic Judaism in light of the #MeToo movement, which has highlighted issues of sexual harassment and abuse. I...
20 Feb 2019
Lehrhaus If Your Wife Is Short, Bend Down and Hear Her Whisper: Rereading Tanur shel Akhnai 17 Feb 2019
In Miriam Gedwiser's essay about revisiting the story of the Oven of Akhnai in Jewish tradition, she explores how the narrative on Bava Metzia 59a-b offers a...
17 Feb 2019
Lehrhaus The Talmud’s Economic Behavior, and the Study of Behavioral Economics 14 Feb 2019
This article delves into the intersection of Talmudic literature on economic behavior and the study of behavioral economics, with a focus on cases from the B...
14 Feb 2019
Lehrhaus The Development of Neo-Hasidism: Echoes and Repercussions Part IV: Arthur Green and Conclusion 11 Feb 2019
Rabbi Arthur Green, a liberal theologian and scholar of Jewish mysticism, has played a significant role in the development of Neo-Hasidism. Influenced by thi...
11 Feb 2019
Lehrhaus Will we support the day school of tomorrow? 7 Feb 2019
The author discusses the potential future of Jewish education and questions the traditional model of Jewish day schools against a rapidly changing educationa...
7 Feb 2019
Lehrhaus Fed By the Waters of Controversy: R. Nahman of Bratslav on the Dynamics of Dispute 4 Feb 2019
Rabbi Nahman of Bratslav, a prominent figure in Hasidic Judaism, faced opposition throughout his life for his unique teachings and spiritual path. Born in 17...
4 Feb 2019
Lehrhaus Fed By the Waters of Controversy: R. Nahman of Bratslav on the Dynamics of Dispute 4 Feb 2019
Rabbi Nahman of Bratslav, a founder of Breslov Hasidism in the late 18th century, faced opposition and disputes due to his unique teachings throughout his li...
4 Feb 2019
Lehrhaus Shabbat Morning Youth Groups: Implementing Rav Moshe Feinstein’s Inclusion Imperative 31 Jan 2019
Rav Moshe Feinstein emphasized the obligation to educate children with special needs in Judaism, stating they should be included in certain mitzvot. He urged...
31 Jan 2019
Lehrhaus Vaccines, Hysteria, and Rabbinic Responsibility: A Plea from the Trenches 28 Jan 2019
The text discusses the current wave of anti-vaccine hysteria and its impact on various communities, including Orthodox Jews. It highlights key factors contri...
28 Jan 2019
Lehrhaus The Development of Neo-Hasidism: Echoes and Repercussions Part III: Shlomo Carlebach and Zalman Schachter-Shalomi 23 Jan 2019
Rabbi Shlomo Carlebach, a prominent figure in the development of Neo-Hasidism, was known for his music, storytelling, and teachings that aimed to renew conte...
23 Jan 2019
Lehrhaus Wearing a Smartwatch on Shabbat 20 Jan 2019
The discussion revolves around the permissibility of wearing a smartwatch on Shabbat, specifically focusing on the use of electricity and altering currents. ...
20 Jan 2019
Lehrhaus The Life and Death of Moses’ Staff 17 Jan 2019
Graham Phillips believed he had located Moses' grave containing the legendary staff in Petra, Jordan but faced obstacles in excavating it. Meanwhile, scholar...
17 Jan 2019
Lehrhaus Peshat and Beyond: The Emergence of A Reluctant Leader 13 Jan 2019
The article explores the evolution of Moses from a reluctant and hesitant figure to the leader of the Jewish People. It introduces the concept of Peshat and ...
13 Jan 2019
Lehrhaus The Lifespan of Hirschian Orthodoxy: On the 130th Yahrtzeit of Rabbi Samson Raphael Hirsch 10 Jan 2019
Rabbi Samson Raphael Hirsch's 130th Yahrtzeit provokes a reflection on the lifespan of his Torah im Derekh Eretz approach and its endurance. Hirsch's unique ...
10 Jan 2019
Lehrhaus Words Winged With Light 7 Jan 2019
Erez Biton, a blind Hebrew poet born to Moroccan-Jewish parents, has made significant contributions to Israeli literature, particularly within the Mizrahi co...
7 Jan 2019
Lehrhaus A Controversial Halakhic Case Against the State of Israel 3 Jan 2019
In "I Will Await Him" by Yirmiyahu Cohen, a thought-provoking case against the State of Israel from a Halakhic perspective is presented, advocating for anti-...
3 Jan 2019
Lehrhaus The Development of Neo-Hasidism: Echoes and Repercussions Part II: Abraham Joshua Heschel and Zelda Schneurson Mishkovsky 31 Dec 2018
In the article "The Development of Neo-Hasidism: Echoes and Repercussions Part II," Ariel Evan Mayse explores the impact of Rabbi Abraham Joshua Heschel (190...
31 Dec 2018
Lehrhaus When Rambam Met the Izhbitser Rebbe: Response to a Straussian Reading of Hilkhot Teshuvah 27 Dec 2018
In response to Leo Strauss's notion of authors writing on multiple levels, including an esoteric one, scholar Bezalel Safran applies this idea to Maimonides'...
27 Dec 2018
Lehrhaus Maimonidean Providence & Stoicism 24 Dec 2018
The article discusses the practical principles of Stoicism and their relation to Maimonides' exploration of providence and theodicy in the Guide for the Perp...
24 Dec 2018
Lehrhaus The Development of Neo-Hasidism: Echoes and Repercussions Part I: Introduction, Hillel Zeitlin, and Martin Buber 19 Dec 2018
Neo-Hasidism, rooted in the devotional and mystical renewal of Hasidism, seeks to inspire contemporary spiritual renaissance through infusing tradition with ...
19 Dec 2018
Lehrhaus Israel’s Light: A Response to Rabbi Meir Soloveichik 17 Dec 2018
Rafi Eis discusses the resurgence of nationalism worldwide and its relevance to Jews and Torah, focusing on Yoram Hazony's book "The Virtue of Nationalism" a...
17 Dec 2018
Lehrhaus The Downside of Digital Democratization: A Response to Zev Eleff 13 Dec 2018
Sarah Rudolph reflects on the democratization of Jewish learning in response to Zev Eleff's article. She highlights the benefits of accessibility to Jewish t...
13 Dec 2018
Lehrhaus Darkness Will Envelop Me: A Meditation on Hanukkah 10 Dec 2018
In "Darkness Will Envelop Me: A Meditation on Hanukkah," Devora Steinmetz explores the Talmudic story of Adam's fear as he experiences the changing seasons f...
10 Dec 2018
Lehrhaus The Hasmoneans as a Paradigm for Modern Jewish Sovereignty 6 Dec 2018
Rav Avraham Yitzchak Kook, in a responsum to Rabbi Shlomo Zalman Pines, justifies the establishment of Jewish militias, self-defense, and a sovereign Jewish ...
6 Dec 2018
Lehrhaus Where in my Apartment Should I Light my Hanukkah Lamps? 3 Dec 2018
The discussion on where to light Hanukkah lamps in an apartment traces back to the Talmud's instructions for homeowners but has grown complex for modern urba...
3 Dec 2018
Lehrhaus The Prophets Did Not Take Political Stands, and You Should Too 29 Nov 2018
The article discusses the misconception that biblical prophets took specific political stands, and argues that prophets like Moses were unique in their direc...
29 Nov 2018
Lehrhaus On the Other Hand: An Opposing View on Politics from the Pulpit 29 Nov 2018
Rabbis discussing politics in sermons is a topic of debate among scholars. Some argue that rabbis should approach political topics cautiously and humbly, spe...
29 Nov 2018